More than 20 students will be "day -to -night and night reading", and the first phase of farming and teaching and teaching opening of the School of Philosophy of Huazhong University

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.12

Jimu Journalist Li Bansong

Video editing Li Bansong

Correspondent Xu Min Zhang Ruoyu Zhao Lu

"Gu Laixian, got up and fed himself." On July 11, the School of Philosophy of Huazhong University of China held the first phase of farming and reading education and teaching bases jointly built with Qianyi Agriculture. 23 students gathered here, opened a week of farming and study, participated in labor projects such as waterfield labor, firewood, and helping kitchen during the day. Such a cultivation study is a labor education course of the School of Philosophy. It is a compulsory course. After the students are academic, they can take 2 credits.

On the morning of July 11, the opening ceremony began, and online and offline live broadcast. The classmates sat on the venue with straw felt. The opening ceremony kicked off with two professors of the School of Philosophy and Professor Li Yaonan, a Chinese philosophy expert, and Professor Zhang Tingguo, a Western philosophy expert.

Professor Li Yaonan briefly reviewed the historic ideas in Chinese philosophy, and shared the endless fun of farming, especially the unique taste of the farming. He pointed out that the life of modern cities has made us very strange to the real farming culture, and farming and reading education can be regarded as a "root -seeking" activity. He hopes that the classmates have no wisdom, and taste the deep meaning of Lao Tzu's "the nature of all things", and encourage everyone to encourage everyone between "one tea and one meal", combining the spirit of the times, traveling with the minds, and understanding the unity of heaven and people. And the true meaning of common.

Professor Zhang Tingguo said that the significance of farming and reading education lies in letting us talk to classics. Reading the classics in the cultivation can help everyone surpass the limitedness of individuals and let us connect with past stories.

At the launching ceremony, Yang Haibin, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Philosophy of the Central University of China, presented the school of Academician Zhang Yongchuan, the chairman of Qianyi Agricultural Li Ming Pan. Essence

Subsequently, the event entered the second item, and teachers and students held a row of farming and education. At the same time, students also learned Chinese characters such as "people" and "philosophy". They sat neatly in the study, and under the guidance of the teacher, they picked up the brush and wrote them one by one. "Calligraphy really made me calm down. Writing the words" human "and 'philosophy', I have new thinking about life and philosophy." Zhang Zhenyu, a professional in 2021 philosophy.

In the next week, 23 first -year undergraduates from the School of Philosophy of Huazhong University will carry out ancient and classic, classic and classic, certain challenging and entertaining in the daytime weeding, dust splitting firewood, fertilization and picking tofu, steamed bamboo tube rice, etc. Important labor items, recite philosophical works related to labor and agriculture at night, assist in watching and discussing related literary works, and truly experience "day -to -day reading" and "sunny and rainy reading."

Zhang Ruoyu, the teacher of the teachers of the School of Philosophy, introduced that the content of this cultivation course is rich and various. The relevant expert system has compiled the compilation of farming reading education reading materials. In addition to the classics of philosophy, the content also covers classical poetry, premium literature, aesthetics, Chinese and Western Chinese and Western, Chinese and Western Culture, ecological theory and other aspects.

Professor Dong Shangwen, Dean of the School of Philosophy of the Central University of China, said that actively carrying out education and education is an important measure to fully implement the party ’s education policy of the party in the new era and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council’ s “Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Labor Education in the New Era”.

He said that the School of Philosophy to carry out farming and study education, one is to help cultivate students' labor skills, establish a correct labor concept through labor experience and practice, temper the will of labor, and enhance the quality of labor; the second is to help students deeply integrate into the country into the country The rural revitalization strategy has established awareness and confidence in rural value in the new era. He hoped that his classmates would cherish the opportunity of farming, and must go to the ground to work, integrate the professional learning into labor, and strive to become a new era youth in the new era of comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical and labor.

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