Nanhua student "three goes to the countryside": pairing together to build a true feelings, together with the new chapter

Author:Nanhua University Time:2022.07.11

Recently, the "Party History Study and Education" Social Practice Group of the School of Resources and Environment and Safety Engineering of Nanhua University went to Xinhua Village, Heping Township, Zhuhui District, and opened a journey of "inheriting the red gene and helping rural rejuvenation".

Visit the revolutionary ancestors to relive the years

The practice team entered Xinhua Village, Heping Township, and visited Comrade Deng Yinxiu, an old party member of the 50 -year -old party. Comrade Deng Yinxiu and the Practice Team talked about his process of joining the party. In the conversation, Comrade Deng Yinxiu continued to mention "the Communist Party of China is good!" Is a real organization that is really profitable for the general public. In order to overthrow the three mountains of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucratic capitalism, they sacrificed countless revolutionary martyrs. They were for our happy life today and for all the people here today. We must always remember the glory of the revolutionary martyrs. sacrifice. At the end of the conversation, Comrade Deng Yinxiu said affectionately: "Thank you very much for the leadership of the Communist Party of China!"

Continue the red fire cultivation to cultivate patriotism

The members of the practical team also conducted love support in local primary schools. They pulled their hands with small hands, learned together, and made progress together. Through the form of micro -party classes and the preaching of the law, share the party history for children, sow the red seeds of red, and praise the party's glorious cause, which stimulates the students' national pride and patriotism.

In the "micro -party lesson" session, the children were sitting upright and listened to every small story of each party history. Some children said that they also wanted to be an excellent party member, and they must not be afraid of sacrifice, dare to struggle, and contribute to the country like the heroes in the story. After the "Micro Party Lesson", in order to allow more poor students to have books to read and learn, members of the Practice Group actively respond to the call of the country, supplement the knowledge of national aid policy for poor students and the knowledge of scholarships in Nanhua University, and issue publicity. Single, provide them with more education methods and opportunities.


The picture shows the members of the Practice Team to give students a "micro -party lesson"

Party building quotes and collar pairs co -construction

After the event, the members of the Practice Team conducted negotiation and discussion with the local party organization on the party organization of Xinhua Village, Heping Township, Zhuhui District. One -to -one "pairing assistance activity. In -depth understanding of the actual difficulties of the assistance objects in life, study, and psychology, inspire the enthusiasm of the assisted objects to study hard, broaden the vision of assistance, and guide them to work hard to move closer to the party organization.

During the event, Cao Wen, the secretary of the village committee, gave us a lot of hopes to our young people. Let us go into the grassroots level, improve the exercise, and encourage the new generation of the party and the country to take thought of the masses everywhere and around the masses. Through this activity, all party members have further strengthened their ideals and beliefs, refined the party spirit, clarified the direction of their efforts, and said that as a Communist Party member in the new era, they must listen to the party's call, carry the people, take the mission, take a good new era Long March Road. (Correspondent Zhuang Xiushan Wang Yiyun Qiu Xia Li Yue)


Members of the Practice Group Exchange with the Secretary of the Village Party Committee

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