Parents must not be required to check and correct homework!This place releases a negative list of te

The Zhangzhou Education Bureau's notice of \Negative List of Professional...

Life is accompanied by tenderness

Until the college entrance examination for another year. With the eager expect...

Municipal leaders supervised and inspected the work of college entrance examinations to emphasize pr

On the first day of the college entrance examination on June 7, the deputy mayor Li Guoqiang led the team to go deep into the port area, Shanhaiguan District, and Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County.

On the first day of the college entrance examination, the test sites in Inner Mongolia opened smooth

On June 7, at the test site of the 29th Middle School in Hohhot City, the teac...

Shaanxi: Advertising for educational training during the college entrance examination

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau issued the \Noti...

Each test site is done and carefully guarantees

□ Reporter Han Xiao Press the \silent key\ at 7 am on June 7, participa...

On the first day of the college entrance examination, you go to the exam, I will escort

Each school sent the test vehicle to arrive in the test point Patrol spec...

The college entrance examination was successfully started in 2022!54126 students in Zhanjiang City p

On June 7, candidates entered the test room of the first middle school entranc...

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