Children's sports training becomes a summer "New Pet" expert: Parents should choose rationally, do not obey blindly

Author:Quanzhou Evening News Time:2022.07.07

In recent years, the Children's Sports Center has risen in Quanzhou. Children can practice physical fitness, balanced cars, basketball, skipping rope under the leadership of the coach in a few hundred square meters of indoor places ... More and more popular. Many parents believe that the use of summer vacation to allow children to participate in sports training classes can not only exercise, enhance their physique, and meet their children's psychological needs.

What can children learn from the physical class and what should be paid attention to? With these questions, the reporter visited and consulted insiders to remind parents and children's movement precautions. □ Quanzhou Evening News reporter Zhang Xiaomingwen/Picture

More and more parents recognize the hot summer sports class

"Where did your children learn from the car to learn? We also want to practice." Yesterday, Mr. Chen, a citizen, consulted the parents of the children and his classmates. Essence

In recent years, more and more parents have realized the importance of sports in the growth of children. popular.

A few days ago, the reporter came to a professional children's sports center on Shaolin Road. In the venues of thousands of square meters, the basketball court, football field, and balanced car runway were divided into areas. The coach led the children to do various sports to improve physical fitness. The reporter saw that these trained children are mainly the age of kindergartens and big classes. It is understood that each course time is 1 hour, and the cost of single -quarter curriculum is about 100 yuan. "We only receive children over 2.5 years old." The staff said that at present, several small classes are already full.

Under the guidance of the coach, the child conducts basketball training.

"Let the child make up for the 'book nerd', it is better to practice him as a tough" Little Iron Man "." Mr. Zhang, a citizen, said that since the summer vacation of last year, they have let the child practice a balanced car. Progress less, "More importantly, exercise gives parents a chance to interact with children."

In another large -scale children's sports center in Jinjiang, there are courses such as roller skating, rope skipping, and children's balance cars in the large indoor venue. This year, the summer vacation classes are also registered early. "The sports summer vacation class here also introduced full -scale services. The child sent it to the side to study here, and we also saved it." Ms. Huang reported to the child two summer vacation classes.

Children practice a balanced car

Body quality is better psychological toughness stronger

Coach Zhuang, who is engaged in children's sports training in the urban area, introduced that parents pay more and more attention to improving their children's physical fitness, and no longer blindly ask their children to conduct art and cultural training. Instead, they choose badminton, basketball, football, swimming and other sports. Come to exercise children.

"This summer, in addition to continuing to report to the children's training class for my child, I also reported the child to the swimming class." Ms. Chen said that his son was in the fifth grade immediately. The quality is also significantly enhanced, and many friends have been formed. "In the past summer vacation, he reported to his son's tuition class and English tutoring class. In the end, it becomes a summer vacation to play games and watch TV at home. "Ms. Chen told reporters that mastering the swimming skills can relax the children. Moreover, swimming is not only the survival skills of self -rescue and escape. superior.

"My daughter is 8 years old. I reported her to the summer vacation of the fencing." Mr. Xiao said, mainly to practice the child's concentration. Sports can exercise children's physical fitness and psychological toughness, and it can also make people more cheerful.

Do not "blindly follow the trend" to know the conditions of your child

During the visit, the reporter also found that when many parents registered for their children, most of them chose to apply for the annual card of 560 lessons a year. "Blindly follows the trend" is the biggest feature of parents to choose sports training courses for their children. Often, which project is hot and which project is useful in the future, let children learn. As for whether the child likes and whether it is appropriate, it is unknown. In many competitive training courses, some children often cry because they can't keep up with training intensity. There are also some training classes that start a class directly on the open air.

As the children's physical energy training class gradually become popular, many parents are confused: What should young children pay attention to when they are exercising?

"Children's physical energy training classes have risen, indicating that the concept of strong physique from the beginning of the doll is becoming more and more valued by parents." Coach Zhuang, who has been engaged in children's sports training for many years, believes that if there are conditions, children will participate more in physical exercise. Essence However, children should learn from the most basic action skills, contact a variety of sports, and lay the foundation for physical quality. For children aged 3-5, parents can choose a variety of sports suitable for children according to their children's interests to cultivate children's sports interest. It should be noted that children under 5 years of age are still in the developmental stage. If a sport is trained for a long time, it will have a adverse effect on bone growth and development.

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