A large wave of Tibet recruitment information such as railway, PetroChina, Terminal, and Hospital is here

Author:Main News in Tibet Time:2022.07.08

China Railway Qinghai -Tibet Group Co., Ltd.

Announcement of public recruitment of general college graduates in 2022

According to the needs of enterprise operation and development, China Railway Qinghai -Tibet Group Co., Ltd. intends to publicly recruit graduates of college (higher vocational education) or above in general colleges and universities. The specific issues are as follows:

1. Recruitment plan

Recruitment position and quantity

▲ Scan the QR code to view "China Railway Qinghai -Tibet Group Co., Ltd. 2022 public recruitment of information forms of ordinary college graduates"

2. Application Conditions

(1) Comply with the discipline and law of law, righteousness, and love the railway cause.

(2) Integrated from the National Admissions Plan, graduate students with dispatch qualifications, colleges and universities (vocational colleges) of full -time general colleges and universities, and undergraduate graduates (including the retribution students who have been certified by the Ministry of Education and are qualified to dispatch). The recruitment is mainly based on graduates in 2022. During the career selection period, graduates who have disqualified from employment are compared with fresh graduates to participate in the application.

(3) Academic qualifications (degrees) and professional conditions that meet the requirements of recruitment positions.

(4) Physical and mental health, colorless blindness, weakness, and physical conditions with normal performance of job responsibilities, which meet the general standards for medical examinations for civil servants and professional health inspection specifications for the railway industry.

(5) Obief of the group company's arrangements and adjustments to the position can adapt to the group company's inner plateau climate and difficult areas along the line, long -term night shifts, and rotation work environment.

(6) The source of the job under the same conditions is preferred.

3. Time arrangement of recruitment process

(1) Registration online

This recruitment adopts an online registration method. Each candidate is limited to one post. Candidates log in to the Northwest Talent Network (www.xbrc.com.cn) to fill out the registration information truthfully. Registration time: July 4, 2022 to July 10. Registration according to the following procedures:

1. Submit registration.

Please read the recruitment announcement carefully before signing up, log in to the Northwest Talent Network (www.xbrc.com.cn) at the prescribed time, and click "China Railway Qinghai -Tibet Group Co., Ltd. to publicly recruit ordinary college graduates in 2022 (3) column" column "column" —— "I want to sign up" button, register to log in to the account (this account is an important basis for applicants to register, online payment, query results, etc., please keep it properly). After logging in, read the registration notice carefully, sign the "Candidates' Integrity Promise", fill in the registration information one by one, and upload the attachment (ensure that the image is clearly identified, the information is complete and accurate), and wait for the preliminary qualification review after submission. The deadline for submitting registration and uploading accessories is at 18:00 on July 10, 2022.

The attachments that applicants need to upload are as follows:

(1) I have a valid resident ID card and graduation certificate scan (undergraduate and above provides degree scanning parts at the same time. In 2022 graduates, they will not provide the graduation certificate and degree certificate for the time being for the time being);

(2) Online verification report of the Ministry of Education (log in to China Xuexin.com www.chsi.com.cn, generate according to prompts);

2. Qualification for preliminary review.

According to the recruitment conditions, the online qualifications are conducted, and the list of shortlists is determined in conjunction with the candidates' educational forms, education levels, the majors they have learned, and graduation time. 22040-22043 If the number of postgraduate recruitment positions is less than 1: 3, the number of applicants will be adjusted to the undergraduate recruitment plan. If the number of valid applicants in other positions shall be less than 1: 3, the number of job recruitment will be reduced according to the number of applicants.

Candidates shall log in to the registration system after 24 hours of application for submission to the registration system. After the registration application passed the qualification preliminary examination, the applicants are requested to choose the application for appraisal for the job recruitment conditions. The registration information submitted by the applicants must be true, accurate, and effective, and meets the conditions for application for the examination, otherwise all the consequences will be borne by themselves.

3. Pay the fees.

For those who pass the preliminary examination, you can log in to the registration system to pay the test fee of 150 yuan (the examination fee is charged by the examination service commission). The deadline for payment is: 12:00 on July 12, 2022.

(2) Written test

The recruitment takes online and written tests. The specific online examination time and examination requirements are subject to the registration website notification. Candidates shall pass the Northwest Personal Network to check the written test results.

(3) Interview

After the written test score was announced, according to the number of recruiters in each position and the number of interviewers participating in the post 1: 2, according to the order of written test results from high to low scores, the list of personnel who participated in the interviews each position. If the candidates in the same position are tied at the end of the written test score, they will participate in the interview. The personnel who pass the written test will participate in online interviews as required. The interview time and interview requirements shall be subject to the registration website notification. Candidates are requested to pay close attention to the Northwest Talent Network and its WeChat public account.

(4) Qualification review

The list of qualified reviewers will be determined according to the overall scores (40 % of the written test assessment, and the interview assessment accounts for 60 %). Those who have the same comprehensive results shall be shortlisted with high written test scores. Mainly reviewing the registration form, ID card, graduation certificate (2022 graduates must obtain a graduation certificate before the qualification review, the bachelor's degree provides a degree certificate at the same time), the online verification report of the student status (undergraduate and above the degree provides a degree at the same time, providing a degree at the same time, providing a degree at the same time, providing a degree at the same time, providing a degree at the same time. Verification reports), employment agreement (registration certificate) and other information. If the information is incomplete or the data review is not qualified, the ranking of the same position will be replenished in order. (5) Health physical examination

The qualification review has participated in the health checkup. The medical examination costs are taken care of by the candidates. The medical examination is implemented in accordance with the general standards for the medical examination of the national civil servant and the professional health inspection specifications of the railway industry. Those with unqualified medical examinations will not be hired.

(6) Public recruitment

The qualified personnel of the medical examination are determined to be a proposed employer to publicize on the China Railway Talent Recruitment Network.

Fourth, other matters

(1) The recruitment of China Railway Qinghai -Tibet Group Co., Ltd. commissioned Gansu Human Resources Service Co., Ltd. to organize and implement it. Only the applicants are registered online, and they do not accept the registration, door, telephone, fax and other methods.

(2) Please inquire on the Northwest Talent Network in each link. Those who have not entered the next link during the recruitment process will no longer be notified. Those who do not check the results of notifications, do not pay, do not take the examination assessment, and do not go through the relevant procedures are deemed to be automatically given up.

(3) This exam is an online examination. Candidates need to prepare desktop computers or laptops, video collection equipment, network speed Internet speeds, and quiet and suitable test spaces that meet the test requirements before the exam.

(4) Qualification review runs through the entire process of recruitment. Anyone who falsifies all fakes will be checked and eligible for the cancellation of written tests, interviews and hiring.

(5) During the recruitment process, except for the entrance examination fees charged by the entrusting agency, no other fee is charged to the applicants, and no form of counseling training courses will be held without holding or entrusted any institution. Be wary, beware of being deceived.

(6) Candidates should pay close attention to and strictly abide by the latest requirements for preventing and control of the epidemic prevention and control and traffic travel regulations in the residence and Xining City. Before the exam, you must not participate in clustering activities to ensure good physical condition during the exam. In the case of changes in the risk of the epidemic, if the recruitment work adjusts or delayed, it will issue a notice on the Northwest Talent Network in a timely manner. Candidates are requested to pay attention at any time.

(7) China Railway Qinghai -Tibet Group Co., Ltd. reserves the final interpretation of this recruitment announcement.

(8) Consultation telephone

1. Registration Policy Consultation Tel: 0971-7192757 (Consultation time: 14: 30-17: 30 working days).

2. Registration technical consultation phone: 0931-8727856 (consulting time: 8: 30-12: 00, 14: 30-17: 30).

Personnel Department of China Railway Qinghai -Tibet Group Co., Ltd.

July 1, 2022

18 people! China Petroleum Tibet Sales Branch

2022 college graduates in summer recruitment notice

China Petroleum Gas Co., Ltd. Tibet Sales Branch was established on January 27, 1962. It is a branch of China Petroleum Group Co., Ltd. in Tibet. Wait for wholesale, retail, transportation, storage and other businesses. The organs are located at 71 Beijing Middle Road, Lhasa City, Tibet. 9 departments of the organs have 2 direct institutions and 8 second -level units. The company has more than 1,200 employees and more than 170 operating gas stations. In 8 oil depot, 1 liquefied gas storage. The annual sales revenue exceeds 10 billion yuan.

Qualification requirements:

1. Education, majors and other requirements that meet the requirements of the post.

2. Full -time ordinary colleges and universities in 2022 and fresh graduates of 2022, as well as the uncomfortable work unit in 2021. Archives and organizational relations are still retained in the graduates of the original graduate institutions, with excellent grades. Among them, the 2022 graduates were in August 2022. Graduation certificates and degree certificates were obtained before; graduates of 2021 should obtain the graduation certificate and degree certificate by August 2021.

3. Domestic fresh graduates of college English level 4 test scores of no less than 425 points, graduate students 'English -level 6 -level examination scores of no less than 425 points; undergraduate and graduate students' first foreign languages ​​are species in foreign languages, their foreign language level is level, and its foreign language level is level. The corresponding standards should be reached separately; graduates of foreign language majors should have the highest level of professional level. (Domestic graduates and international students can also provide proof of official foreign language test results obtained by individuals within two years. The new TOEFL English score is not less than 70 points, IELTS is not less than 6.0 points, less than 160 points, and the entrance industry is not less than less than less than less than less than less than 160 points. 785 points, small language needs to provide corresponding proof.)

4. Physical and mental health can fulfill the duties of the job and adapt to the high -altitude working environment.

5. The source of the Tibet Autonomous Region, the family of poverty alleviation, the subsistence allowance family, the zero -employed family, and the disabled but met the conditions of recruitment positions, have been listed and publicized in the group company's autumn of 2021 and the recruitment in the spring of 2022. Under the same conditions Priority.

Recruitment post:

Gas station salesperson

Number of recruiters: 8

Minimum Education Requirements: University Bulletin

Work location: Lhasa, Qamdo, Shannan region, Shigatse area, Naqu area, Ali region, and Linzhi areas need professional evaluation: yes

Requirements for students: None

Foreign language requirements: Domestic fresh graduates of college English level 4 test scores of no less than 425 points, graduate college English 6 -level examination scores are not less than 425 points; undergraduate and graduate students are species English foreign languages, and their foreign languages The level should meet the corresponding standards respectively; graduates of foreign language majors should have the highest level of professional level. For details, please refer to the group company recruitment announcement.

专业要求:市场营销,法学,市场开发与营销,营销与策划,民商法学,电子商务,国际贸易学,国际经济与贸易,社会学,经济管理,经济法学,自动化,贸易经济,社会工作, Litigation law, business management, enterprise management.

Gas station cashier

Number of recruiters: 8

Minimum Education Requirements: University Bulletin

Work location: Lhasa, Qamdo, Shannan area, Shigatse area, Naqu area, Ali area, and Linzhi area

Do you need professional evaluation: yes

Requirements for students: None

Foreign language requirements: Domestic fresh graduates of college English level 4 test scores of no less than 425 points, graduate college English 6 -level examination scores are not less than 425 points; undergraduate and graduate students are species English foreign languages, and their foreign languages The level should meet the corresponding standards respectively; graduates of foreign language majors should have the highest level of professional level. For details, please refer to the group company recruitment announcement.

Professional requirements: Accounting, Finance, Accounting and Audit, Economic and Financial, Financial Management and Practice, Economics, Finance, Statistics, Financial Management, Accounting Code of Code, Economic Statistics, Finance (including: Insurance Studies ), Industrial economics, taxation, taxation, accounting and statistical accounting, statistical practice, financial information management.

Oil depot storage post

Number of recruiters: 2

Minimum Education Requirements: University Bulletin

Work location: Tibet Autonomous Region, Lhasa, Qamdo, Shannan area, Shigatse area, Naqu area, Ali area, Nyingchi area

Do you need professional evaluation: yes

Requirements for students: None

Foreign language requirements: Domestic fresh graduates of college English level 4 test scores of no less than 425 points, graduate college English 6 -level examination scores are not less than 425 points; undergraduate and graduate students are species English foreign languages, and their foreign languages The level should meet the corresponding standards respectively; graduates of foreign language majors should have the highest level of professional level. For details, please refer to the group company recruitment announcement.

Professional requirements: oil and gas storage and transportation project, testing measurement technology and instruments, petroleum engineering, water drainage science and engineering, intelligent perception engineering, automation instrument and machinery, safety technology and engineering, chemical engineering and technology Instrument engineering.

Salary benefits:

1. Implementation of relevant management regulations on salary and benefits of China Petroleum and Natural Gas Group Co., Ltd. and Tibet Sales Branch;

2. Pay "five insurances and two gold" in accordance with relevant national and company regulations;

3. Enjoy other benefits such as vacation and physical examination in accordance with relevant regulations.

Recruitment standard:

(1) Comply with the discipline and law of law, righteousness, love the oil cause, and identify with the Chinese oil corporate culture.

(2) Physical and mental health can fulfill their job duties.

(3) Professional countermeasures meet the actual needs of the enterprise.

(4) Good grades and obtain the corresponding degree certificate.

(5) The level of foreign languages ​​meets the corresponding standards.

Contact information and other:

1. When submitting your resume, you must fill in all the information as much as possible, and upload a foreign language level certificate and transcript to avoid affecting the qualification review;

2. Graduates should provide personal information. For students who provide false information, if they cancel the qualifications of the application, and those who have already applied for employment, the unit has the right to terminate the labor contract;

3. The telephone number and email of graduates should be unobstructed. Graduates cannot contact or fail to participate in the corresponding recruitment links on time, deemed to give up recruitment.

4. Registration website: zhaopin.cnpc.com.cn

Consultation Tel: 0891-6598173

Linzhi Terminal Recruitment Announcement

According to the needs of work, the Linzhi terminal will conduct public recruitment for the society, and the relevant matters will be announced as follows:

1. Recruitment positions and jobs

1 firefighter for aviation guards

2. Job description

Engage in airport fire operation safety work.

3. Recruitment conditions

(1) Adhere to the four basic principles, support the party's line, policy, and policies, maintain the unity of the motherland and the unity of nationality, and oppose division.

(2) Men are limited to men, below 30 years (inclusive), and above 170cm (inclusive).

(3) High school degree or above.

(4) Standards for physical fitness test: 3000 meters of running limit of 19 minutes and 10 seconds (inclusive).

(5) Veterans and those holding B2 driver are preferred.

Fourth, recruitment procedure

(1) The applicant himself bring the original and photocopy of the ID card, graduation certificate, 1 inch photo and other related certificates and photocopies to fill in the registration form and measure the height of the comprehensive office on the second floor of the comprehensive office building of Nyingchi Airport. Contact: Zhuomatji, Tel: 0894-5810333. Registration deadline: 12 am on July 8, 2022.

(2) Qualification review: After the registration is over, the comprehensive office and the party and mass work department review the qualifications of personnel. (3) Physical energy testing: Candidates must pass the physical fitness test organized by the Aviation Ministry.

(4) Interview: The comprehensive office is responsible for organizing interview work. The interview assessment is composed of the leaders of the station, the comprehensive office, the party and the mass department, and the head of the aviation protection department. The comprehensive office is responsible for the statistics and publicity of the interview results.

(5) Determine the employee: The assessment team will submit the assessment results to the terminal party committee to determine the hired personnel.

(6) Applying procedures: The hired personnel submit the medical examination certificates and background investigations. The relevant information is checked in the employment procedures after reviewing the review of the medical office and the Public Security Branch.

China Civil Aviation Nilizhi Station

June 24, 2022

Shigatse City Audit Bureau on Recruitment Audit

Professional and technical personnel announcement

In order to further strengthen the investment audit of the Shigato Municipal Government and complete the tasks of government investment audit high -quality, the Nakaze Audit Bureau intends to adopt a labor contract and openly recruit 4 professional and technical personnel inside and outside the area. The relevant matters are announced as follows:

1. Recruitment principle

Adhere to the principles of openness, fairness, and selection, and follow the methods of public application, unified testing, strict assessment, and selection.

2. Recruitment positions and number of people

1 Auditing Office of the Fixed Asset Investment Audit Section of the Municipal Audit Bureau;

1 audit post from the Enterprise Audit Division of the Municipal Audit Bureau;

1 information network technology post in the information network department of the Municipal Audit Bureau;

1 Agricultural Resources and Environmental Audit of the Municipal Audit Bureau.

3. job responsibilities

The cost audit position is responsible for completing the engineering cost audit work in the audit of the government investment project carried out by the Municipal Audit Bureau.

Enterprise audit positions are responsible for corporate report audits and corporate financial revenue and expenditure audits.

Information network technology positions are responsible for data processing.

Agricultural resources and environmental protection audit posts are responsible for auditing agricultural resources and environmental protection audits.

Fourth, recruitment objects and conditions

Conditions for recruitment must meet the basic conditions and specific conditions of the clear recruitment plan.

(1) Basic conditions

1. With the nationality of the People's Republic of China, abide by the Constitution and Law, have good morals and professional ethics;

2. High political quality, supporting the party's leadership, rigorous style, rigorous style, no violations of regulations, discipline and laws that are not allowed to be applied, without bad behavior;

3. Professional with post requirements, bachelor degree and degree in full -time universities;

4. With physical conditions and psychological quality that adapts to the performance of work responsibilities in high altitude areas, the age is under 48 years old, and the age of particularly prominent conditions can be relaxed properly;

5. Diligence and dedication, strong sense of responsibility, and team consciousness.

(2) Specific conditions

1. Professionals of the Cost Cost Audit Post shall obtain qualifications for the first -level cost engineer of the People's Republic of China. Familiar with housing construction and municipal engineering drawings; familiarity with the bidding process, contract signing, engineering budget preparation, construction site management, etc.; Proficient in using related office software such as CAD and Office.

2. Professionals for the audit post of enterprise should obtain the qualifications of the Certified Public Accountants. The majors they have learned are related majors such as finance, accounting, financial management, and taxation. Enterprise report processing.

3. Professionals of the application information network technology post shall have a full -time bachelor degree or above. Although the graduation time does not exceed two years or the graduation time is more than two years, the time limit for work in the computer field can be relaxed. With computer application, network operation and maintenance, informatization equipment operation and elimination of failure, and have certain data collection and analysis capabilities.

4. Professionals for agricultural resources and environmental protection audit posts shall have a full -time bachelor degree or above. Although the graduation time does not exceed two years or the graduation time is more than two years, the time limit for work in the field of land management and resources and environmental protection can be relaxed. Have professional knowledge related to land management and resources and environmental protection.

(3) Those who are one of the following circumstances shall not be applied

1. Those who have been punished by law and order or criminal punishment for illegal law, criminal punishment and criminal punishment;

2. It is being investigated and punished for violation of laws and discipline;

3. It has not been lifted by the party discipline and political discipline;

4. Those who have been expelled from public office or student;

5. The term of the labor contract signed with the relevant units is not fulfilled and it is not canceled according to law;

6. If the qualification review is determined that it is not eligible;

7. If the Municipal Audit Bureau was recruited in the previous year, it was not renewed;

8. There are laws and regulations that are not allowed to hire other circumstances engaged in audit work.

5. Recruitment procedure

(1) Registration

Registration adopts online registration. Registration personnel must submit the following information at the designated email address ([email protected]) at the time of registration: registration form, personal resume, employment experience and performance, ID card, hukou book, academic qualification certificate obtained, and obtained qualifications. , Degree Certificate, Professional Qualification Certificate Scanning, recent personal 2 -inch color -free crown photos, social insurance participation insurance payment certificates.

Deadline for registration: July 15, 2022.

(2) Qualification review

The qualification review of the registration materials is based on the specific conditions of the recruitment position. The qualification review passes the personnel entering the test session, and the minimum number of qualification review should reach 1: 2 of the job recruitment quota. According to the needs, our bureau will also inspect the original work unit or relevant departments through a certain way to understand the relevant situation. (3) Written test test (60 %)

Candidates are full of 100 points, 60 % of the written test scores are included in the comprehensive score, and the interview selection link is entered at the comprehensive score. The content of the written test includes current affairs politics, the professional knowledge and the basic knowledge of the post. The written test time will be drawn on July 20, 2022. The on -site written test or online written test is determined according to the situation.

According to the number of candidates and the comprehensive score of the written test score, it is determined to enter the interview selection candidate.

(4) Interview selection (40 %)

The interview score score is 100 points. 40 % of the candidates' interview scores are included in the comprehensive score. The interview scores are initially selected to enter the medical examination candidate. The interview content includes comprehensive analysis capabilities, language expression ability and audit ideas. The interview time is planned to be planned on July 20, 2022. The specific methods of on -site interviews or online interviews are determined according to the situation.

Comprehensive score = written test score*60 %+interview score*40 %, determine the list of personnel entering the medical examination according to the written test and interview comprehensive score ranking.

(5) Physical examination

Those who pass the qualification review, written test test, and interview selection go to hospitals above the county level for medical examination, and provide a health certificate issued by hospitals above the county level. The list of the medical examination standards is determined by the administrative examination standards with the recruitment of civil servants, and the ranking will be supplemented in turn according to the test score ranking. Candidates are responsible for the authenticity of the authenticity of their own physical examinations.

(6) Determine the employment object

After review by the Nikkai City Audit Bureau, the best candidates were selected from qualified review, comprehensive testing, and qualified medical examination. Personnel signed a labor contract.

(7) Employment contract management

In accordance with the "People's Republic of China", the contract period of the contract shall sign a labor contract with the Nakaze Audit Bureau with the personnel to be hired. The trial period of the employment personnel is 1 month, and the probation period is signed for a trial contract. The probation period is within the period of the total contract. Those who do not work in the post during the probation period will be lifted and the trial contract for the hired personnel will be lifted. Those who pass the probation period have signed a formal labor contract with the employer. After the employment period expires, the employer can be renewed or dismissed by the performance of the work and the performance of their own work; if the employment does not obey the work arrangement, the employer may terminate the labor contract.

(8) Working hours

The employees are 12 months each year. During the work period, they must obey the management and work arrangements of employers and enjoy the holidays and annual leaves stipulated in the labor law. If there are major audit matters, if the working time needs to be extended, the employed person must obey the arrangement, but the extension time does not exceed 20 days.

(9) Salary

The first -level registered cost engineer and registered accountant pay the salary of up to 300,000 yuan per year, of which the basic salary is 240,000 yuan (including various subsidies, insurance premiums, etc., and the individual pays in accordance with regulations), with a performance salary of 60,000 yuan. The probation period is the same as the official signing of the contract, paying 2 million yuan (12 months) per month, and the excellent payment performance salary of 60,000 yuan after the assessment of our bureau at the end of each year; the evaluation and other qualified payment performance salary is 40,000 yuan ; During the employment period, the termination of the contract fails to work for one annual or annual assessment, and does not pay performance compensation. The information technician refers to the salary of the external employee of the Autonomous Region Audit Office, and pays a standard pay of up to 60,000 yuan a year. The basic salary is 480,000 yuan (including various subsidies, insurance premiums, etc.) Yuan. The probation period is the same as the official signing of the contract, paying 0.40 million yuan (12 months) per month, and the excellent payment performance salary of the excellent payment performance is 130,000 yuan at the end of each year; Essence The source of compensation funds is guaranteed by the fiscal budget. The salary of external employees of the environmental protection audit post, the standard payment of up to 60,000 yuan per year, of which the basic salary is 480,000 yuan (including various subsidies, insurance premiums, etc., and the individual pays in accordance with regulations), with a performance salary of 120,000 yuan. The probation period is the same as the official signing of the contract, paying 0.40 million yuan (12 months) per month, and the excellent payment performance salary of the excellent payment performance is 130,000 yuan at the end of each year; Essence The source of compensation funds is guaranteed by the fiscal budget.

The accommodation in the city of Shigato is resolved by the hired personnel on its own. Foreign service subsidies, statutory rest days or working days in accordance with the Outside Work Subsidies and overtime fees of the Overseas Course and overtime pay of the Overseas Course.

6. Contact information

Lianhe: Registration Cost Audit Office: Sonan Zhaba 18189015514

Registration Enterprise Audit Office: Sun Chuanhao 18076926612

Registration Resource Environmental Protection: Nima 13618920001

Registration information network post: Luoyang 17397127774

Mailing address: No. 20, Everest East Road, Sangzi District, Shigatse City, Shigatse City

Shigatse City Audit Bureau

June 21, 2022

China Unicom's 2022 campus recruitment starts, Tibet Construction Materials Group

Multi -posts are publicly recruited for the society

1. Company profile

Tibet Construction Materials Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Tibetan Construction Group or Group) is one of the earliest district management enterprises with the earliest market -oriented operations of Tibet. The group headquarters is located in Lhasa, Tibet. The industry is involved in investment and operation, capital operation, building materials production and sales, civilian blasting, planning and design, construction construction, and ecological greening. (Securities code: 600326), Gao Dingmin Explosion (Securities Code: 002827] and a New Third Board [Chongqing Reinforcement (Securities Code: 837731)]. In 2021, Tibetan Construction Group ranked among the top 30 in the top 50 building materials enterprises in China. It was selected as the "benchmarking enterprise" list of the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration, setting a new record for Tibetan state -owned enterprises in the national authoritative industry list.

In order to meet the strategic development requirements of Tibetan Construction Group, strengthen the management service functions of the group headquarters, and strengthen the construction of talent teams, the group headquarters management positions are publicly recruited from the group inside and outside the group. The relevant matters are announced as follows:

2. Job requirements

(1) Has a good political quality, and maintain high degree of ideology, politics, and action with the Party Central Committee;

(2) Recognize the strategic pursuit, management model and corporate culture of the Tibetan Group, comply with the corporate articles of association system, and have a strong sense of career, responsibility, and good professionalism;

(3) Believe in firm belief, dare to take responsibility, have strong leadership ability and team management experience, strong logical judgment and analytical ability, and solve complex problems. excellent;

(4) Comply with discipline and law, decent style, physical and mental health, have the physical fitness required to fulfill their duties, and do not have the influence of illegal violations of discipline and regulations.

(5) The age of age is generally not more than 45 years old, with a bachelor's degree or above;

(6) Has relevant positions (vocational) qualifications and professional titles;

(7) Has more than three years of work experience in the same position, and those who have the work experience of the central enterprise headquarters and large state -owned enterprises in the corresponding management positions are preferred.

*If there are talents who meet the above conditions, the interview is given priority.

3. Recruitment position

Fourth, job responsibilities

(1) Chief Financial Director

1. Presides the group's financial budget, financial accounting, accounting supervision, cost control, financial management and tax management, and provide timely and effective financial analysis for the group's operating decision -making;

2. Organize and coordinate the daily management of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance, and supervise and implement the financial plan;

3. Supervise the implementation of the financial management process to improve financial efficiency;

4. Provide suggestions and decision support for the Group's major investment, financing, mergers and acquisitions and other business activities, and participate in risk assessment, guidance, tracking and control.

(2) Party affairs management post

1. Assist various policies and systems of party affairs work in the group;

2. Drafction and promote the annual planning of the party committee of the group, drafting and revising annual work summary and related notices, plans, reports and other materials;

3. Improve the management of grass -roots organizations, guide the development of daily work, strengthen process management, and consolidate the construction of grass -roots organizations;

4. Responsible for strengthening and improving the group's party building publicity work and education work, formulating the annual party building activities plan and carrying out and promoting on schedule, strengthen organizational cohesion, and build a preliminary situation of temperature, cohesive, and distinctive group party organization culture.

(3) Human Resources Management post

1. Responsible for the management of the modules of the group's human resources, participate in the various plans for the development of human resources, and organize the implementation of the various plans of the Ministry of Human Resources;

2. Organize the implementation of various plans such as talent introduction, performance, salary and employee relationship management;

3. Guide the human resources workers of the Human Resources and subordinate units to improve business capabilities and work quality, and handle personnel issues in the daily work process of the group's human resources.

(4) Deputy Director of the Board of Directors

1. Organize and carry out various tasks of corporate governance system construction;

2. Organize the service guarantee work of the shareholders' meeting, the board of directors and the special committees of the board of directors, and implement the decision -making and conference guarantee of various conferences;

3. Research on major issues such as the Group's development strategy, target tasks, and reform measures;

4. Cooperate with the secretary of the board of directors to contact the work.

(5) Deputy Manager of the Ministry of Justice

1. Responsible for establishing and improving the company's comprehensive risk management system, formulating a legal management system and monitoring process, and participating in the group compliance inspection;

2. Formulate standard contract texts, review the company's various contracts, participate in the drafting, negotiation work of major contracts in the group, supervise and inspect the performance of the contract, and provide legal opinions for the group's operating decision -making;

3. Responsible for relevant lawsuits and non -litigation legal affairs within the group, contact external lawyers and related assistance work;

4. Responsible for the publicity and training of law popularization; assist in carrying out internal audit, internal control supervision and evaluation management.

(6) Deputy Manager of Market Investment Department

1. Collect and analyze the investment market consultation, the trend prediction information, regularly issue a consultation report, responsible for cooperating with the system planning and system construction of the group's investment project;

2. Responsible for docking financial institutions and investment institutions; providing investment recommendations for the institution to conduct due diligence, intended investment supporting documents, write investment research reports, project evaluation (valuation) reports, investment proposals; Documents; 3. Responsible for planning the plan of investment projects, design and transaction structures; planning plan implementation plans and investment plans, and participating in the negotiations and negotiations in the implementation process, project review, investment decision -making and other work;

4. Responsible for follow -up implementation of the investment project, carry out post -project evaluation, and form a report.

(7) Deputy Manager of Asset Operation Department

1. Responsible for the preliminary investigation, analysis and demonstration, plan formulation, and organizational implementation of the group's intended projects and major acquisitions, mergers, and reorganizations;

2. Responsible for the basic management of state -owned assets within the scope of the group authorization, and register and manage the management and operation of the group's separate assets and the asset operation of subordinates;

3. Participate in the formulation of the Group's annual asset operation plan and summarizing, responsible for decomposing tasks, and urge the guidance to implement the completion of the implementation;

4. Responsible for guiding, coordinating, and supervising the work within the scope of the duties of the department, as well as the review of the quality of various types of copywriting.

(8) Deputy Manager of Information Management Department

1. Participate in the implementation of the group's digital transformation and digital economic development strategy, and participate in writing the group's digital overall planning and top -level design;

2. Responsible for the promotion and implementation of the group's current information project, daily management of project implementation, coordinate and solve problems in the implementation of the project, organize system training and promotion, and the Group's own IT operation and maintenance work;

3. Participate in the formulation of relevant management measures for informationization and supervision and implementation of the group, and participate in the project review and construction guidance of the information projects of all units in the group;

4. Assist the person in charge of the department to complete IT asset management, network information security management, departmental team construction, daily management of the department.

5. Recruitment procedure

The recruitment work shall, in accordance with the registration registration, qualification review, unified interview, inspection and understanding, select the best candidates, and issue a notice of employment.

6. Employment treatment

In accordance with the relevant regulations of the group, the employment procedures are handled, and the trial period of the employment personnel is 1 year, and those who have not qualified for the expiration of the probation period will be lifted. Talent treatment: The group provides a salary system and incentive mechanism with market competitiveness. The talents introduced outside the district provide accommodation and enjoy the annual leave of more than 40 days.

Seven, work place


8. Registration requirements

(1) Registration time

June 20, 2022 to July 20, 2022

(2) Other requirements

1. Registration and submitting materials: fill in the "Application Form" (see attachment), and do not accept resumes filled in this format in this recruitment; (Scan the original).

2. Compressed the electronic version of the above materials and send it to the recruitment mailbox [email protected].

3. Those who are screened shall notify the interview time and place by the Human Resources Department of the Group, and those who fail to pass will no longer be notified.

4. Registration information will be used as an important basis for qualification review. Candidates should ensure that the application materials provided are true and reliable. If there is false, the interview and employment qualification will be canceled.

China Mobile Tibetan Company

Summer 2022 campus recruitment

Recruitment position: Grid manager (market category), full -business technology support (technical)

Number of recruiters: 20

Work location: Lhasa, Shigatse, Shannan, Qamdo, Naqu

Salary and benefits: Basic salary+bonus performance+annual bonus+welfare subsidy+six insurance two gold

Resume delivery time: from now until late July

Announcement of Recruitment of Recruitment of Changdu People's Hospital in Tibet

The Changdu People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region was founded on September 2, 1952. It was formerly known as the Changdu National Health Work Brigade of the Central Health Ministry of Health. It was the first public hospital established in Tibet after the founding of New China. Located at No. 168, Maroba Road, Karuo District, Changdu City. It has now developed into a comprehensive hospital such as clinical medical care, health care, scientific research, teaching, and first aid. The total area of ​​the hospital covers an area of ​​57,000 square meters, with a total construction area of ​​82,700 square meters, and the hospital actually opens 380 beds. There are 13 administrative functions departments, 12 clinical departments, and 12 medical assistance departments. With 3.0T nuclear magnetic resonance, Siemens 64 rows of 128 layers of spiral CT, Siemens DSA, fully automated biochemical detection assembly line, full imported ultra -high -definition peritoscopy, ventilator and other advanced medical equipment. According to the needs of hospital personnel, after research and decision of the party committee of the hospital, it is planned to be publicly recruited from the society. The relevant recruitment announcements are now as follows:

1. Recruitment principles and methods

In order to ensure that the hospital recruitment of the right talents, the hospital adheres to the principles of recruitment of public, fairness, competition, and selection; In accordance with the requirements of the hospital, the recruiters conducted a comprehensive review of the aspects of knowledge, morality, ability, experience, physical fitness, physical fitness, and position requirements, and adopted interviews and assessment methods.

2. Recruitment positions

Two nurses; 1 ultrasound doctor; 1 nursing staff.

3. Recruitment conditions

1. Support the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, support the party's leadership, love the motherland, obey the law of the law, love the work of the major, obey the management and work arrangements of hospitals, have a strong sense of career, responsibility and dedication, and have good morals and medical ethics Medical style and vocational ethics; 2. Nurses: Bachelor degree or above of all -time universities, qualifications for nurses;

3. Nursing clerk: academic qualifications or above;

4. Ultrasonic doctor: full -time college degree or above, medical imaging or clinical medical major with more than two years of ultrasound industry experience, at least qualifications for practicing assistant physicians;

5. Old age is not more than 35 years old;

6. Good health, pass the physical examination;

7. Puts are planned to be recruited.

4. Recruitment treatment

Implement according to the management measures of the current recruiters of the hospital.

5. Recruitment procedure

(1) Registration time and place

Registration time and place: July 6th to July 11th, 2022 9:30-1: 00; 3: 30-18: 00 PM Sign up on the Human Resources Section on the second floor of the administrative office building of Changdu People's Hospital.

Contact: Yuzhen

Contact number: 0895-4823673

(2) Registration method

According to the requirements of the "Recruitment Announcement of the Changdu City People's Hospital in Tibet", the resume was invested to the Human Resources Department of the Changdu People's Hospital as a successful registration. You need to hold a personal valid certificate (copy of the ID card; copying the diploma (required original); copying the qualification certificate (required original); copying other documents; personal recruitment application and resume. Registration status, start recruitment procedures from time to time.

(3) Eligibility qualifications

Those who register during the registration period will conduct written tests and interviews after the review conditions, and determine the list of personnel to be hired with comprehensive score ranking, and conduct physical examinations. The medical examination costs shall be borne by the applicants. Study of the party committee. After passing, sign a labor contract in accordance with the hospital regulations.

Tibet Changdu People's Hospital

2022 7, 7, 7

Nanmulin County Bureau

Household full -time investigator recruitment announcement

Due to the needs of the Nandimulin County Statistics Bureau, the social investigators are currently hired by the Social Statistics Bureau to the Society. After recruiting, they signed a labor contract with Nanmulin County Baixing Labor Company to dispatch to work in this bureau. The specific recruitment requirements are as follows.

1. Recruitment position

A total of 2 public recruitment of residents' full -time investigation staff (unlimited men and women)

2. Recruitment principle

1. The principle of disclosure of democracy;

2. Principles of fair competition;

3. Principles of selecting best.

3. Recruitment responsibilities

Responsible for the full -time investigation of the residents of the Nanmulin County Statistics Bureau.

Fourth, recruitment conditions

1. Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, abide by the law, observe the law, be correct, and have a strong sense of responsibility, voluntarily engage in the full -time investigation of residents, strictly abide by the work information security and confidentiality regulations and various work discipline, and implement work responsibilities carefully, no crime and other bad records.

2. The age is under 30 years of age;

3. Good health, have normal physical conditions;

4. Understand bilingual, have good language expression ability, be good at communicating with others, and be patient;

5. College degree or above, Chinese Communist Party members, computers and other majors are preferred.

6. Limited to graduates of university universities in Nanmu Lin.

5. Work location

3rd floor of the Statistics Bureau of the People's Government of Nanmulin County

6. Salary

Each person's monthly salary is 4,500 yuan (including five insurances paid by social security units).

Seven, recruitment procedures

The recruitment work is carried out in accordance with the procedures for on -site registration, selection of selection, interviews, and employment.

(1) Take on -site registration.

(2) Registration time, July 4, 2022 -July 8, 2022.

(3) Registration Address: The Ministry of Human Resources of the Third Floor of Nantimlin County Victory (on the Plaza of National Unity)

(4) Registration requirements:

1. Candidates fill in the "Registration Form for Full -time Investigators of the Nantmulin County Statistics Bureau".

2. Original and photocopy of my second -generation ID card.

3. Academic qualification (degree) certificate original and photocopy.

4. I have two recent two -inch crowns.

Registration personnel are responsible for the materials submitted. Once they are falsified, they will cancel the qualifications or qualifications of the examination once they are verified.

(5) Interview

The employer Nanmulin County Statistics Bureau organized interviews and hired 2 people from high to low according to the interview results. The interview time and place will be notified separately.

support hotline:

17789026788 (employer)

13549027324 (Baixing Labor Company, Nanmulin County)

Nantimin County Baixing Labor Co., Ltd.

July 4, 2022

Source: China Railway Qinghai -Tibet Group Co., Ltd., China Petroleum, Tibet Nilzatt Airport, Human Cycang Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, China Unicom, Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Ali, China Mobile Tibet release

- END -

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