Parents pay attention!Children's kitchenware sales are hot!Before buying, you must figure out t

Author:Jiangsu News Time:2022.06.13

Starting this fall semester

Labor class will officially become

A independent course in primary and secondary schools

Course content includes ten "task groups"

One of them is "cooking and nutrition"

Reporter recently noticed

There is a kind of product labeled as children's kitchen utensils hot

Some of them are not just toys as simple

Merchant propaganda can really cook

Looks quite like that

But food experts remind parents

The hidden safety hazards cannot be ignored

The reporter searched on the e -commerce platform with "children's kitchenware" as the keyword, and there were tens of thousands of related products. In addition to the plastic simulation kitchenware played by everyone who is familiar with each other, there are some children's kitchen utensils called "real cooking".

Most of them are used in power, including non -stick pots, silicone shovels, induction cookers, rice cookers, etc., and even accessories such as oil bottles, kitchen knives, colanders, cutting boards, eggs, and other accessories, like "mini kitchen".

The average price of these children's kitchen utensils is about 100 yuan, and the monthly sales of many online stores are several thousand.

The reporter visited the offline market and found that the sales of such products are also very good.

The owner of a toy store told reporters that because the size of such kitchenware is just suitable for children, it is easy to stimulate their interest and try to cook by themselves.

Although the boss has repeatedly emphasized that these children's kitchenware is produced by regular manufacturers, and the quality is no problem, but the person in charge of the Jiangsu Provincial Preparation Infant Products Association told reporters that my country has not yet had a unified standard for "children's kitchenware". The standard of children's toys still has certain hidden dangers in terms of consumption safety.

Zhao Jing, Executive Vice President and Secretary -General of the Jiangsu Pregnancy Baby Products Association

We communicated with many sellers on the Internet and found that all of our quality inspection reports are in accordance with the standards of children's toys. However, many standards of toys are not imported, and the standards of all kitchenware must be imported. Nowadays, children do not have kitchenware standards. Many manufacturers are said to be children's kitchen utensils in order to cater to the new curriculum standards of primary and secondary schools. This is actually a kind of induction. After inducing children to buy home, they can cook by themselves, and parents must polish their eyes.

The reporter noticed that many businesses will emphasize that stainless steel used in products is edible. However, stainless steel is not enough to eat, and it is also critical to whether the other accessories of the product are resistant to high.

There are buyers on the Internet that the stainless steel is rusty, and there is a plastic smell. The furnace is open to smoke and feels like a thread burning flavor.

Zhou Tao, an associate professor at the School of Food and Pharmaceutical Engineering in Nanjing Normal University, said that this may be caused by some material temperature resistance.

In addition, some buyers have reported that some children's kitchen utensils do not work, and it will not be hot for half a day, which will also bring hidden safety hazards. Some foods such as meat products must be heated at high temperature. If the temperature cannot be reached, bacteria cannot be killed.

The person in charge of the Jiangsu Pregnancy and Infant Products Association told reporters that they are currently communicating with the quality inspection department and hoping to formulate relevant standards for children's kitchen utensils as soon as possible. Before the standards are officially introduced, parents are better to buy or use.

Zhao Jing, Executive Vice President and Secretary -General of the Jiangsu Pregnancy Baby Products Association

Parents must ask for quality inspection reports and 3C certifications when purchasing.

Will you buy such kitchenware for your children?

Jiangsu Radio and Television Rong Media News Center reporter/Qian Jinjin Yang Rong

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