[Looking back on Endetering Road] Drumming and helping to create a new situation of first -class undergraduate education

Author:Dalian University of Technolog Time:2022.07.12


General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "To run our universities in my country and run a world -class university, we must firmly grasp the core point of comprehensively improving talent training capabilities." Cultivating first -class talents is the core standard of connotative development in the new era of higher education in China. , Its foundation and core are first -class undergraduates.

Since the 13th Party Congress, the undergraduate teaching work of the Great Engineering Starting from the new era and new tasks, based on the new stage of development, implement the new development concept, take the cultivation of outstanding talents as its core goal, take the construction of a high -quality higher education system as the main line, and continues Deepen the reform of undergraduate teaching and connotation construction, comprehensively improve the quality of talent training, and build the cornerstone for fully promoting the new journey of first -class universities.

Based on the top -level design, all members discussed the condensed and condensed into a first -class undergraduate construction. At the beginning of 2019, the 16th undergraduate education teaching seminar at Dalian University of Technology focused on the major discussion of the talent training of the whole school by the first -class university construction, and introduced a series of policy documents such as "60 large workers". "Eight Plan". Further combined with the "eight reinforcements" emphasized by the 2020 version of the talent training plan, summarize the "August 8th Plan" of the first -class undergraduate construction, to clarify the school's full implementation of the fundamental tasks and construction plans of the first -class undergraduate. Relevant reform measures have been promoted by the Ministry of Education.

The implementation of Lide Shushu people, "ideological and political courses+curriculum ideological and political" construction nationwide leadership demonstration. The big work is the first ten pilot universities in the comprehensive reform of the Ministry of Education's "Three All -Education". The construction of the ideological and political curriculum group is supported by 6 thought and public compulsory courses, based on the "walking ideological and political" social practice courses, and the "four history" courses as a supplement to build "6+1+4" Dasi Political course system. In 2020, the undergraduate major of "Marxism theory" was added; the "new era of Marxism and Chinese characteristics" generally created a general course module, forming an organic connection between ideological and political curriculum and curriculum ideology; The classroom "teaching and the reform of the" hundred people and a hundred lectures "and the reform of policy courses.

In -depth implementation of the "Guiding Outline of Curriculum S thinkings and Politics Construction", the school actively builds the "five -in -one" and "four full coverage" curriculum ideological and political construction system. The teaching research base was approved by the first batch of national curriculum ideological and political teaching research demonstration centers (15 nationwide); the honor of multiple national curriculum ideological and political demonstration courses, teaching teachers and teams were harvested.

Comprehensive overall planning plans, the level of first -class professional construction has been significantly improved. The design paradigm of the “Three Rings, Four Chain and Five Mechanisms” of the “Three Rings, Four Chain and Five Mechanisms” is implemented, and fully implemented the “first -class professional” upgrading plan. The 74 majors were selected as the "Double Thousand Thousands Plan" of first -class undergraduate majors, accounting for 91.4%of the admissions majors. Among them, there are 57 national first -class professional construction points, accounting for more than 70%of the admissions majors. It has strongly supported the construction of first -class universities and first -class disciplines in schools, highlighting the strong development trend of schools for forming science and engineering, and the development of various disciplines. A new pattern of industrial development with regional multi -point support, multi -business, and diverse development. 26 majors have passed the national engineering education professional certification (evaluation), and the number is among the best in the country. The School of Economic Management realizes the Grand Slam in the International Business School, becoming the 106th business school in the world that has passed the three major business schools in the world.

Promote the classroom revolution, and the first -class curriculum reform and innovation are comprehensive and in -depth. The big engineering is led by the first -class curriculum "Double Wan Plan" to accelerate the reform and innovation of curriculum teaching. The first batch of national first -class courses was selected as the "Double Wan Plan", ranking 12th in the country. Among them, the number of online first -class courses ranked 7th in the country. 211 courses were selected as the first batch of first -class undergraduate courses in Liaoning Province. Run first in the province. The high -quality online curriculum group has been widely praised by learners from all levels across the country. Endial layout construction construction platforms, super-star gold class construction platforms, large workers-love courses SPOC platform, Grand Industry-Xueyue Cloud platform and other online teaching platforms have provided strong support for the normalized online teaching during the epidemic and post-epidemic era. Fully promote the construction of high -quality curriculum resources, 161 courses launch the national higher education smart education platform, 25 courses online education international platforms, 30 courses to learn a strong country platform, 42 courses on the Liaoning province across school study platform. Hu Yuting, deputy secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Dalian Municipal Party Committee, and Qiu Liaobo, a Liaoning Provincial Epidemic Prevention and Control and Supervision Team, and other provincial and municipal leaders who came to the school to inspect our school's online teaching work.

Relying on advantageous disciplines, high -level textbooks have achieved outstanding results. The great engineering strengthened the review of textbooks, strictly puts political and academic control, and strengthened the mechanism of "compulsory compulsory reviews" and "all selection must be trial". Complete the establishment of 60 new engineering and new science and sciences under the high -level talents such as academicians and teaching teachers. Two approved research and practical projects for emerging fields of the Ministry of Education. In the first National Teaching Materials Construction Award, the 15th award ranked 15th, and Professor Gao Zhanxian was advanced by the national textbook construction. Twenty undergraduate textbooks won the first Liaoning Provincial Teaching Material Construction Award, ranking first in Liaoning Province.

In cooperation between industry, university, research and education, breakthroughs have been made in the construction of the "top -notch innovative talent" base. Five disciplines were approved by the "Top Speed ​​Program 2.0" base, of which 4 of them were approved by the "strong base plan" major, which were identified as the national "British Talent Program University Training Base" by the Chinese Association of Science and Technology; The "Five Plan" of Featured Measures will be established to build a "one -type, two -system, and three -way" innovative talent training model, and the Ministry of Education's "Thorn Communication" reports it; Jointly build 22 -name education integration collaborative courses; selected for the first 22 pilot colleges of the first batch of pilot universities in public foreign language teaching reform of the Ministry of Education, and approved the first batch of international organization talent training and innovation practice projects, and young talents training projects of the Ministry of Education. The advantageous specialty has established a public reform curriculum system with "based on professional, doing one -sightedness, enhancement of two outside, and expanding three foreign", and cultivates young talents with international perspectives and global leadership. Accelerate the upgrading and reconstruction to achieve changes in the new arts and new liberal arts. The transformation and upgrading of the rejuvenation of the Northeast Old Industrial Base and the "three large articles" in the Liaoning structure adjustment needs to be adjusted. In the future, the China -US Joint College of Energy Technology and Machinery Category has added artificial intelligence, big data management and application, intelligent manufacturing engineering, intelligent construction, and fine chemical engineering majors. Focusing on the emerging majors and specialty clusters; the "High -end Civil Aircraft Design New Engineering Talent Class" with the China Commercial Flying has completed two enrollment; biological engineering and integrated circuits are selected into the Modern Industrial College of High -tech Zone in Liaoning Province. The first batch of 33 specialized demonstration software colleges; 22 national and 4 provincial -level new engineering and new science research and practical projects were approved, and the number ranked among the top nationwide.

Consolidating grass -roots organizations, first -class teaching teachers have achieved remarkable results. Through the "Implementation Plan for the Construction of Grassroots Teaching Organization in Dalian University of Technology", the vitality of grass -roots teaching organizations is stimulated and teaching connotation is deepened. The first batch of the first batch of virtual teaching and research rooms was approved by the Ministry of Education, ranking 9th in the country. Actively introduce a group of "national+provincial+school -level" multi -level teaching teachers. 6 new national "Ten Thousand Talents Program" teaching teachers, 24 outstanding teachers of Baosteel Education Award, 47 teaching teachers in Liaoning Province , "Xingliao British Cai" planning teaching teacher 3. Under the leadership of various teaching teachers and related teaching teams, the quality of undergraduate education and teaching in schools has been continuously improved.

Strengthen the integration of specialization and deepen the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education. The Great Workers take the "Thousands of Na Na" innovation and entrepreneurship training plan as an opportunity, and take the important competitions of innovation and entrepreneurship as a traction to continue to build a dual -innovation education brand. Based on the teaching concept of "special creation, combination of competition education", we will create more than 500 special courses of cross -disciplinary, cross -majors, academic colleges, across colleges, across research, and spatial space. With the "College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Plan" and high -level competitions at home and abroad as the carrier, students are encouraged to participate in the research of various scientific research bases and laboratories at all levels to improve the quality of innovation and entrepreneurial talents. In China's international "Internet+" college student innovation and entrepreneurship competition, a total of 4 gold awards have won the Gaozhu Circuit.

Promote the reform of evaluation and establish a "pursuit of excellence" quality and culture. In accordance with the requirements of the reform of education evaluation in the new era, continue to strengthen the construction of the "Three Complete" teaching quality guarantee systems that are comprehensive, the whole process, and the participation of all members, and implement the "five -in -one" normalization teaching evaluation system. Class and textbooks are evaluated and continuously improved. In 2017, the school successfully passed the review and evaluation of the undergraduate teaching work of the Ministry of Education. The expert group gives a high degree of evaluation: the school's discipline advantages are significant, the quality of talent training is first -class, the research on teaching reform has achieved outstanding results. It has established a talent training system with unique advantages and characteristics. He was selected as the deputy director and deputy secretary -general unit of the "National University Quality Guarantee Institution Alliance", served as the development unit of the undergraduate education teaching review and evaluation standards of the Ministry of Education, the chief unit of the China Engineering Education Professional Certification Conclusion Certification Commission, and a member of the China Engineering Education Academic Committee Units, high -quality completion of 33 undergraduate teaching review and evaluation of local colleges and universities in Liaoning Province, helping Liaoning universities in reform and development.

The implementation of teaching reforms, first -class results cultivate fruit. The major engineering supports hundreds of various types of teaching reform projects each year. Through the practice of teaching models, management models and training model reforms participating in all members, we will summarize and condense a series of high -quality teaching results. In the four -year national teaching achievement award selection, 9 schools won nine in 2018, ranking among the forefront of colleges and universities across the country. Since 2018, the school has won 124 teaching achievement awards in Liaoning Province, led 77 first prizes, and the total number of awards and first prizes has ranked first in various universities in Liaoning Province. The promotion and application of teaching results has a profound impact on the continuous promotion of the school's continuous promotion of connotative development and continuously improving the level of undergraduate teaching and the quality of talent training.

Building a first -class undergraduate, glorious mission, and great responsibility. The major engineering will continue to deepen teaching reform, make every effort to build first -class undergraduate education, take responsibility for mission, make good achievements, and make more tough efforts, better construction achievements, and contribute to the school's early realization of the construction goals of world -class universities.

News source: Dalian Polytechnic News Network

Edit: Ji Ying Ce

School pair: Yan Yiming Li Yixun

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