The Education Department of Hebei Province is latest!

Author:Shijiazhuang Daily client Time:2022.06.14

The Hebei Provincial Department of Education issued the "Notice on Further Improve the Admissions System for the School Examination of the School of School" on June 9th. Further improve the enrollment system for school examinations in high school.

The Provincial Department of Education comprehensively regulates the school's enrollment behavior and clearly proposes: It is strictly forbidden to organize nine "prohibited" behaviors such as enrollment, exemption enrollment, over -plan enrollment, and cross -regional enrollment in any form.

Look at the details together:

High school school enrollment admission mode

Establish a high school enrollment mode based on high school schools based on junior high school academic examination results and comprehensive quality evaluation.

The cities explore the results of the comprehensive quality evaluation of junior high school students as one of the important basis for high school school enrollment, and promote the comprehensive development of students.

The high school school should formulate specific comprehensive quality evaluation results in accordance with their own school characteristics, and report to the society at least one year in advance after being approved by the competent education department.

Strengthen the management of school enrollment plans in high school

Continue to distribute public provincial -level demonstration high school enrollment quotas at a ratio of not less than 80%to junior high schools in the region. The distribution places are appropriately tilted towards rural junior high schools in the region to promote the balanced development of compulsory education. The city has established and improved the unified enrollment electronic platform of secondary vocational schools and ordinary high schools, and strictly standardized the recruitment time and procedures.

Strict management of general high school enrollment scope

Ordinary high schools are enrolled in territories, and counties (cities, districts) are public high schools in public high schools in the county (city, district) area. The district and municipal public high schools are in principle recruiting students within the urban area of ​​the city. The enrollment of the affiliated middle schools of colleges and universities is uniformly managed by the local educational administrative department of the local city. The Air Force Youth Aviation Class and Navy Youth Airlines, in accordance with relevant national regulations, enroll students within the province. Since 2024, private general high schools are enrolled in approval.

Further improve the policy of independent enrollment of ordinary high schools

The proportion of autonomous enrollment of ordinary high schools each year must be strictly controlled within 5%of the total number of general high school enrollment plans in this administrative area. The number of self -enrollment enrollment of relevant high schools generally does not exceed 5%of the total number of enrollment plans for the school, and is included in the management of the total enrollment plan of the school. Autonomous enrollment should be arranged after the scores of the junior high school level examination are announced.

Comprehensive standardized school enrollment behavior

It is strictly forbidden to organize enrollment, exemption enrollment, super -plan enrollment, illegal regional enrollment in any form;

It is strictly forbidden for ordinary high schools to use each other's name mixing enrollment and transfer to transfer after the enrollment;

It is strictly forbidden to involve public high schools participating in general high schools in general high schools to recruit students in the name of public high schools;

It is strictly forbidden to participate in the general high school enrollment of private high schools in the name of "assistance", "group running school" and "joint school";

It is strictly forbidden for ordinary high schools and social training institutions to jointly organize various examinations for the purpose of selecting students, or adopt the test results organized by social training institutions as the basis for enrollment;

Ordinary high schools are strictly forbidden to compete for the source of students by high material rewards, tuition fees, false publicity and other methods;

It is strictly forbidden to recruit students who have been admitted to secondary vocational schools;

It is strictly forbidden to recruit borrowing students, separation of people, and empty school status;

It is strictly forbidden to announce, propagate, and hype the "champion" and the rate of advancement.

Completely clean up the extra points project. Strictly control the extra points projects and their points, and maintain the bonus policy of the middle school entrance examination and the policy of the college entrance examination.

Source: Hebei Provincial Department of Education

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