What is the first step of opening the first step of opening the individual check service?

Author:China Net Technology Time:2022.06.13

The academic giant Zhiwang went on the hot search again, but this time it was not because of rectification and investigation, but to open up investigations to individuals.

Source | Beijing Business Daily

Author | Cheng Mingzheng Zhao Boyu

Edit | Shan Zhengyu

The academic giant Zhiwang went on the hot search again, but this time it was not because of rectification and investigation, but to open up investigations to individuals. On June 12, China Zhizhi.com announced that it will provide individual investigation services from the next day. At the same time, the investigation service of the graduate degree thesis will continue to be provided through the graduate training management institution. Essence This new business reduces the cost of investigation of individual users and also means that the monopoly of Zhiwang in the field of intellectual property is gradually being broken.

Zhang Xuhong/Photo

Personal version weight 1.5 yuan/thousand words

According to the announcement, the pricing of the personal version of the check service will be charged by reference to the number of characters in the market. Previously, Zhiwang only provided investigation services for institutions.

The reason why the opening and investigating business has attracted much attention because Zhiwang's share of the market's market has obvious advantages, and its core competitiveness comes from the papers to investigate the business. Previously, Zhiwang only checked the business for institutional users. Many individuals can only buy the so -called "Zhiwang" check service at high prices on other websites. Some netizens commented, "Looking at Zhiwang on the e -commerce platform, it is a few hundred yuan or even thousands of yuan. It is time to open individuals to investigate, especially for students."

In response to the purpose of launching personal service service services, Zhiwang said in the question answer that Zhiwang used to only provide investigation services to institutions in the past, ignoring the actual needs of the majority of individual users' academic norms and checking Xinxin, which objectively caused it to objectively cause The problem of black markets and high prices. "After considering the actual needs of academic norms and the actual needs of teachers and students, and listening to the opinions of government departments, academic institutions, scientific research integrity experts, and teachers and students, they formulated a new personal service plan."

A reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily noticed that at present, "Zhiwang Inspection" is the keyword to search for e -commerce platforms such as Taobao. There are still a large number of related products on sale, ranging from tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan. "During the peak period of the papers, we bought it on Taobao, and it took at least two or three hundred yuan to check it once." Reading student Yang Li told the Beijing Business Daily reporter, "We all spelled the papers together To check the heavy, otherwise it is too expensive. Every year, whether it is a student or a school, it will spend a lot of money on the graduation thesis. "

The definition of institutions and individuals needs to be explained

It should be noted that although Zhiwang said that all individual users can log in to the official website to use the document to check the service, but the investigation of the graduate degree thesis will still be provided by Zhiwang through the graduate training management institution (graduate school). The number of free times has increased from 1.5 per capita to 3 times.

At the same time, Zhiwang also intends to provide an unlimited service method for the internal institutions designated by the school. As a regular channel in the school, it provides a personal dissertation service to graduate students. In response to the above -mentioned graduate degree papers, Zhiwang explained that the management of graduate degree papers is special, and the discipline differences, school levels, and management policies of each school are different.

For Yang Li, who is currently studying graduate students, the only thing that needs to be checked is the only graduation thesis, "the others can not use Zhiwang to check the weight." Yang Li said that open personal investigation business is a good thing, but she still has some doubts.

"The weight check is one of the school's assessment indicators." Yang Li briefly introduced her graduation thesis to check the process. Before the launch of a new plan for Zhiwang, they generally buy a heavy service service on Taobao. After the inspection is fine, they will be sent to the cooperation platform for school and Zhiwang for inspection. "There are three free times for the new plan now. Before we conduct an official investigation, we still have to go to a third -party platform to buy a weight. "

"Of course, if Zhiwang's 3 free opportunities can be opened to students, it is exactly enough for us if you enter the official investigation. So my current question is that the graduate degree thesis checks through the school. How to operate this also depends on the school's plan. "Yang Li said.

In response to Yang Li's confusion and doubts, a reporter from Beijing Commercial Daily contacted Zhiwang to verify and hopes to understand more details of the current research plan. But as of press time, no one answered the phone call.

How much is the sincerity of the rectification under the tip of the wind and waves

From the end of last year, I have been instructed by the Professor's rights to be investigated by the General Administration of Market Supervision for suspected the implementation of monopoly behaviors. From the perspective of the existing rectification measures of Zhiwang, in late December last year, Zhiwang's download price of a doctoral degree thesis was reduced, and the standard for the charging of a master's degree thesis was 7.5 yuan/copy; 9.5 yuan/book. After being filed in May this year, Zhiwang issued a statement saying that he would resolutely support and fully cooperate with the investigation.

On June 8th, Zhiwang issued a notice again, saying that various business rectification is currently underway, and all sectors of society are welcome to make opinions and suggestions on the development of Zhiwang. As of now, Zhiwang's latest developments have been service for this open personal version. Zhiwang, which was pushed under the spotlight, is rectifying step by step, and the public also needs to see more sincerity.

"Compared with the investigation service, Zhiwang should also put more energy on maintaining the rights and interests of the author of the article." Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education and Science, said in an interview that Zhiwang needs to find ways and methods to ensure the guarantee to ensure that guaranteeing to ensure that to ensure that to ensure the wayThe author's legal income and rights and interests are not enough.contact number:

(010) 82081166-6059

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