How to make children fall in love with reading?This school in Hangzhou allows books to drift on camp

Author:Journal Time:2022.06.13

Reading is wise, read is open -minded, and reading makes people happy. In order to further promote the construction of the "Book Fragrant Campus" and focus on creating a good cultural atmosphere of teachers and students reading and lifelong learning, Hangzhou Jinxiu Cai Caicai Middle School · Affiliated School, Hangzhou Yucai Dengyun Elementary School carried out the "Book Fragrance Reading Drifting" activity.

The reason why this event is called "Book of Xiang Zhiyuan" because the school hopes to use this drift activity, different grades can show the students through the bibliographic display to expand the reading field of reading.

In addition, during the activity, each classmate exhibited a carefully annotated book. The sharing of annotations allowed students to realize the collision of thinking, triggering reading resonance, and expanding reading methods. Teachers can also understand their respective reading wisdom in the event.

Books, passing knowledge; books, passing civilization. The students showed great enthusiasm for this book drift activity. They brought their favorite books to the school, carefully displayed in the corridor, and shared reading with each other.

The small book drifted out of the class and drifted into the hands of every child who loves to study. We are glad to see that the children in the class and at noon are less chasing and making troubles, and more seriously reading ...

Reading, reading puzzles, reading thects. You see, the students are reviewing and reading, some annotation of their predictions on the storyline, and some of the idiom meaning that I do not understand when reading. The classmates exhibited more than half of the novels and harvested a lot of books.

Books, reading manuals, reading marks, reading tabloids, story plot maps ... Reading and sharing, every stroke of each stroke is infiltrating the children's enthusiasm and hard work. Reading understanding, love for classics.

Book drift, drifting is not only knowledge and wisdom, but also drifting civilization and beauty. A good habit of love to read and cherish books quietly forms quietly on campus.

During the event, the students will buy their own bibliography, and the school finally donates all the income in reading drift activities to public welfare.

Book drift, drifting is not only knowledge and wisdom, but also drifting civilization and beauty. A good habit of love to read and cherish books quietly forms quietly on campus. Let the classics spread in the hearts of children, make reading a habit of teachers and students, let Shuxiang infiltrate the mind of people, and add color to the construction of "Shuxiang Campus". Let's hold the book scroll together, let the book incense overflow the campus, and let the book incense linger in every corner of the world.

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