More than 20 provinces held the provincial examination of civil servants today

Author:Guizhou Daily Time:2022.07.09

Today, more than 20 provinces across the country will hold a written test recruited by civil servants in 2022. The provincial test recruitment of civil servants who had previously postponed due to the epidemic was restarted. This year's civil servants' recruitment policies are more obvious for fresh graduates and grass -roots positions.

Data map

Epidemic prevention: Provincial examination restart, strict examination of epidemic prevention in various places

In February of this year, more than 20 provinces across the country issued the 2022 civil servant recruitment announcement, but in March, the national epidemic was more distributed, and the written tests were delayed. With the improvement of the prevention and control of the epidemic in many places, in June, the written tests recruited by civil servants in various places will be restarted from July 9th to 10th.

The examination ushered in the restart, and the strict epidemic prevention requirements were still emphasized by localities. Most provinces required candidates to provide negative certificates for 48 hours before the test before entering the test site to take the examination.

Shaanxi and other provinces require that candidates who live in a 7 -day history of low -risk areas should take the exam. Two nucleic acid tests should be completed within 3 days. Henan and other provinces are clear. Except for the testing of the mask in time as required, the candidates should be in the entire exam. Wear a disposable medical surgical mask.

In Suzhou City, Anhui Province, which has a recent emergency epidemic, the 2022 examination of the 2022 examination of the 2022 examination of the civil servant Suzhou City position was extended.

At the same time, the candidates for Suzhou City to apply for the posts from outside Suzhou City have been conducted normally. Local requests, candidates who apply for positions in Suzhou City in Si County and Lingbi County are currently in the county's written test; , Lishan County and Xiaoxian, candidates who apply for positions in the province's Suzhou City, written in Suzhou City.

Expansion: Expansion in more places, there are more opportunities for freshmen

Judging from the scale of recruitment in various places, the scale of civil servants' recruitment in some regions has expanded compared with previous years. For example, in 2022, the Hubei Examination Civil Servant's plan to recruit 9,545 people, the most over the years.

In fact, since this year, we have revealed that it will expand the development and supply of policy positions such as civil servants and institutions. In May of this year, Jilin Province issued the "Several Measures on the Employment of Key Groups and other key groups such as college graduates such as active response to the epidemic." According to reports, this year Jilin Province's civil servants and public institutions recruited about 22,000 recruiters, an increase of 10%over last year.

From the perspective of the country, on the basis of continuously expanding the scale of college graduates in the past two years, in 2022, the central authorities and its direct institutions and local government officials at all levels recruited civil servants to further absorb college graduates. Fresh graduates increased by 09,000 over last year.

"From the scale observation of the recruitment of various places, the scale of 14 provinces has expanded compared with the previous year." Essence

Zheng Wenzhao said that in recent years, the recruitment of civil servants, public institutions, etc. have increased the recruitment of fresh graduates in colleges and universities. From the data from the national examination recruitment alone, in the recruitment plan, only the proportion of the fresh graduate recruits only recruitment plan From 39.17%in 2019 to 67.3%in 2022.

Professor Zhu Lijia, a professor of the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration), analyzed the reporter of China News Network that this year's college graduates exceeded 10 million, and the supply of policies such as civil servants, public institutions, teachers and other policy in various places, and employment markets, especially college students' employment It is a stability policy guarantee.

Post: Supplement grassroots positions, and the recruitment policy is more inclined

The tilt of the grass -roots positions is a significant trend of policy recruitment in recent years. In this year's recruitment, the number of recruits of grassroots departments in various places accounted for relatively high, and the recruitment policy further relaxed the conditions for the conditions for grassroots personnel to apply for the exam.

In Henan's recruitment this year, there are 2163 plans to supplement the grassroots towns and towns. The townships in poverty alleviation counties have appropriately reduced academic qualifications, do not restrict professional conditions, adjusted the age of applying for examinations, and for local household registration. Jilin arranged 1088 plans to specialize in civil servants of township organs to enrich the work force of township organs.

On June 10, the 19th policy and measures of the employment of college graduates issued by Hebei made it clear that for college graduates who work in the hard and remote areas and counties below the county and county, the newly recruited as a civil servant, the probation period will directly expire according to the probation period of the probation period.The salary is determined."At present, whether it is rural rejuvenation or the upgrading of public services in urban communities, a large number of new knowledge, new ideas, and high -quality college students must be added to the grassroots. Promoting college students to start a business at grassroots officers, this is not only the dimension of promoting employment.It is also the need for modernization of grassroots governance capabilities. "Zhu Lijia said.

Experts said that civil servants recruited the emphasis on grass -roots positions and fresh graduate groups. On the one hand, they helped fresh graduates to broaden their employment channels and provide more employment options. On the other hand, they also encouraged young talents to go to the grass -roots level, improve the quality of grassroots civil servants, and let civil servants allow civil servantsThe echelon is more perfect.

(Source: China News Network)

Edit: Yu Hui

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