Determine three people, Wuhan University informs cholera case details!

Author:Shanxi Evening News Time:2022.07.11

On July 11, Wuhan Wuchang District Health and Health Bureau reported:

There is a case of infectious diarrhea in Wuhan University. It is mainly vomiting and diarrhea, accompanied by low heat, and serotics condensation test is O139 positive. After reviewing the provincial and municipal third -level disease control centers, the serum science condensation test of this case is O139 positive, diagnosed with cholera, and the toxic gene is negative. Patients have been effectively diagnosed and treated, their condition has been controlled, and symptoms have disappeared. The Wuchang District Health and Health Bureau has organized professional institutions to conduct sampling, detection and tracking management of relevant personnel, and conduct temporary control management and disinfection disposal of related places. No new cases are found.


In response to social concerns,

Wuhan University according to the relevant situation of this case,

Answer the reporter.

Question: The Wuchang District Health and Health Bureau released a news that confirming that there is a cholera case in Wuhan University. What is the specific situation?

Answer: At 21:30 on July 9th, Wuhan District Disease Control notified Wuhan University to find a suspected cholera infection case. After verification, this case is a graduate student in Wuhan University, the Ministry of Housing and Engineering, and has a history of gastroenteritis. Heating, vomiting, and diarrhea appeared around 5:00 on July 8th. On July 8th, he went to Wuhan University Hospital for treatment. He was referred to the Central South Hospital of Wuhan University more than 3 times. At present, the student has been referred to the People's Hospital of Wuhan University according to relevant requirements.

According to feedback from the disease control department, the new crown virus nucleic acid testing is negative, and the Hubei Provincial Disease Control Center and the Wuhan Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reviewed the original. The serotics condensation test is O139 positive, diagnosed with cholera, and toxic power gene negative (cholera arc (cholera arc The pathogenic force of the bacteria is weak). It is currently effective diagnosis and treatment. The condition of the student is stable and the symptoms have disappeared.

As of 19:36 on July 10, the fast inspection was performed through 264 key groups and 259 points. The O1 and O139 group cholera was not detected, and no new cases were found.

Question: What emergency measures did Wuhan University take for this situation?

Answer: On the evening of July 9, after receiving the notification of the illness control center, the school attached great importance to it. Health and illness departments, do a good job of student treatment, environmental monitoring, sealing and controlling building students' living security, psychological assistance, etc.

1. Actively connected to the land

Starting from the evening of July 9, under the guidance of the District Health and Health Bureau and the district's illness and control department, the eight houses and laboratories where the students were located overnight. At the same time, the Wuchang District Party Committee and the district government set up a leading group of emergency disposal work, and the school established a special class of public health emergency response work. Relevant departments actively cooperated with the territory to do a good job of disposal.

2. Do a good job of inspection and environmental disposal of secret personnel and environmental disposal

On July 9, the student was determined that the students were close to 3 people (two roommates and one of the same food personnel), and they had transferred to the school's isolation point to be separated. From the evening of July 9th to the early morning of the 10th, the sampling work of 254 students, 3 centers, and 15 merchants from the eight houses of the Ministry of Engineering was completed. The relevant areas were temporarily closed and controlled. Relevant personnel were isolated as required and took preventive drugs. Organize specialized forces to fully do a good job of living security and psychological assistance to the controlling personnel. For the public areas, dormitories, bathrooms, and sewage pipelines of the Ministry of Engineering, the laboratory building where the student is located has carried out environmental sampling and endless disinfection after the control.

Aiming at the medical personnel and inspectors in Wuhan University Hospital on July 8th, conducting sampling of medical personnel and inspectors in Wuhan University, carried out the testing of cholera, and conducting testing and disinfection of related environments. Investigate the case of 19 diarrhea cases from July 1st to 10th, sample and conduct cholera test as required. Aiming at 6 points, restaurants, and small sales departments that have been dining on campus on July 5th to dine on the school on July 5 to carry out environmental sampling and ending disinfecting, relevant personnel should take preventive drugs and home observations.

3. Comprehensively open the mission of intestinal infectious diseases in summer

Wuhan University has carried out a series of health education for summer intestinal infectious diseases, for example: publish the "Reading Warm Tips on Strengthening the Prevention of Summer Infectious Diseases" on the homepage of the school to improve the personal protection awareness of teachers and students; invite medical experts to conduct special preaching preaching ; Through a variety of forms such as new media, teachers and students are reminded to do a good job in summer intestinal disease prevention; further patriotic health campaigns are carried out in the entire school.

Q: What is the current situation of Wuhan University?

Answer: cholera belongs to the digestive tract communication disease, and has always appeared in my country. According to the data released by the National Disease Control Bureau in April 2022, 5 cases of death reports in the nation's category A infectious disease cholera in 2021, without death cases. Modern medicine has mature treatment methods for cholera, which can be prevented, controllable, and cured. Summer is the high incidence of intestinal infectious diseases. Wuhan University has taken a series of preventive measures to protect teachers and students' good health.

At present, Wuhan University is in good order in all aspects, and the work is carried out normally. Thanks to the public and the majority of alumni for their concern for Wuhan University, and ask teachers and students not to panic, pay attention to personal hygiene, and monitor self -health.

These diseases are not so terrible

Infectious disease expert He Hongxuan said in an interview with the First Financial Reporter that the occurrence of cholera cases cannot be judged by the school's dormitory hygiene conditions.

According to CCTV, once infected with cholera, patients will experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and high fever. After the illness, oral salt supplement and antibiotics will gradually recover, but if the optimal treatment timing may die. The doctor reminded that cholera is mainly spread through food and water, and drinking water and food should be completely cooked and eaten. These 10 hot questions, the answer is here

What is cholera? Who is easy? The reporter found the answer on the official website of the China Disease Prevention and Control Center.

1. What is cholera?

The cholera is an acute intestinal infectious disease caused by the O1 group or O139 group cholera. It has the characteristics of urgency, rapid spread, and wide range. It is also one of the three infectious diseases of international quarantine.

According to the differences between the bacteria (O) antigen, cholera can be divided into more than 200 O serum groups, but only the O1 and O139 group cholera can cause cholera. O1 group cholera includes two biological types: classical biological types and Erto biological types. Both biological types are divided into three serum types: Inary, Ogawa, and Yandao (rare). O1 and O139 group choice can be divided into strains and non -strains.

2. What is the source of cholera infection?

Patients or fungi with a cholera are the source of cholera.

3. What are the symptoms after infection with cholera?

In most cases, infection only causes mild diarrhea or has no symptoms at all. Typical symptoms are strenuous painless water -like diarrhea, and severe diarrhea a day. After infection, if the treatment is not timely or inappropriate, it will cause severe dehydration and cause death.

4. Who is easy to infect cholera?

The crowd is generally susceptible, and the lack of stomach acid is particularly susceptible.

5. When is it easy to have cholera?

The popularity of cholera in my country is from March to November, and it is a popular peak from June to September.

6. What is the incubation and infection period of cholera?

The incubation period is several hours to 5 days, usually 2 to 3 days. Positive period is contagious, usually a few days after recovery. Occasionally, the infectious period of the carrier lasted for several months. Antibacterial drugs effective for cholera can shorten the infectious period.

7. How do I find myself infection with cholera?

There are diarrhea symptoms, especially severe painless water -like diarrhea. You should go to the hospital immediately and do the cultivation examination of cholera. Those who eat with cholera infected or close contact should also collect feces or anal wipes to determine whether the infection. In the choice area or recently, I have been to the cholera epidemic area and diarrhea occurs. You should go to the hospital in time and leave feces for cholera bacterial examination.

8. What should I do after infection with cholera?

The choice is very contagious. Once the infection is found, whether it is light or bacteria, it should be isolated. The symptoms of cholera disappear. After stopping antibacterial drugs, those who have not detected cholera can be separated for two consecutive days. After the infection of cholera, not receiving isolation treatment is an act that violates the "Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China". In addition, patients and bacteria should cooperate with the staff of the disease prevention and control center to do a good job of epidemiological survey, the sampling of close contact, and the family at home. Disinfection of the epidemic point.

9. How does cholera spread?

Choib can be transmitted by drinking or consumption of water or food that is contaminated by the water or food and contact patients, and the contaminated by the fungus, and the food contaminated by flies.

10. How does the public prevent cholera?

The way to prevent cholera is relatively simple. Mainly "take a good mouth" to prevent the disease from the mouth. Do "Five Want and Five" -

Fifth essence: You should wash your hands before meals. When you buy it back to the seafood, you need to cook it.

Fifth, do n’t drink it without cooking, do n’t take care of the unlicensed catering. Do n’t eat rotten food. Do n’t drink overeating. Do n’t touch it.

He Hongxuan said that under the circumstances of low medical conditions and living standards, category A infectious diseases such as cholera and plague did cause major disasters to society. However, with the improvement of the medical level of the whole society and the construction of the public health prevention and control system, these diseases are not so terrible.

At present, cholera and plague are the two only types of A infectious diseases that have been identified in my country. In fact, they have never disappeared. Just last month, Anhui Province reported a cholera case. In 2010 and 2016, Guangdong Province reported cholera cases. In July 2020, a herdsman in Wenxi, Inner Mongolia, was diagnosed with plagosus. But no one died in these epidemics.

In addition to cholera and plague, new types of coronary virus pneumonia, infectious atypical pneumonia, anthrax in anthrax, and human infection of highly pathogenic avian influenza B and other Class B infectious diseases are also managed according to class A infectious diseases. According to the "Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China", cases and rural areas must be reported to the local centers within two hours after discovering cases in cities and rural areas. There are strict compulsory enforcement standards for the isolation treatment of pathogen carriers, places for epidemic, and treatment of epidemic areas.

He Hongxuan said that in recent years, once a case of a category of C -type infectious diseases is found, the disease control system will be extinguished immediately, and the harm will be eliminated in the bud stage in time without causing mass infections and large -scale outbreaks. This is also my country's public health prevention and control and control The embodiment of continuous improvement.


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Source: Shanxi Evening News All -Media Comprehensive

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