A letter from parents in the summer vacation, parents and friends, please check!

Author:President Kindergarten Service Time:2022.07.13

A letter to parents

Warm reminder

How to make children have a fulfilling holiday?

Dear parents and friends:


Thank you for your support and cooperation with our work! Summer vacation is coming. In order to allow children to have a happy and meaningful holiday, parents are requested to assist in the following work:

1. Reasonable arrangement time

Children have developed good habits in kindergartens. During the holidays, please try to arrange the children's life one day according to the kindergarten schedule, so as to get up, sleep, move, rest on time, and arrange some learning activities appropriately every day, such as reading books, painting, and handicrafts. Especially to ensure the child's nap time. Don't let your children watch TV too much and play computers to avoid affecting vision.

2. Cultivate children's self -care ability

Holidays are good opportunities to cultivate children's ability to take care of themselves. Parents should not include everything. They should let their children learn to do their own things, such as dressing, eating, etc., and helping parents to do some housework that can be done, such as dumping garbage, chopsticks, etc. Not only can you cultivate children's hands -on ability and self -care ability, but also help enhance the sense of family belonging and responsibility!

3. Help develop good habits

Good sanitation habits have benefited children for a lifetime. Go to bed early and get up early, strengthen physical exercise, guide children to exercise appropriately, enhance physical fitness, and improve the body's immunity. Good hygiene habits are also important. They can guide children to talk about hygiene, wash their hands, cut my nails, bathe and change clothes, and remind children not to rub their eyes with their hands.

Fourth, cultivate children's hobbies

Taking advantage of the summer vacation, parents can accompany their children to the bookstore, read books with their children, and learn some new skills according to the children's interests, such as admiring some art works, cutting window flowers with scissors, and understanding the simple operation of the computer. Take the initiative to explore and get a new experience in observation and imitation. And timely lead children to walk outdoors, provide the opportunity to contact nature with nature, and experience the beauty of nature. You can go to relatives and friends, go to the museums, science and technology museums, parks, and other places that are beneficial to the physical and mental growth of children. There are destinations to bring children to visit or visit, so that children can extensively contact society and enrich their knowledge.

Fifth, attach importance to child safety education

During the summer vacation, parents must pay special attention to the safety education of children to avoid irreparable losses due to negligence. Pay special attention to preventing children's drowning, do a good job of fire prevention and electrical prevention. When going out, pay attention to traffic safety and control the children within the scope of sight. Educate children not to walk with strangers and not eat food given by strangers. I believe that only with the care and care of parents can children grow better!

I wish the children a happy holiday! have fun!

*Discovery: Most of the text and pictures in this article are from the Internet. The editor of the Chief President Kindergarten Service Platform, because of the need for teaching and research to reprint or select articles, focuses on sharing excellent education concepts. The copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement, Please leave a message in the background to contact and delete.

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