Just news!Hefei 3 middle school stops enrollment

On June 20, the media ventilation meeting of compulsory education enrollment enrollment in compulsory education in Hefei City was held. In addition to changes in various district districts that parent

Look at it!5 provincial direct institutions recruit 62 people

2022 Jilin Provincial Direct InstitutionsPublic recruitment staff announcement (No...

Yaohai District Primary and Middle School School District is divided!

2022 Hefei CityCompulsory education school district division planout!Come!It's!Hur...

The latest application for the exam!Jilin candidates quickly watch!

2022 China Fire Fighting AcademyRecruiting young students in Jilin Province to enr...

excellent!These graduates of Sichuan universities are too powerful ~~

What you yearn is in frontWhat you firmly believes, there will be gainsThese stude...

The division of the primary and secondary school districts in the high -tech zone!

2022 Hefei CityCompulsory education school district division planout! Come! It's!H...

The division of the primary and secondary school districts of Baohe District!

2022 Hefei CityCompulsory education school district division planout! Come! It's!H...

The division of the primary and secondary school districts in Shushan District!

2022 Hefei CityCompulsory education school district division planout! Come! It's!H...

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