A university in Hangzhou came out with a "Mr. Zhang" self -compiled 50,000 words of lectur

Author:Hangzhou.com Time:2022.06.14

"Starting from one of the means of the financial regulation market, we first reviewed the different definitions of Curlene and Friedman ..." At present, the end of the tense period, the 109 of the School of Finance at Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics There was a lecture in the classroom. The lecturer is not a teacher, but Zhang Jiahang, a 2019 student at the school's college of the school, has about 30 students sitting on the stage.

Zhang Jiahang used weekend time to help classmates at the 2020 classmates review the "Finance" course and help students prepare for the final exam. The students kindly called him "Mr. Zhang".

My friend didn't understand him in class.

This is not the first time "Mr. Xiao Zhang" has given the schoolmate and a school girl. Last semester, he helped the 2019 classmates review the "Company Finance" course.

In order to go to "finance", "international finance" and "company financial management", three courses, Zhang Jiahang also wrote a total of 94 pages and 50,000 words of review lectures in this six months. During the final examination stage, his lectures became the most interactive interaction between the students of Zhejiang Financial College on social platforms.

Zhang Jiahang's review lectures not only have formula derivation, model derivation, knowledge system, financial phenomenon analysis and application examples, but also many original thinking questions to guide students to think independently, understand and use in -depth use. At the same time, he is also very concerned about financial hotspots related to financial affairs, such as Bitcoin, central bank digital currency, etc., integrating these hotspots into the exercises, and encouraging students to apply textbook knowledge to practice.

"When eating with friends, he said that some places did not understand in some places, so I explained it to him according to his own understanding. He immediately understood a lot. Later The feedback, so I gave everyone the idea of ​​lectures. "Zhang Jiahang said. He has a good grade such as" international finance "and" investment learning ". His grades can basically get high scores close to full. Therefore, he posted a QR code in the WeChat circle of friends and pulled the students who needed doubts into the group. After entering the group, his friends circle also pulled other students in need. Now there are 63 "class friends" in the group.

Zhang Jiahang's class model is mainly explained. Before class, he distributed self -preparation. After class recording and uploading heavy difficulties to explain videos so that students can timely consolidate and deepen their understanding, and also intimately record the online lessons for students who cannot attend.

It is easy to understand the knowledge points of the screenwriter's specialty.

"As an ordinary student, I really experienced the process of never understanding a knowledge to master. I know that some places will be confused as me, so I know how to talk about my classmates come to my classmates. It may be better to accept it. "Zhangjia Channel issued the difference between exchanges between students and teaches teachers. This is why he advocated that the mutual assistance of his peers as an important way to review at the end of the review.

"Company Finance" is the most challenging course in 2019. After learning about the needs of the students at the end of the tutoring, Zhang Jiahang prepared the lesson 2 weeks in advance, combined with his own review, studied more than 10 hours a day, and repeatedly studied the textbooks for more than 3 times. He also continued to strengthen the knowledge system through the supplement of external textbooks. It took another 2 days to build its logical system. In order to talk about "company finance", Zhang Jiahang practiced many times before formal lectures, and strived to design the best lecture process.

When facing level 2020 students, Zhang Jiahang adjusts the review method, reduce the difficulty of curriculum, and clarifies the "review class" goal: the short -term goal is to help students improve the efficiency of review, and the mid -term goal is to lead the logic system of sophomore students to sort out basic professional courses. To adapt to the in -depth study of junior major.

Zhang Jiahang has been the screenwriter of the "Aki -Teng Drama Society" of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics. He has the screenwriter foundation. He is good at telling more obscure knowledge in a more vivid and interesting and easy -to -understand way. This is the advantage of his lectures for everyone. "Xiao Zhang compared the financial market as the 'vegetable market', and compared the functions of the financial market as a funding pool '. Many abstract concepts have become easy to understand and clear. What impressed me is that When talking about the currency theory of Keynes and Friedman, in addition to introducing these two theories, we also shared the anecdotes of these two economists. Fresh and interesting people. If you smile together, you wo n’t be sleepy, and your knowledge points are more firm! "Said Shen Keqing, a 2019 classmate at Zhejiang Finance College.

"After finishing the class of Zhang Jiahang during the day, I went back to the bedroom to do the corresponding exercises in the dormitory at night. This model of" combination of lectures and practice "can give my learning results in time." Say.

Realize the teaching of teaching to experience another pleasure in learning

Each section of dry goods is full of careful preparation of Zhang Jiahang before class. The early review, finishing, and preparation work requires Zhang Jiahang's a lot of time and energy. "For students who have difficulties in learning this course, I have mastered the topics and summary I listed, and reducing the possibility of hanging subjects; for students who are willing to study in depth, refer to the framework I have sorted out, and may be inspired; For me, I can also systematically consolidate and sort out the entire subject to achieve 'teaching long'. I have two courses this semester and refer to the learning materials shared by others to review. You can get it alone in a short time in a short time. Instead of information, information that cannot be extracted, collective power can be done. "Zhang Jiahang admitted.

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