A college in Sichuan has a wedding major. Admissions teachers: The employment rate of employment in the last time is high

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.14

Jimu Journalist Xie Mao

A college in Chengdu, Sichuan recruits wedding services and management majors, has aroused netizens' curiosity. On July 13, the staff of the school told Jimu Journalists that the major has been opened in 2015, mainly to cultivate composite talents with many aspects such as planning and execution. According to school statistics, the last graduate graduates are big Some are engaged in wedding -related work.

Recently, some netizens saw a wedding service and management major in the School of Culture and Industry Vocational College of Culture and Industry. What do this major do?

The college's official WeChat public account introduced that wedding service and management majors are in the fields of wedding planning, wedding work design and production, and cultivate composite talents that master wedding culture, planning copywriting ... hosting skills and other theories and skills. After graduation, you can engage in wedding planning ... wedding celebration execution and other related work.

Wedding professional students hold activities (source: official WeChat of Sichuan Cultural Industry Vocational College))

On July 13, Mr. Zeng, who is responsible for the wedding service and management major of wedding services and management, introduced that the major has been opened in 2015. It is considered to be a specialty in the school. There are about 100 students in the session. Generally, there are more girls, and boys account for only 10%to 20%.

"Usually there are more people who register, we also need to control the places. This year's admission is over and the quota is full. Today, there are dozens of students and parents consulting the school." Teacher Zeng said that the major attracted the attraction of the major. One of the reasons for students is that the employment direction is clear, and the wedding industry is closely related to life. Students and parents are easy to understand. According to statistics, most of the previous graduates have engaged in the wedding industry related work.

Wedding professional students hold activities (source: official WeChat of Sichuan Cultural Industry Vocational College))

According to the 2019 report, the Sichuan Cultural Industry Vocational College of Cultural Industry Vocational College and the Sichuan Wedding Industry Association jointly created the "Sichuan Provincial College Student Wedding Double Innovation Base" to provide students with entrepreneurial support.

Wang Yiping, president of the Sichuan Wedding Industry Association, told Jimu Journalists that the wedding industry is involved in all aspects, with a wide range of work. Wedding majors can cultivate more professional talents and provide more professional services, which is conducive to the transformation and upgrading of the industry. "There are more factors for students to choose a job. We will provide opportunities for communication between relevant enterprises and students. In the end, we still need to consider students." Wang Yiping said.

Professional introduction (picture source: Screenshot of the official WeChat of Sichuan Cultural Industry Vocational College)

The reporter's search found that there are more than a dozen universities in China to open wedding services and management majors. For example, the official website of Wuhan Vocational College of Civil Affairs, the wedding service and management major held a "image design" competition, and the students played a model to show the youthful style. There is also a wedding dress in a college in Guangzhou to hold a wedding ceremony in a wedding dress. Some netizens call it "the most romantic major and the most married professional."

Past admission scores (picture source: screenshot of the official WeChat of Sichuan Cultural Industry Vocational College)

Teacher Zeng also said that some of them will be allowed to hold a "wedding" when they class in some curriculums. The students perform their duties and can better experience what they have learned.

"At this year's wedding major graduation ceremony, the students also stunned, and the male students put on a wedding dress to take pictures." Teacher Zeng said that all kinds of immersive experiences hope that students can experience the happiness of the wedding, so that they can just serve the real marriage. Newcomer.

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