Restart the written test of the provincial test of civil servants in many places to expand the scale of policy posts

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.06.15

Recently, many provinces restarted the written test of the 2022 civil servant recruitment test that had been suspended due to the epidemic. At present, it is the graduation season of college students. In many areas of this year, many regions have issued policies to clearly develop policy positions, and expand the scale of recruitment of civil servants, public institutions and other positions to college graduates.

Data Figure: 2022 "National Examination", the test site of bilingual experimental school in Jinan, Shandong. Photo by Sun Tingting, a reporter from China News Agency

Due to the delayed provincial test restart, many provinces clear the written test time

In February of this year, more than 20 provinces across the country issued the 2022 civil servant recruitment announcement. Most areas set the examination time in late March, but in March, the national epidemic sent more, and the written tests were delayed.

Recently, the situation of preventing and controlling the prevention and control of many places has improved. In the past few days, Anhui, Henan, Gansu, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hebei, Guizhou and other places have restarted the written tests recruited by civil servants. It will be held on the 10th.

Due to the adjustment of the written test time, many places have also announced that the retirement procedures for abandonment of candidates who cannot take the exam for some reason. For example, Anhui requires that the written test cannot take this written test for some reason, and can enter the registration system from 9:00 on June 15th to 17th on June 15th to 17:00.

Zhejiang also made it clear that if the number of applicants is insufficient due to the abandonment of candidates, it will be reduced or canceled as appropriate. The corresponding applicants who have been canceled in the recruitment plan will be renamed within 24 hours from receiving notifications. Those who have not changed their registration within the time limit are deemed to give up the report.

Data map: job seekers are looking for jobs at the venue. Photo by Wu Junjie, a reporter from China News Agency

Promote the employment of college students and expand the supply of policy in many places

This year, there are more than 10 million college graduates. In order to promote the employment of college graduates, many provinces have clearly expanded the development and supply of policy positions such as civil servants and public institutions.

On June 9, Wang Guangya, deputy director and spokesman of the Gansu Provincial Department of Education, introduced at the province's press conference that "2022, with the joint efforts of all units and departments, the province has developed a total of 37,000 policies and positions in our province. The rest, all planned to complete the recruitment work by the end of August. "

On the same day, the "Gan had a place to come" held by the Jiangxi Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department of the Human Resources and Social Security Department revealed that there will be no less than 40,000 policy positions in the development of various types of policies. %Requirement, the relevant recruitment work is completed by the end of August.

In May of this year, Jilin Province issued the "Several Measures on the Employment of Key Groups and other key groups such as college graduates such as active response to the epidemic." According to reports, this year Jilin Province's civil servants and public institutions recruited about 22,000 recruiters, an increase of 10%over last year.

Henan Province revealed that this year, the scale of recruitment of civil servants, public institutions and state -owned enterprises will be stabilized. Civil servants' recruitment plans will be no less than 7,500, public institutions recruit no less than 40,000, and state -owned enterprises recruit about 10,000.

"Policy positions or public institutions include party and government agencies, institutions, local state -owned enterprises, special post teachers, etc. This year, college graduates exceeded 10 million for the first time. It is a stability policy guarantee. "Zhu Lijia, a professor of the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration), analyzed.

Data Map: Consultation in front of the recruitment unit booth. Zhang Yazi Photo

Encourage policies to support college students at grassroots employment

As the experts say, in the recently released measures to promote the employment of college graduates in various places, many areas have launched encouragement policies to support college students from employment at the grassroots level.

In the recruitment of civil servants, in Henan's recruitment this year, there are 2163 plans to supplement the grassroots towns and towns, and measures to reduce their entry thresholds in the townships of poverty alleviation, unlimited professional conditions, adjustment of application age, and local household registration. Essence

In Henan's recruitment, 98%of the positions do not require grass -roots work experience, cancel various unreasonable restrictions, and provide more opportunities for applicants for fresh graduates of colleges and universities to help promote employment.

Zhejiang's civil servant recruitment this year launched 31 recruitment plans to explore the recruitment of local township civil servants in the 26 counties of the mountainous areas, and strive to solve the difficulties of recruiting and reserving people in remote areas.

On June 10, the 19th policy and measures of the employment of college graduates issued by Hebei made it clear that for college graduates who work in the hard and remote areas and counties below the county and county, the newly recruited as a civil servant, the probation period will directly expire according to the probation period of the probation period. The salary is determined.

"Civil servants' recruitment attaches importance to grassroots and fresh graduates is a significant trend in recent years. For candidates, civil servants recruit transparency, fairness, and are more scientific. Young college students enrich the grassroots teams and improve the overall quality. "Zheng Wenzhao, an expert in Huatu Education Research Institute.

Zhu Lijia also said that at present, whether it is rural rejuvenation or the upgrading of public services in urban communities, a large number of new knowledge, new ideas, and high -quality college students are urgently needed to supplement the grassroots positions. Modernization of grass -roots governance capabilities.

Sichuan Observation (Source: China News Network)

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