Zhang Jincai: Strive to develop new ideas of family education and improve the collaborative education system

Author:People's forum Time:2022.07.18

On January 1, 2022, after the official implementation of the "Family Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China", family education has risen from traditional family affairs to state affairs in the new era. This is the first time that my country has conducted special legislation on family education and gradually began to guide the whole society to guide the whole society. Pay attention to family, pay attention to family education, and pay attention to family style, so as to promote family happiness and social harmony. In the new era of bringing baby in accordance with the law, the socialist builders and successors who strive to cultivate the comprehensive development of morality, intellectual, physical and labor have become the top priority. Parents are the first teacher of the child. The family is the first class of the child. Family education plays a vital role in the road of children's growth. Based on family education is the basis of the modern education system, and the "family education of the People's Republic of China promotes the promotion of family education The Fa "sets up the distinctive value orientation of family education, and advocates that each family should establish the correct family education concept, the correct view of education and adult concept, and better care about the healthy growth of children.

In the implementation of the double reduction requirements of students' homework burden and off -campus training burden during the implementation of the compulsory education stage, strengthen the establishment of a collaborative education pattern, improve the family, school, government, and social cooperation system, and vigorously promote moral education, intellectual education, sports, aesthetic education, labor education Comprehensive integration, jointly promote the comprehensive improvement of the quality of education, the implementation of dual reduction policies, effectively reduce academic burden, improve their interest in learning, and create a social atmosphere of happy learning and a better life. In order to consolidate the effort of collaborative education, promote the same direction of various systems, and improve the coordinated education mechanism, you should actively spread the scientific family education concept, promote family education knowledge, and provide family education guidance. From ability to standards, family education gradually moves to professionalism and science.

There is a problem family behind each problem. The child has a problem with family education. There are serious problems in the current family education concept, educational goals, and education methods. Parents pay attention to their children's physical growth, ignore the child’s child’s body, ignore the child’s child’s Psychological growth; parents pay attention to their children's achievements and ignore their ideological morality. The expectations of the parents and the daughter of the daughter, Chengfeng, have caused the children's psychological pressure to be too large. As the single -parent family and the damaged family are increasing, they face the parents' departure or long -term absence. The lack of care, lack of warmth, more and more empty and lonely, easy to be stimulated by the outside world, and the psychology of rebellion is serious and easy to go to extremes. Now the younger aging of youth and the growth of depression cases. Facing small setbacks in life, they choose excessive sexual behaviors such as revenge, self -harm, and light life. In this context, parents' demand for family education is getting stronger and stronger, and at the same time Fully realize the importance and urgency of family, schools and social collaboration.

In the guarantee of the law, the guidance of family education should first improve the ability of parents' family education and improve the moral level of parents. The growth of children is an irreversible process. Some wrong philosophy and methods in family education will have the consequences of the child growth of children's growth. It has a certain impact. Can't despise the education of children. Each child is an independent individual. Parents should respect their children, guide their children to grow up healthy, and lead by example. Faced with difficulties and unsatisfactory life, we must face it with an optimistic attitude, pay attention to the beautiful side of things itself, are full of confidence in the future, hope for life, and live and learn happily. Having an optimistic and upward mentality, better care for the growth of minors.

In the development of the new era, the concept of family education must be deeply rooted in the hearts of the family. Family education guidance has a strong systematic and phased characteristics. Different problems occur at different stages, such as children's habits, and the ability of one or three to analyze specific problems. Similarly, parents must respect the differences of individuals, tolerate diversity, and educate their children to develop good ideas, behaviors and habits with correct thinking, methods and behaviors. Real happiness. The school is one of the important platforms for guiding family education. As a school, there is responsibility and obligations to provide appropriate guidance to family education, firmly grasp this important platform to strengthen the professionalism and scientific nature of family education, and gradually improve the collaborative breeding. Human system.

Schools should make full use of the views of modern education and literacy education, and comprehensively guide family education. Children learn various levels of knowledge from the school, society, parent -child relationships, and companions. Tolerant, praise children, listen to children, and give children rights, rather than parents' autocracy dictatorships make their children breathe unhappy. In family education guidance, leading parents can effectively solve the problems encountered in their children's actual life. No matter how difficult it is encountered, as long as it is subdivided to think, there will be a clue. In the face of what happened to the child, we must first clarify the cause, collect useful information, diagnose the source of the problem, analyze the countermeasures, make corresponding solutions, and implement the method. In this closed -loop management, timely face the problem Solution, control, and feedback to promote the continuous development of family education guidance. On the road of children's growth, there is no lack of absence, establishing examples, respecting each other, cooperating with support, growing up, and focusing on the values ​​of life.

In order to make the guidance of family education solid and effective, school education and family education need to form a joint force, and double -pronged approach can enjoy the effect of half -efforted effort. Therefore, actively explore the new model, new methods, and ideas of family education, and improve the implementation of the cooperative education system for parental schools. The most urgent task now. The special status and influence of family education cannot be ignored, and it plays a pivotal role in our large education system project. With the development of science and technology and the popularity of the Internet, the sharing of data sharing of family and school education is greatly helpful. Under the atmosphere of co -education between the two sides, joint cooperation can effectively complete the child's education work. Establish a complete school -level parent committee. Strengthen student management, promote the communication of home and school, improve the school management system, improve ideological awareness, and further promote the improvement of the quality of education and teaching in schools. Let the principals, director, teacher, and parent representatives of the school form a school -level parent committee. Parent representatives must love education, enthusiastically public welfare undertakings, understand education, and have a certain basis for education theoretical. Caring for schools, providing opinions on school work, rich family education experience, specific organizational coordination capabilities, starting from collective interests, courageous dedication. Through the parent committee, let parents enter the school, participate in the evaluation, participate in the discussion, understand the management of the school, let the school also understand the evaluation of parents and students, discover the problems of family education and social environment, strengthen the school, family, society Contact. Not only did it shorten the distance between schools and families, schools and society, but also made parents and schools consensus on collaborative education.

Standardize the management of various systems of parent school. Possess the purpose of the school -level committee's institutions to clearly standardize, allow parents to actively participate in the organization of the planning and teaching activities of each year, and regularly hold a meeting to discuss the coordination of family education, social education and school education. Standardize management systems such as education and teaching, daily management, expand the joint education and guidance of family schools, and conduct curriculum teaching in family schools in accordance with the needs of the school. In the teaching plan that parents participate in the formulation, let parents make their children's examples, trust children, appreciate children, and give a positive reply to their children's efforts and progress. The backing is concerned about the growth of children.

Encourage and pay attention to the development of family activities. Use a variety of forms to organize a variety of family activities. Through activities, communicate and communicate with children through activities, educate their children in a timely manner, encourage parents to tell their children love and care, reveal the inner feelings, let the children actively share their own, Feeling that the parent -child relationship is one step closer, the most important thing is that parents must also pay attention to the establishment of a harmonious family, creating a family human environment that allows their children to grow up healthy and healthy. Parents should teach in their own words and every life created in life. Details, let children bathe in a harmonious, civilized, healthy, and loose family atmosphere. The closer the relationship between family members, the more harmonious the parent -child relationship will be, and the socialist builders and successors who strive to cultivate the comprehensive development of morality, intellectual, physical and labor, and the children who have made children must be adults before they understand the talents and give full play to the role of family activities.

Establish a family school contact group. Pull everyone into the group, establish the parent group of the family schools of each class to ensure the timely communication between the school and the class teacher, the class teacher and parents, and use the information platform to carry out self -evaluation and mutual evaluation between students, teachers, and parents. Teachers can also keep in touch with parents through the form of home visits, electricity visits, and petitions, inform students 'situation in school, understand the dynamics of students' off -campus, effectively organize parents to watch expert lecture videos, actively develop comprehensive practical activities of students, and regularly organize parent meetings. Respect the individual differences of students, conduct effective interviews with parents, conduct targeted family education guidance. After discussions from the parent meeting, parents can understand their children's learning. Parents can also conduct more in -depth exchanges with their teachers. At the same time, teachers can better understand the children's habits and hobbies, better teaching according to their aptitude, allow the meeting to achieve the ideal results, and reflect the meaning of family schools to connect with the work group.

Organize parental training and hold lectures on family education. Strive to improve the education level of parents, popularize family education knowledge, spread the concept of family education, organize parents to participate in training, share family education experience, arrange experts to give home education lectures, let parents summarize their perceptions in time after watching lectures, and repeated learning of expert lectures after lectures. ,积极实践,提高家长教育孩子的整体水平,同时学校也要对特殊家庭加以指导,引导并帮助这些家长增强责任意识,维护家长和孩子之间的关系,及时了解孩子的思想动态,主动加强与The connection of the school creates good study and living habits for children. Let the children of special families get the care of the parent committee. In the selfless dedication of the parent committee, improve the ability and level of co -education, effectively improve the quality of collaborative education, and effectively promote the development of the education system.

Family education is an art. Parents must take virtue first, educate their children and adults, and also pay attention to learning, broaden their eyesight, pay attention to words and deeds, so that children are in the environment of family harmony and warmth.The leaders on the road fulfill their responsibilities.Therefore, governments and relevant education departments at all levels should plan for advanced consciousness, update the education concepts, change education thinking, and actively explore the practical path of school social social cooperative education in the context of the information era, further increase management efforts, and carefully explore.Strive to develop a new model of family education, and then stimulate the new kinetic energy of collaborative education, and shape a new form of education for the future.(Author: Zhang Jincai, a specially appointed professor of the Marxist College of Qinghai University)

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