With the "scientific research dream", he lived up to "youth", and the girls of the Dongda University traveled to dream!

Author:Northeast University 1923 Time:2022.07.07

Four years of dreams carrying dreams forward

Academic research complement each other

Struggle for youth in various competitions

Sweating in scientific exploration

She is the 7th student innovation and entrepreneurship

"Principal Medal" winner

Software College Wu Zhengrun

Then, then, then





growing up


Wu Zhengrun, the winner of the National Scholarship, First Scholarship, and Outstanding Student Model of Northeast University. He has won the 2021 ICM International University Student Mathematical Modeling Competition and other prizes (Informsaward), the second prize of the 2021 MathorCup Big Data Competition, the first prize of the Mathematics Modeling Competition in the Asia -Pacific region in 2020, and the second prize of the 2019 National College Student English Contest. Essence

Go forward, live up to Shaohua

From the freshman to the junior, Wu Zhengrun's competition journey is a process of continuously "upgrade". In the lower grade, Wu Zhengrun's original intention was "fun". At first, she just signed up for the attitude of trying to try to participate, but gradually discovered her interest in the process of preparing the competition. In addition to investing in professional courses and competitions, Wu Zhengrun has also adhered to English learning. In 2019, he won the second prize of the National English Contest of University Students.

The process of each competition is closed, and many competitions also have in common. Learning -simulation -observation of excellent works -finding the most suitable solution -to do what they can — review and summarize, from preparing to land on the project, it is a process of continuous exploration, reconstruction, and perfect. Each member of Wu Zhengrun's team go all out to participate in modeling, programming, writing, and the cooperation between players is also a key to win the award. Wu Zhengrun said: "My teammates are excellent and belong to the three all -around types. They guided me to model and write and gave me a lot of help."

Although it is the "great god of competition" in the eyes of others, Wu Zhengrun's road of competition is not smooth. Participating in the Mathematical Construction School Tournament during the freshman summer vacation, she carefully listened to class thinking and writing papers, but because of lack of relevant experience and a slightly immature thinking system, she became one of the few Sunshan Mountains. After learning the news, Wu Zhengrun was lost, because this meant that she would no longer participate in the digital model competition all year. However, she did not have a slump, but summarized and reflected from the failure, and reorganized the next year to fight again. As a result, she invested twelve points of effort with more enthusiasm and full spirit, and this energy has always encouraged her to move forward. In Tiandao, Wu Zhengrun not only won the first prize of the Mathematical Modeling Competition in the Asia -Pacific region in 2020, but also won the second prize of the ICM International University Student Mathematical Modeling Competition in 2021 and the second prize of the MathorCup Big Data Competition.

The competition brings Wu Zhengrun not only the honorary awards, but also a spiritual guide. The second -loop competition process and the breakthrough of the big waves and sand -like competitions allow her to test her special level and all -round learning ability, tap the potential and understand herself, and make her clear what she likes, what is good at, what she wants to do In the future, when choosing a job or research direction, follow the heart, promote strengths and avoid weaknesses, and find your own multi -faceted and flash point.

Academic research, complement each other

In addition to the glory in the competition, Wu Zhengrun's academic performance is also very good. The balance of academic and scientific research has always been a problem. Wu Zhengrun thought it was "basic studies during the day, scientific research experiments at night, and learning in the dream." However, the time is limited every day. At first, Wu Zhengrun was also lacking in the technique of avatar, but later he gradually started scientific research. After communicating with excellent classmates, he found that scientific research, study, and academics were connected. For example, the dissertation needs to be reproduced in scientific research, and some lessons also need to read a related papers. These two can be regarded as the same thing. After the scientific research, the homework has been completed, which greatly achieves the efficiency improvement.

Wu Zhengrun also actively participated in various students' work and activities in the spare time, and his college life was very fulfilling. She is very encouraged to participate in student work on the basis of not affecting her studies, and she can also get great exercise from it. "My first internship was a product post. Later, the team leader told me that one thing to recruit me is that it can be done in the work of student work and there are many results, which shows that it will not be bad in implementation. Many tasks are all jobs. Comprehensive talents need to participate in more activities without delaying learning. "In short, you need to plan your college life reasonably according to your goals, planning and interests.

Despite the heavy academic and scientific research tasks, Wu Zhengrun was not disagreed outside the window. Her hobbies are very wide: like reading, humanities, education, masterpieces, etc., who also like to watch variety shows and TV series. The combination of labor and rest can make people full of vitality and maximum efficiency.

Everyone in the past is the prelude

It was wise to plan his own trajectory from the beginning. With a clear direction, he was diligent, and he would have a bright future. Efforts to plant "new causes" and stand on the platform of Northeast University to realize the "one -grain of land species, full of houses and houses."

Wu Zhengrun, who has just graduated, has left the arms of his alma mater and rushed to the next mountain and sea. All kinds of evening party in the school stimulate youth, sweat in the gymnasium, read in the library to read ... Every youthful memory is unique, and it will always be impressed.

Wu Zhengrun said: "In the past four years, the person who wants to be grateful for these four years is my teachers. Teacher Hao, who guides me from the entry of scientific research, and leads me to complete the project to complete the project. Teacher Jiang who guides me to the game. In my life and work, I live and work.Teacher Li and Teacher Wu who provided help in the top ... There are many teachers who patiently answer my questions and classmates who encourage each other. Fortunately, they meet with Dongda, and they are fortunate to know you. "When the interview was over, Wu ZhengrunWhat you want to say most is: Everyone in the past is a sequence.Four years in a blink of an eye, studying solidly, practicing, thanked Dongda, so that she has transformed from Qing Shi ignorant to an East who is courageous and dare to do.It is believed that she will continue to move forward with the heart of the Chizi from Bai Mountain and Blackwater, and take every step on the road of scientific research dreams to become what she is expecting: a person with an innovative soul creation and making thinking for societyMore contributions to East East.

Source | Software College

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