The National Art Academy's summer drama, arrangement!

Author:Cultural Tourism China Time:2022.07.21

In the hot summer, walking into a cool and refreshing theater, and enjoying a high -level art performance, it is undoubtedly the first choice for the summer and mind.

In the summer, what artists have arranged for the national artists to arrange for audiences? The reporter was informed that its repertoire can be described as wonderful.

"The old Han Fang Zhi Zhi Baijian, suffering from the end of the dirty and morality. Shousang re -narrates Tianlun music, and his affection is harmonious." On August 15th, the National Peking Theater transplanted and organized the Peking opera repertoire "Five Women's Worship" in Beijing will be in Beijing. Mei Lanfang Grand Theater premiere. The play is adapted and transplanted by the Yue drama of the same name, directed by the famous director Yang Xiaoqing, and starred by a group of outstanding young artists of the National Peking Theater. According to Zhang Yafeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Deputy Dean of the National Peking Theater, the play is a key drama for the theater to promote the growth of young talents. When the show premiered, the National Peking Theater Youth League will be officially listed. "The National Peking Theater Transplantation and Target the drama provides good creative opportunities for the establishment of the Youth League. The theater needs to cultivate more youth talents, and also hopes that they will carry the banner of inheritance and innovation." Zhang Yafeng said.

▲ "Sanwan, That Night" Performance scene at the scene of the National Palace of China

During the summer vacation, the three major dramas of the Chinese National Theater were staged one after another. From July 11th to 31st, the classic work drama "Four of the Four" went to Zibo in Shandong, Tangshan, Hebei, and Lianyungang, Jiangsu. The drama "Three Bays, That Night", which is highly praised by young audiences, will be unveiled from July 30th to 31st. The drama "Red Starting Point" launched on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China in 2021 will be on the stage of the Beijing National Theater theater from August 17th to 21st. The light of faith.

▲ "Sister Jiang" Performance Live Chinese Opera and Dance Theater at the show

The classic opera "Sister Jiang", the dance drama "Li Bai" and "Zhao Jun" of the Chinese Opera and Dance Theater have been performed in Beijing, Shaanxi, Zhejiang and other places. In order to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Comrade Mao Zedong's "Speech at the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium", the national opera "Sing Nanyi Bay" jointly planned by the Chinese Opera and Dance Theater and the Chinese Yan'an Lu Art Association will be in Beijing on July 31st. Poly Theater staged. The play is based on the large production campaign of the South Niwan Bay, which focuses on the story of Yan'an Luyi young students represented by Yu Yuqing and Wu Yehan. In difficult labor, they live in -depth work, learn from folk artists, communicate with the majority of cadres and soldiers, walk into their inner world, and learn their excellent quality. Under the guidance of the spirit of the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium, with the help of the 359th brigades represented by the political commissar of Luo Ping, they found the direction of literary and artistic creation. From a bright perspective, he created a large number of literary and artistic works that have been well received by the people, thus responding to Chairman Mao's call and completed the great transformation from "Xiaoluyi" to "Daluyi".

▲ "Only This Green and Green" Performance scene at the scene of China Oriental Performing Arts Group

From the appearance of "National Treasure" to the stunning circle at station B, from the Spring Festival Gala to the "Chinese Youth in the New Era" white paper, the dance poetry drama "The Palace Museum, China Oriental Performing Arts Group, and People's Daily Co., Ltd." "This green and green alone" is not just a stage art work, but a phenomenal cultural IP. This summer, "Only this green and green" will stop in Jiangxi, Tianjin, and Beijing to bring a vivid landscape scroll to the audience of the three places, dancing the landscape to depend on each other, and dancing the dignity, quietness and Ling of the motherland. It is reported that while the two rounds of this year, the relevant preparations of the "Only Green and Green" resident tourism performing arts version are also being launched. China Oriental Performing Arts Group and the well -known cultural tourism enterprise domain and the US Group will join hands. IP brings stronger vitality.

On August 11, the Chinese Symphony Orchestra will present the "Red Inheritance" -the Chinese Symphony Orchestra Concert in the National Theater Concert Hall. At the "Listening Classic" in the Beijing Concert Hall on August 18- "Golden Year Hua" symphony concert, the musicians of the Chinese Symphony Orchestra will perform Ericko Cohen under the inspirational stick of the commander Lin Daye Golder's "D Great Violin Concerto" and Rachmaninov "Third Symphony".

On July 15, the 11th Chinese Children's Drama Festival hosted by the Chinese Children's Art Theater opened in Beijing. The theme of this drama festival is "enjoying the healthy growth of drama". Through various forms such as offline performances, online exhibitions, and drama activities to meet the artistic needs of audiences at all ages. The drama festival also set up branch venues in Chengdu, Jiaxing, Changzhou, and Gu'an. It radiates the country with Beijing as the center, showing outstanding children's drama to audiences across the country, and experienced artistic charm. According to Feng Li, chairman of the organizing committee of theater and dean of the Chinese Children's Art Theater, this year's drama festival brings together 45 exhibitions of 25 children's drama groups in Chinese and foreign, and successively be offline in 20 cities in 13 provinces across the country. There were 134 performances of 31 dramas; 18 outstanding repertoires from home and abroad were held in the Chinese Children's Art Theater Kuaishou, Douyin, video number, and, Literary and Art Tourism China, Beijing Time, Beijing Literature and Art Broadcasting and other major platforms. Simultaneous public welfare exhibitions for free watch for children and adolescent audiences across the country.

▲ Lu Xu, the performance of "Turandot", is the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the Central Opera House this year. The new theater, which has been looking forward to the long -awaited generations, has also been opened in recent days. In this landmark of Beijing New Culture, the artist of the Central Opera House has successively staged a classic retention repertoire and various high -level concerts with the theme of "Promoting the Singing Times of the Yan'an Spirit". During the summer vacation, "Opera Treasure Concert", "Chinese opera chanting night -starting from Yan'an", the Central Opera House retains the repertoire "Tu Lun Dot", "Ligoro", the opera concert "Tang Yan" ... Central Song The artist of the theater will continue to perform wonderful performances for the audience on this stage of flying.

As a milestone in the history of Chinese ballet and the "Treasure of the Town Group" of the Central Ballet, the ballet "Red Lady Army" highlights the unique charm of the Chinese national ballet art, and integrates the essence of ballet with the Chinese style. The play is about Hainan Island in the 1930s. The girl -in -law Qionghua, who escaped from the Battlefall's Nanba Tianfu, has the help of the Red Army Party's representative Hong Changqing and his comrades. The deep rural girl has gradually transformed into the process of a firm revolutionary warrior. On August 1, the artist of the Central Ballet will staged the show at the National Theater, presenting holiday condolences to the most lovely people.

Slightly rainy, Xiaohe turned over. A gentle and melodious music that can be recorded in the memory interprets a fresh and rich summer. This summer, the Central National Orchestra launched the National Le Summer Camp. Among them, for the children's enlightenment parent -child class for children aged 2 to 3, let the children feel music in physical rhythm through the game, and establish a good parent -child relationship with parents; With rich curriculum content to help more children open the door of chorus art, experience the fun of collective singing, and gain the basic ability of chorus; children over 8 years old can also join the course of the ethnic orchestra. , To improve the ability of comprehensive performance, you can also communicate face to face with Master Minle in the lecture.

The book on the string rolls the heart, the scene is not flat. This summer, the China Coal Mine Literature Group opened a special performance season at the China Arts Museum and the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum. During this performance season called "Yihai Picking", the artist of the Chinese Coal Mine Literary Troupe and the Minfu Troupe showed the long -lasting vitality of the non -heritage in an innovative literary expression. , Extend the non -heritage display from the exhibition hall to the stage, through musical instrument performances, song art performances, twenty -four solar terms related poetry chanting and appreciation, folk songs and singing, artistic reproduction of non -heritage projects, allowing non -heritage projects to listen, watch, see, watch, watch It can be seen. After the performance on July 16th, the audience said: "Experience non -heritage in the play of playing, listening to non -heritage in the song and singing, it is incredible!"

"China Culture News" on July 21, 2022

The 5th version published a special report

"National Art Institute's Summer Drama, Arrangement! "

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ according to

Editor -in -chief: Chen Xiaoyue

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