Please see!"Ji Difangs" to serve the national strategy

Author:Jinan Newspaper Education Time:2022.07.13

The dialogue mechanism, research mechanism, technical and technical talent release mechanism, expo organizational mechanism and short video micro -film contest mechanism ... On July 12, the Yellow River Basin Industry and Education Alliance 2022 Summit Forum was successfully held at Jinan Vocational College, and officially released 5 items The operation mechanism of the alliance also marks the members of the Yellow River Basin Production and Education Alliance once again entered the deep water area of ​​exchange and cooperation.

With the new stage of high -quality development of school development into the high -quality development of quality and excellent and value -added, how can we integrate into the wave of the country's booming development with a more advanced attitude?

Facing the question of the times, the answer given by Jinan Vocational College is: closely focusing on the goal requirements of "walking in front and opening a new bureau", actively serving the major strategic needs of the country, comprehensively integrating into the overall situation of the development of Quancheng, opening a high -level and high -vocational college New journey of school construction, strive to compose a new chapter in the construction of a new era of serving the country and the provincial capital, and accelerate the advancement of world -class higher vocational colleges with "helping vocational charm, Qilu model, Chinese characteristics, and world level".

Take the lead in drafting 5 alliance operation mechanisms

Singing the new era of vocational education "Yellow River Chorus"

On May 21, 2021, the Yellow River Basin Industry and Education Alliance was officially established in Jinan. This is also the first education alliance established by the provincial interval of the Yellow River Basin. Essence The Jinan Vocational College is also identified as the units of the union of the alliance.

"The establishment of the Yellow River Basin Industry and Education Alliance marks the establishment of vocational education and industrial coordinated development mechanism along the nine provinces (districts) of the Yellow River Basin. It is of great significance for the in -depth cooperation of local school enterprises and comprehensively improving vocational education in the Yellow River Basin to serve the economic and social development capabilities. "Su Xuyong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jinan Vocational College of Vocational College.

After the establishment of the Yellow River Basin Industry and Education Alliance, how to better rely on the power of the alliance, to gather vocational education resources in various provinces (autonomous regions), sing the "Yellow River Zhangzhang" with the integration of production and teaching and resonance with the same frequency? Jinan Vocational College has conducted many exploration and practice Essence

"The vocational education must be endless. In addition to the" source living water 'of the policy', it also needs to continuously enhance the endogenous motivation of "holding the group heating ', build a platform, share resources, and seek development." Vocational education in the Huang Provincial District must be bigger, superior, and stronger in the major national strategy of the Yellow River. It must also adhere to collaborative thinking, promote target collaboration, mechanism synergy, and path collaboration.

Dare to break through, it is expected to break through; dare to try to be more active.

To this end, the Alliance Secretariat drafted a number of work operation mechanisms, and extensively solicited the opinions and suggestions of various member units, and received high praise and support from the alliance units.

Thanks to this, the five alliance operating mechanisms were officially released at the Summit Forum of the Yellow River Basin in 2022. The mechanism uses the government, industry, enterprises, and schools in the nine provinces (districts) of the Yellow River Basin as the main body of participation. The "four -in -one" collaborative research mechanism of the establishment of the project, the selection of the case, and the transformation of the results; the professional settings of the nine provinces (districts) vocational colleges of the Yellow River Basin and the regional industry to help the Sustainable Development of the Yellow River Basin regional economy; The educational industry full -chain display platform, vocational education resources all -factor docking platform, and the vocational education industry exhibition event jointly participated in the whole society to form a benign supply and demand docking mechanism.

"To be a new mission and achieve new actions, you need new ideas and guidelines, and also call for fresh practice exploration." Su Xuyong said that the alliance summit forum is to exchange experience, condense wisdom, build mechanisms, solve problems, and operate several work operations. The release of the mechanism will also be able to activate the vitality of the alliance development, better gather high -quality educational resources along the Huangjiu Province, cultivate more modern and high -skilled talents that meet the needs of high -quality development needs of the Yellow River Basin, and provide strong strong national strategies for serving the major national strategy of the Yellow River The support of talents and resources, explore new paths for high -quality development of vocational education, provide new solutions, and sing the "main theme of vocational education" in the new era of the Yellow River chorus.

Go abroad to serve the "Belt and Road"

We will build a world -class higher vocational college

"Teacher Sun, will it be good recently? If it wasn't for the epidemic, I really want to go to China to see it again." Seeing Ma Chang, a student of Mozambique Teachers Training Class, Ma Chang sent a greeting of WeChat. The deputy dean Sun Yufeng's heart was in warm current.

Serving the major strategic needs of the country, the hoof of Jinan Vocational College has stabilized, breeding a new harvest picture. Especially in terms of serving the “Belt and Road”, Jinan Vocational College has made many efforts. Earlier, at the commission of President Mozambique Newci to the school, 30 Mosanbick vocational education teachers conducted a five -month vocational ability training at the Jinan Vocational College. This training will continue in the future.

The best tribute to history is writing new history.

On December 1, 2021, the first overseas branch of Jinan Vocational College, the northern tour guide training center of Bali, was officially established. This has also become a new attempt to explore educational cooperation between ASEAN and Chinese colleges around the “Belt and Road” initiative, further enhance the international influence of the school.

Nowadays, around the service "Belt and Road", Jinan Vocational College actively helps build the "study abroad" brand construction, and has recruited more than 200 international students from 13 countries in Asia. "The school has also introduced the world's leading German dual -system education, and formed the 'local characteristics of Chinese vocational education talents on the basis of learning' German experience '." Jiang Xueyan, deputy dean of Jinan Vocational College, told reporters that in this this During the process, the school explored the "43221 Jinan model" that cultivated the growth of "big country craftsmen", the three parties, the three parties to discuss, the school -enterprise and the common consultation, and the one -view of the two committees. The education model was replicated and promoted by the German Federation of Industry and Commerce and cooperative companies to 16 countries including the United States, India, and Singapore. In the National Skills Development and Technical Innovation Competition, the school has won the first prize of the domestic competition. "

On this basis, Jinan Vocational College has also been selected as the advanced vocational education cooperation project of China-Germany; developed the "Electromechanical Integrated Technology Professional Teaching Standards (International)", and applied in the China-Zambia Vocational and Technical College to achieve internationalization of standard output.

"The college will fully implement the practical exploration of the deep integration of internationalization and localization, and make greater contributions to the economic development of Jinan City and the exploration of apprentices with Chinese characteristics." Su Xuyong said.

Fully integrate into the national development strategy

Applied professional system "grounding gas"

"Shock, shock!" This is the two academicians of Zhong Yixin and Han Liquan in the Chinese artificial intelligence industry. They came to Jinan Vocational College's training workshop to visit and investigate.

On March 27, 2021, "Zhong Yixin Academician Studio" officially settled in Jinan Vocational College, becoming the school with intelligence quality, intelligent energy, and effort to make emerging software and information technology services into a service regional economy and training technical skills. Important measures for talents and first -class high -level professional groups in China.

On March 14 this year, 86 students from 86 students from the School of Information Science and Engineering of Shandong University came to Jinan Vocational College's new generation of information technology and education integration training bases, and completed a 4 -day 5G full -network training graduation internship.

Do not let others "stuck neck", first have to "hold the waist".

Jinan Vocational College has always adhered to the concept of "talent to be talented", and the pulse of quasi -national development strategy and vocational education development is based on the foothold and development pole.

Adhering to the concept of "Wu and Giant", Jinan Vocational College brings together outstanding enterprises such as Inspur Group, Jinan Second Machine Tool Group, China Sinotruk Group, etc., forming a school with talent training, dual -teacher cultivation, and productive training. Enterprise cooperation model. The school also gives full play to the advantages of the two R & D centers of Shandong Province's new and old kinetic energy conversion intelligent manufacturing public training bases, Shandong Intelligent Manufacturing Engineering Technology R & D Center, and application electronic technology to provide technical support for the transformation and upgrading of the enterprise. At present, Jinan is in a period of strategic opportunities for the strategic and superposition of the three major countries. Jinan Vocational College actively serves the "Industrial Strong City" strategy of Jinan City, around the city's digital economy, biomedicine, trade logistics, and emerging service industry. "Earthquake" application -oriented professional system, integrates the layout of "electromechanical integrated technology" to lead professional groups, "emerging software and information technology services" characteristic group, "information and communication equipment manufacturing and application", "cultural and creative service" backbone professional group , "Modern Finance", "Smart Logistics", "Smart Tourism", "Automobile Smart Technology" basic support professional groups.

As the only representative of the vocational education community in the province, the Chinese and German Academy of Technology has been awarded the "Advanced Collective of the Construction of the Comprehensive Pilot Zone of the New and Old and Old Energy Conversion of Shandong Province", and was commended by the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government.

As the only higher vocational college selected into the national "Double High Plan" construction unit in Jinan, Jinan Vocational College will continue to serve the major national strategic needs of the country, comprehensively integrate into the overall development of Quancheng, and towards the construction of "vocational charm, Qilu models, Chinese characteristics, and characteristics of the construction. The world -class higher vocational college of the world is breaking forward, and it is constantly singing the "good voice" of Jinan vocational education on a higher stage. (Jinan Newspaper All -Media Reporter Shi Chunyong Correspondent Sakurai Song Jianyi)

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