Today, the Mid -Autumn Festival and Teacher's Day were full ...

Author:Gansu released Time:2022.09.10

I hope people will last long

Thousands of miles together

This year's Mid -Autumn Festival

Hit with Teacher's Day

this means

This year's Mid -Autumn Festival and Teacher's Day

Appears on the same day

And this "coincidence"

There are only three times this century

It's rare

< < < g> Xiaobian query the astronomical calendar learned

In the middle of this century

Lunar Festival Mid -Autumn Festival

Hesuke Festival Teacher's Day

On the same day, respectively



And 2079

When "Haoyue" meets "teacher"

It's gratitude for reunion

Make this Mid -Autumn Festival warm

You still remember when you were in school

The teacher once said to you

Is it familiar?

Long press or scan the QR code

Answer the questions

Let you revisit the "happy" when going to school

Click on the flop together

Look at the classic mantra of the teachers of various subjects

Is there a teacher?

When we eat moon cakes to enjoy the moon

Don't forget to our teacher

Pass the blessings, love the teacher

Master like Mingyue, light up in the distance

Bless Mid -Autumn Festival Teacher's Day

Be happy!

Source: New Gansu Client

Edit: Zhang Jinmin Responsible: Zhu Wang School Review: Xu Minzhi

- END -

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