Directly hit the college entrance examination | Classic Reading: Poems of Back to Towards the Model

Author:Chinese newspaper Time:2022.07.13

"Lu Cong is white tonight, the moon is the hometown of the hometown." Being able to go back to his hometown to walk and take a look, it is a strong desire to buried in his heart. Many of the travelers in ancient and modern times with a beautiful feeling, they wrote a large number of popular poems to return home. Today, when the population is still high, reading these home poems can resonate with people's emotions, cultivate people's sentiments, and stimulate people's aesthetic pleasure.

He Zhizhang's "Back to the Hometown": "The young and small leaves leave the boss back, and the village sounds have no change in hair. Children do not know each other, and laugh at the laughter." Two buns, children in their hometown mistakes him as foreign guests. Facing a familiar and unfamiliar environment, how can all this not make the poet hurt? Time is easy to pass, the world is vicissitudes, and the emotions between fingers are naturally expressed in simple language.

Song Zhi asked "Duhan River": "Breaking the Book of Lingwai, after the winter and spring, the spring is more timid, and you dare not ask people." The author degrades Lingnan and has not received any news from his family for a long time. On the one hand Miss family, on the other hand, always worry about the fate of the family. The more this worry, the stronger when he approached his hometown. He was worried that his long -term dream of reuniting with his family would be immediately crushed by ruthless reality. This poem truly portrayed the poet's excitement and contradictory psychology when he returned his hometown and was about to come home.

In May of the second year of Tang Suzong to Dede (AD 757), Du Fu just served as left to pick up the remains. In August, he was put back to the village of Qianzhou (now Fu County, Shaanxi Province) to visit his family. He wrote "Three Heads of Qiangcun" (one of the first): "Chi Yunxi, the ground is flat. The noise, the return of the guest is thousands of miles. My wife blames me, and the tears are shocked. It depicts all the touching scenes of the couple's reunion when they first arrived at home. In the bitterness and joy of the individual's "surviving accidents", they reflect the serious disaster caused by the Anshi Rebellion to the people. The poem reads to be touching and tears.

Zhou Mi "Night Return" in the Song Dynasty: "Night returns to the guests to lean on the line, cold phosphorus relying on fluorescence soil. The village shop is faint and slippery, and bamboo windows are obliquely drain." , Write the word "return". The first sentence directly points to the "late night", portraying the fatigue state of "returning guests". Subsequently, the poet rendered the desolation of the night with imagery such as "cold phosphorus", "fluorescent", "month", and showed the hard work of returning home with the difficulty of moving forward in Tianyu and mud. At the end, the touching picture of the "filling lamp" was still in the last night, and the whole poem was completed, forming a contrast with the previous difficulties and Qingqing, and the relatives of the relatives of the family came to the family.

Jin Daiyuan asked "Guest You": "Snowfield lanterns are lonely, and their eyes are returning. Children in the mountains should look at each other. On the bed, the path of returning home clearly in the bed, missing the children in the family, but he did not say that he was missing his children, but instead imagined how his child was missing himself, calculating his return period, and hoping that he would return Family. In this way, expressing your own affection is even more gentle and deep.

In June 1959, Mao Zedong returned to Shaoshan, Hunan, the long -term hometown of Hunan, who has been in a long time. The serfs, the black hands are high -suspended. In order to sacrifice the ambition, dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the new heaven. Watching the rice in the rice dumplings, the heroes all over the world. "This seven laws described Mao Zedong to return to 32 years The true feelings in the hometown, through the review of the history of the people's revolution of Shaoshan, and the depiction of the bumper harvest of the members of the people's commune through enthusiastic labor, praised the spirit of the revolutionary people's hardships, praising the style of the Chinese people's fighting land, and clearly reflected the reflection of the Chinese people's fighting. Mao Zedong Gao Yuan's ideological realm.

Author: Li Xuekai

Source: "Language News · Senior Grade Edition"

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