National fiscal compulsory education expenses increased to 2.29 trillion yuan

Author:Yunqiannan Time:2022.07.08

The reporter recently learned from the Ministry of Education that there are currently 207,000 schools, 158 million students, and 10.57 million teachers in the compulsory education stage. The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to compulsory education, economic and social development planning, financial investment, and public resource allocation. From 2012 to 2021, fiscal compulsory education funds increased from 1.17 trillion yuan to 2.29 trillion yuan, accounting for the country The proportion of fiscal education funding has always remained above 50%.

——The fulfilling compulsory education is guaranteed.

From 2012 to 2021, the net enrollment rate of primary schools across the country increased from 99.85%to more than 99.9%, and the gross enrollment rate at the junior high school stages remained above 100%. During the compulsory education stage, the family members of poverty alleviation have been dynamically cleared. The long -term dropout problems have been solved historically. At the same time, the special education promotion plan is continuously implemented to effectively protect the equal acceptance of educational rights for children with disabilities, and the enrollment rate of compulsory education for children with disabilities of disabled is more than 95%. In 2021, a total of 920,000 special education students across the country, an increase of 541,000 and an increase of 142.8%over 2012.

——The funding guarantee mechanism is continuously improved.

From 2012 to 2021, the average primary school student expenditure increased from 7,447 yuan per student to 14,458 yuan per year, and the average expenditure expenditure of junior high school students increased from 10,218 yuan per student to 20,717 yuan per year. "Two exemptions and one supplement" (exempt from academic fees and provide textbooks for free, and issue living subsidies for students with economic difficulties) to achieve full coverage of urban and rural students. Students of family economic difficulties should basically help, and the nutritional improvement plans to benefit 37 million rural students each year.

At the same time, adhere to the shortcomings and bottom lines, and implement major projects such as "comprehensively improving the basic school conditions of compulsory education in poor areas of compulsory education in poor areas". The problem of weakness and town crowded "reduces the gap between the conditions for running schools in urban and rural schools.

——The quality of teachers has improved significantly.

In the past 10 years, the total number of teachers of compulsory education has increased from 9.09 million to 10.57 million, an increase of 1.48 million, and the proportion of teachers with bachelor degree or above has increased from 47.6%to 77.7%. Improve the replenishment mechanism of teachers, and replenish a large number of high -quality teachers in rural areas in the central and western regions through various channels. Establish a system of teacher exchange rotation system and promote the flow of outstanding backbone teachers towards rural and weak schools. To strengthen the training of capacity and quality, the "National Training Plan" has accumulated more than 17 million presidents and teachers.

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