Summer Science Popularization ② | "God Beast" Guide: How to play, how to learn, and how to get along with the baby?Three experts support

Author:Chuanguan News Time:2022.07.11

Xie Nachuan Guan Journalist Wei Feng

【Guests in this issue】

Chengdu City Investment Cirris Furong State School Primary School President Shi Xiaoxi (senior teacher in elementary school, has 23 years of elementary school moral education work experience)

Li Wei, deputy director and chief physician of Sichuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital (good at children's psychological behavior problems, disease diagnosis and treatment, etc.)

Zhang Hui, the attending physician of the Women's Health Department of Sichuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital (good at treating young people and adult psychological health related emotional problems or heart and body diseases, etc.)

"The summer vacation has been spent too long, and the fire is bigger than the sun outside. How to improve patience and lose less temper?" At the beginning of the summer vacation, Mr. Cao, a Chengdu citizen of Chengdu, who had a third -year elementary school student, was anxious about the next 2 months. Like Mr. Cao, many parents have a headache for their children's holiday plans, time management, and mode of getting along.

How to "cool down" for parents? Sichuan Guan reporters interviewed three principals and doctors, and three experts asked for recruitment.

How to play with your children during holidays

Reize with children to formulate the "Summer Holiday Family Play Convention"

In the summer vacation, Ms. Chen, a citizen of Chengdu, reported on the child's favorite Taekwondo and roller skating interest class, but recently saw other parents formulating a holiday improvement plan for the child to make the schedule full. Interest development is right? Should parents interfere? How to grasp the 'degree' of this intervention? "

From the perspective of the principal of the primary school of the primary school in Chengdu City, the president of the primary school of the school in Chengdu City, some parents are prone to two "extreme" situations in the summer: one is to treat the summer vacation as a holiday that can be fully played by children. Behind the mind, there will be an excess "assignment burden" before the start of school. After the child starts, the child may have "summer vacation syndrome", which will affect the study status of the next semester. The second situation is that the summer vacation is completely extended as a semester. The child's study plan arranged by the parents every day is very full. The child's physical and mental failure can be well adjusted. Naturally, it will also affect the learning status of the next semester.

In a mall bookstore in Chengdu, parents accompany their children to buy books in the bookstore. Photo by Xie Na

To avoid this kind of situation, Shi Xiaoxi recommends the holiday to allow children to develop reading habits and improve children's self -learning ability. For example, through a family round table meeting, and to discuss the formulation of the "Summer Vacation Family Play Convention" with children, the family collectively discusses and collectively decisions to form a one to form a one to form a one to form a one to form a one Planting written rules. In the process of use in the later period, pay attention to regular feedback, moderate optimization, the whole family complies and supervise together, and exercise the children's reasonable planning time.

Li Wei, deputy director and chief physician of the Sichuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, suggested that parents start with helping children to establish a good behavior habit, mainly including formulating plans, standardization of behavioral training, and exercise. Including learning plans, holiday plans, tutoring homework, etc.; Guide children to learn to formulate plans: decompose tasks into several main steps and steps, integrate each step into the timetable, guide children to learn to estimate the time to complete the task, help children Complete the task efficiently and complete the completion of regular inspections; the behavior adopts the correct release instructions and formulate rules for standards. Family members must pay attention to the understanding and implementation of the rules of the behavior; in terms of exercise , Taekwondo, cycling, fitness exercise, etc., promote children's brain dopamine secretion, improve the function and execution function of the front of the brain.

How to do holidays and children

Enhance children's emotional ability to avoid parents' "respectively" education model

The holidays have been with the child for too long. Ms. Zheng "couldn't hold back".

Li Wei "supports", to enhance the child's emotional ability, let the children learn to think and express emotions in differentiation, guide children to learn to appreciate the emotions and reactions of others, and actively evaluate and experience the emotions of others. For example, let the children play different roles In the form of speaking or writing, insights are "if I am a certain", "If I am a class teacher" and "if I am a parent". At the same time, enrich children's vocabulary about emotions and encourage children to express their emotions. Parents should pay attention to listening to their words carefully and learn to control emotions.

In the summer vacation, parents accompany their children to buy toys in a mall in Chengdu. Photo by Xie Na

Some parents said that their children stick to themselves from morning to night after their holidays. After accompanying the child, they have to go to work. The time is not enough than usual. At the same time, the emotions are easy to get out of control. Zhang Hui, the attending physician of the Women's Health Department of Sichuan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, suggested that both parents should be reasonably shared and replenished with each other, and played a reconciliation role in the relationship between the other party and the child to avoid the family education model of "their own array". Secondly, parents should often show positive emotions in their lives, care for others, be good at mediation, and give their children emotional warmth when getting along with their children. Body abuse, differentiated and strict discipline, etc., set a good example for children.

How to learn to teach children during the holidays

Choose a suitable learning environment to use alarm clock reminder method and reward effect

"Today's summer homework is more flexible, but as soon as she talks to the child, she will be" coming ". After a while, she must cut my pen and drink water for a while, but she can't calm down." Ms. Zheng talked about her daughter's holiday homework , Have a headache.

Shi Xiaoxi said that under the premise of reasonable allocation and learning time in the summer vacation, parents can do this when guiding their children to learn: First, choose the appropriate learning environment and atmosphere. Arrange fixed time, fixed places, and fixed personnel, and use these "prescribed actions" as much as possible to solidify their children's daily behaviors. Parents try not to watch TV during this period and even play mobile phones. The second is to use the biological clock and alarm clock reminder method. Combined with children's hobbies, formulating behavior biological clocks, such as 6-8 in the morning, people's minds are sober, memory is better, suitable for completing recitation homework; at 18-19 pm, you can choose to do mathematical questions. Shi Xiaoxi said that some parents would urge their children over and over again, but often the more urged, the slower the child does, and the worse the quality of the homework. This situation can be used to use the "alarm clock method" -the alarm clock before writing homework, so that the child has a sense of urgency like playing games, and completing the homework on time or even advance.

The third is to formulate the rules before learning and use the reward effect. If the learning tasks of the day or a week are decomposed and listed into a "task list". Each time the child is completed, it will hit a star number. It is clear at a glance to facilitate the completion of the child. Every time you complete the job, you can get a point point, the points point can be redeemed, such as watching 30 minutes TV, playing for 20 minutes, and going out for 1 hour, and other "privileges". Note that there must be time limit. You can also encourage children to save points and redeem the greater rewards, such as going to play in the amusement city once and buying favorite toys. If the child does not do it, a small penalty is required, such as canceling watching TV, playing games, etc. Shi Xiaoxi reminded: "Regardless of the reward or punishment, parents must execute them in a timely and firm manner to stand the child's" soft and hard bubbles'. "

【Extended Reading】

What can parents prepare for the first grade of children in elementary school?

In the next semester, some children will go to the first grade of elementary school. What do parents have to prepare this summer vacation?

Some presidents of the primary school of Chengdu City Investment Furong State School said that parents can guide their children to learn in the gaming and life situation, and subtly cultivate voice tones. Cultivate the basic ability of learning pinyin in daily life. Parents can guide their children to observe things and graphics, and guide them to observe in a certain order, that is, to observe first, then from top to bottom, from left to right, from outside to inside.

The focus of elementary school is "using the right method". At home in the summer, parents can play the advantages of the "Mr. Little" family classroom, allow children to fight at home to be a small teacher, adopt creative children's rhymes, ingenious cards, find spelling partners, pinyin treasure hunting games, etc., to stimulate pinyin learning interests. Complete the content in the situation.

The focus of the family lies in "parent -child interaction." In the summer vacation, parents often interact with their children. If you bring your child out, read the characters on the wall, shop, and billboards together, so that the learning and exploring the world will be carried out at the same time.

- END -

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