Alashan Fire wishes all the students in the college entrance examination!Title of the Gold List!

Cold windows do decades Once the college entrance examination appraisal time ...

The first day of the stone lion college entrance examination is safe, smooth and orderly

On June 7, the unified enrollment examination for ordinary colleges and univ...

This year's college entrance examination in Guizhou, the results are expected to be announced i

The college entrance examination in Guizhou Province in 2022 is ongoing. Yesterda...

Heavy | 2022 National College Entrance Examination Title was announced

The 2022 college entrance examination has begun, and the Chinese subject exa...

Changqing District go all out to do a good job of college entrance examination in 2022

On the afternoon of June 6, Xiao Hui, the secretary of the District Party Committ...

In the first day of the college entrance examination, 635 candidates in Zhuo Ni County went to the e

On June 7, the 2022 college entrance examination opened the curtain, 635 can...

Antu County Leadership Research and Guidance College Entrance Examination

On the morning of June 7, Wang Jibao, Secretary of the Antu County Party Committe...

Want to take graduation photos in front of the school?This university moved the \"school gate

Awakening I found that there is an extra \school gate\ in the campus What i...

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