Our new era 丨 The most beautiful class is on the road -Homa primary and secondary school students start the summer research travel mode

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.07.14

"The paper has to come and finally feel shallow, and you must do it."

In July, Homa, flowers and flowers, picturesque.

After finishing the intense study life of the first semester, the primary and secondary school students in Huma County embarked on the "most beautiful classroom" in the summer -the road of studying.

In order to expand their horizons, enrich their knowledge, deepen their perception of nature and local culture, increase their experience in collective life, and enhance students' self -care, innovation ability and practical ability. They went to the local Kinshan Forest Farm research base to study, experience, and feel different classrooms.


Fire prevention


Visit the open new field of vision

Under the guidance of the interpreter, the door of the specimen hall was opened, and there were 388 specimens of animal and plant specimens explored by students, of which there were more than 30 types of plants in the country; 87 specimens of insect specimens, and there were citrus, phoenix butterflies and gold spots protected by the country. Board of beaks, polytailing phoenix butterflies, Chinese tiger wind butterflies, etc.

While listening to the introduction of the interpreter, the students also raised their own questions from time to time. After getting the answer one by one, the students gained real knowledge and smiled.

Cross through the promenade and come to the second venue, there are no holes here.

"There are hundreds of flowers and autumn in spring, and there are snow in summer and snow." The second venue "returns to the forest" is mainly based on the theme of forest trees. From the different changes of trees throughout the year, it shows the magical work of nature.

Experience get new feelings

Walk out of "Return to Lin's House" and come to a courtyard open space. The person in charge of the base and the classmates sit around and talk about the knowledge of fire in the forest area, the field of survival in the wild, and the historical story of the century -old Homa.

After the neat fireworks were placed, after the instructor demonstrated, the students scrambled to carry the fan to try to operate and experience the hardships of forest firefighters in the flames of Yanyan. After visiting the barracks, libraries, and gyms of firefighters, I have a deeper understanding of the daily life of forest firefighters. Usually wearing a helmet feels dull, not to mention that once there is a fire, the firefighters have the patience of the heat, and the students have expressed their admiration for this profession.

After a little rectification, the students climbed a mountaineering competition and visited the forest fire watching tower. Here is high and cloudy, a thousand miles. The students couldn't help admiring the vast forest treasures of the Daxing Anling, and opened their arms to feel the gifts of nature.

Then enter the long -awaited game experience session -tug of war. Feel the beauty of friendship and the power of unity in the balance of strength ...

Source: Lottery News

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