Ten consecutive!Girl guy blooms here!

Author:China University of Petroleum Time:2022.07.06

Written to General Secretary Xi Jinping

University of Petroleum (Beijing) Karama Yi Campus

118 graduates

It has been two years after working on a job

What is their working state?

What are the gains in the past two years?


On the occasion of General Secretary Xi Jinping to the first graduate of the first graduate of the Clarimi Campus of China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Xinjiang Daily continuously reported

The story of the 10 graduates who wrote to the General Secretary

Let's find out together!

He Baiyan: Use a practical entrustment to dream

He Baiyan wrote a poem, one of which, "Several years of youth should be priceless, a red dress is a country." Today, he is wearing a red "combat clothing" and has worked in Baiguchuquan Oil Factory, Xinjiang Oilfield Branch of China Petroleum and Natural Gas Co., Ltd. for nearly two years.

He Baiyan (left) Check the oil well production site

After work, He Baiyan experienced challenges from the environment. In the two winter, he spent the third oil collection operating area in Mahu. The winter temperature of Mahu is below minus 20 degrees Celsius, the outdoor operation is frozen in half an hour, and the living container is also very cold at night. The oil fields are producing 24 hours, and the problem must be solved at any time as long as there are abnormalities.

"I studied with the master, learned technical principles and work experience, and also learned their rigorous and serious work attitude and dedication." He Baiyan said.

Today, He Baiyan specializes in the management of underground operations, does engineering design, and further optimizes treatment according to the actual situation. Looking at a well, because of his optimization plan, he reducing a little consumables, increasing a little output, and increasing the benefits. He was excited. "Each ton of enterprises is‘ poured ', and behind the performance is the joint efforts of each operating area. "He said.

"I want to say that we are fortunate to make a decision to stay in Xinjiang. We have been highly hoped. When we are born, we need to be down -to -earth to look up at the starry sky. He Bai said.

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Wei Pengfei: Youth blooms in the desert oil field

"I have found my own growth direction for nearly two years." Wei Pengfei said that he opened a new life in the vast desert oil field in the southern Xinjiang.

Wei Pengfei (right) is writing job notes

"Facing the long yellow sand and vast Gobi every day, it is a bit monotonous, but I am used to it." Wei Pengfei said that the oil field focused on humanistic care. He quickly integrated into the collective and adapted to the work and life here.

Wei Pengfei is responsible for the preparation of the well -repaired operation plan. I do n’t know where the key points, risks, and improvement are from getting a construction design plan at the time of work. To today, I have confidence in the oil wells, and he has continued to grow in learning practice.

Although he was working in the scientific research building, Wei Pengfei often went to the well, and now he has run more than 500 wells. In the Mid -Autumn Festival last year, various activities were held in the factory, and also improved food. Before that, Wei Pengfei had been looking forward to the arrival of the festival. Early in the morning, because of a problem with a well, he and his colleagues rushed to the scene and were busy until late at night to complete the work.

"I remember when I was just an internship, I saw the drilling team's on -site technicians busy from 6 o'clock to 24 o'clock. The problem was solved. He smiled very well." Wei Pengfei said. The technician has been insisting that this full of dedication and responsibility has deeply touched him, making him unforgettable.

"Dare to innovate for people first", and seeing this sentence every day, Wei Pengfei is very encouraged. Following the spirit of experience and experience in the seniors, following the team boldly innovated, studying and studying through a down -to -earth study, during the construction of the well, using a scientific plan to make the oil well reappear to the healthy and stable operation cycle faster, making him feel fulfilled.

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Wang Liangzhe: Getting through wind and rain to gain growth

A red workwear, a black backpack, and the assistant engineer of the Jiqing Oilfield Operation Zone Research Center of PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Branch Wang Liangzhe, Wang Liangzhe, is well recognized. The bag is equipped with maps, drawings, and materials. It is a good assistant to work.

Wang Liangzhe is checking the pressure gauge

Wang Liangzhe's current post is a bridge connecting to the scene and decision -making. Through the data that feedback on the spot, you have to analyze whether each well can be achieved normally. Each well is crucial, and every problem is urgent. His mobile phone ringtones always have the maximum volume, always preparing to deal with various problems at the scene.

"In -depth research and analysis of on -site data can help us get more familiar with the scene faster. You can only protect it if you are familiar with it." Dynamic analysis, collection analysis, data processing, exploration and development, reservoir representation, infiltration mechanism ... Wang Liangzhe studied hard to learn hard work , Continue to "charge" yourself.

At the end of 2021, Wang Liangzhe won the second prize of scientific and technological progress in the operation area as the main person in charge. "‘ I donate oil for the motherland ’is my dream. Realizing my dreams will definitely be tempered, and the way to go is still long. I just started." He said.

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Chen Di: Let the most beautiful years shining in the western hot soil

After graduating, Chen Di became an external operator in Duggangne ​​Polythane Two -combined Workshop and was responsible for inspecting various process devices. The first task she received after work was to memorize the manufacturing process flowchart of more than 200 pages and accurately identify each device and location according to the drawings.

This back is half a year. During the day, Chen Di took the drawings and learned to identify the pipelines with different thickness, different colors, and bent around with the master. In the evening, she hurried time to "open a small stove" for herself, even when eating. Once, Chen Di was hospitalized because of treating otitis media. She asked the master to come to the electronic version of the picture, while receiving the treatment and carrying the drawings. Catalyst dispersed tanks, fire pipelines, acrylic vaporizations ... Kung Fu is not attentive. After being discharged, Chen Di can already identify the names and positions of each device to the flow diagram.

It is not enough to recognize the device, and you must master how to deal with the problems found in the inspection. In order to consolidate the technologies such as switching catalysts learned, Chen Di chose to stay in the company for Chinese New Year in the Spring Festival in 2021.

"That day, the firecrackers outside the factory area were intertwined with the roar of the machine in the factory area, so that I felt the beauty of 'symphony'." Chen Di said that her parents supported her work very well and made her work hard to become a good way to become a good way. Western builders who use large and capable western parts.

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Li Shuai: Dedicated blood and youth in the northwest of the motherland

In July 2020, Li Shuai came to work at PetroChina Caramay Petrochemical Co., Ltd., becoming an operator of the second joint workshop of the refining workshop.

"I have gradually learned that the company is a distinctive oil refining enterprise. Many special products produced in the important national development areas. I am proud of being a member of the company." Li Shuai said.

One evening in December 2021, the outdoor temperature reached more than 20 degrees Celsius. During the inspection, Li Shuai and colleague Yang Lei found that a pipeline was frozen. Frozen pipelines must be processed in time, otherwise it will affect the safe production of the device.

Li Shuai and Yang Lei climbed up to more than 30 meters high, from the top switch valve of the tower, blowing through the pipeline with steam from top to bottom. However, because the temperature is too low, the steam will form ice quickly after the steam turns into water. Li Shuai's lenses were also blindfolded by the mist and needed to be wiped. Because of one posture for a long time, Li Shuai's body was a bit frozen. After more than 2 hours of operation in the cold, the frozen pipeline was finally blown.

Installation inspections, turning on pumps, changing lubricating oil ... Now, Li Shuai is very proficient in these tasks. For more than a year when he walked out of the school gate, Li Shuai was still facing each job as humble, cautious, seriously and practical as when he entered the company.

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Yang Xing: It is a happy choice to stay

After graduation, it is a happy choice for Yang Xing. "There are classmates, teachers, colleagues, friends, and fiancee. This is my home." He said.

Yang Xing's fiancee, Li Ting, came to Karamay from Guizhou last year. The two were discussing the wedding period and preparing for the wedding. The couple fell down in the frontiers of the motherland.

The place where Yang Xing worked was 3 hours of drive from the city of Carama. He rushed to the city on Monday and returned on Friday. It was only two days a week to stay in the urban area.

The location of the work was so far, and Yang Xing's expectations were unexpected at first. He had never seen the desert at the time. "Go to know, work tense, time is fast, and every day is very fulfilling. Where can I think of hardships and hardships." Yang Xingle said.

Yang Xing's post is a geological officer, responsible for the development and management of oil and water wells, and goes to the scene to admit data and eliminate hidden dangers every week. From understanding the valve of the well, the well -to -the field switching well, to the gradual familiarity of the oil collection process, to the learning sampling, replacement of the pressure gauge, and the writing of oil -water well maintenance and production measures. Every day and every step, he treats it seriously.

Most of the time, Yang Xing wanted to analyze the data to track whether these large machines were running normally, but also had potential analysis. "It is more important to ensure the normal production and safe operation of oil and water wells by trying to ensure the normal production and safe operation of oil water wells. I feel that I have a great responsibility." Yang Xing said.

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Jin Tao: The youth power of rooting the oil field dedication

For nearly two years, Jin Tao has grown into a mature assistant engineer. He participated in the completion of the digital display comprehensive display system. In 2021, he won the second prize of the Youth Information Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition of the Oilfield Company, which made Jin Tao's confidence.

"My work now is the three major fields of cross -professional cross -field, including software development, geographical information systems, and oil exploration." Jin Tao said that in the next 3-5 years, he will use his spare time to supplement geographical information and oil exploration knowledge in the next 3-5 years, and strive to strive for oil exploration knowledge, and strive to strive to strive for oil exploration. Become a compound talent.

If the modeling is compared to a building, the writing code is similar to building bricks for the building. Jin Tao hopes to make better results in technology research and development in the future and become a designer of the building building, namely the architect.

Whether you choose a major or choose a job, Jin Tao obeys his inner thoughts and does his favorite career. Jin Tao, 24, has a clear understanding of the future development direction. "Anxin, cheer! I will do solid technical research." Jin Tao said.

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Ding Guiyang: Gel youth power in the vast Gobi

In September 2020, Ding Guiyang reported to the Petruma Oilfield Branch of China Petroleum Tarim Oilfield Branch in Kuibaig Town, Zepu County. On the vast Gobi Beach.

"We are more than ten kilometers away from the township government, and the average distance from various oil and gas wells is 450 kilometers." Ding Guiyang said. In the past two years, Ding Guiyang has worked hard on the front line, and participated in the winter natural gas supply, Shinai's production, installation, etc. Ding Guiyang also created the "Youth Forum". "We have a total of 16 graduates in the same batch to work in the Broad Oil and Gas Development Department to work in different positions. If there is a platform for us to learn and communicate with each other, for young people who choose to face deserted deserts Gathering the role of people's hearts and firm ambitions. "Ding Guiyang said.

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Ruan Siya: Let youth practice at the grassroots level

After graduating, Ruan Siya came to the PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company to work in the Second Plant. In the past two years, she had traveled to the oil wells near the cold winter of minus 30 degrees Celsius; she also inspected the masters in the vast Gobi in the midsummer in the midsummer in the sun.

With the belief of "not allowing the eyebrows", Ruan Siya has grown rapidly from the green university graduates to a technical expert. In May of this year, Ruan Siya was rated as the outstanding Communist Youth League of PetroChina Group.

Ruan Siya, who is in the management of automation equipment, organizes the automated equipment information of hundreds of oil wells and station libraries in the ninth oil collection operating area into a book in just one year, and has been entered into the electronic account, which solves the complicated management of automated equipment. Miscellaneous and chaotic issues.

In the Mahu New District of the National Key Oil Picking Engineering Demonstration Zone, Ruan Siya and colleagues both have several positions. The youngest Ruan Siya often fucks heavy wrenches, steel tongs and other inspections to maintain oil well operations.

"The Mahu New District is far from the urban area. In order to ensure the normal and orderly work of the work, it is often necessary to work hard to work hard." Ruan Siya said with a smile to reporters, "This is how my 120 pounds of weight is exercised."

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Fan Yiyang: Ideally shining youth and burning

In 2020, Fan Yiyang graduated from the University of Petroleum (Beijing) Clarma's Campus. As the only child at home, at first, he also wanted to find a job close to home. When he learned that the classmates had to write a letter to General Secretary Xi Jinping to express their determination to take root in the grassroots work of the frontiers, Fan Yiyang was infected.

"Youth is always accompanied by passion and blood, but the determination of rooting at the grassroots level is not a momentary impulse, nor is it the courage of the husband." With the written letter, Fan Yiyang was determined to take root in the frontier.

In September of that year, Fan Yiyang was assigned to the underground operating area of ​​Shinan Oil Station in Lu Liang Oilfield. At the processing station, the tank oil is the daily work. Fan Yiyang is afraid of high, climbing into a 16 -meter -high reserve can is a big challenge. Under the leadership of the master, he boarded the escalator step by step. "For the first time, he boarded the height that he had never reached." Fan Yiyang said.

The test test is not only perseverance, but also the ability. Once, during the New Year's Day duty, I happened to encounter Xinjing for production. As a duty member, Fan Yiyang must participate in the entire production process.

"This is the first big job I took. I can't mess up!" In order to successfully complete the task, Fan Yiyang asked colleagues to ask colleagues with an open mind.

"I recorded my voice every sentence and listened repeatedly." Fan Yiyang said, in those few days, he had to answer hundreds of calls every day.

On the day of production, the sky was particularly cold. In order to facilitate the electricity, the electrician master did not wear gloves, and the red and trembling hands held the multimeter to test, and another master stopped in the cold wind for an hour. These are deeply printed in Fan Yiyang's mind. He also stared at the scene. After more than 6 hours, Shinai was put into production, and he was relieved.

After completing all of this, Fan Yiyang took a photo. After printing, a poem was added- "The scales of the sea, galloping in the desert", which means that the strong men can swim the sea or gallop the desert. This photo has been placed on his desk.

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Go to the most needed place for the motherland

It was Master Zhongshi that always remained unchanged

Value pursuit and mission responsibility

It is also the realization of self -worth


Always keep in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping

With the fine appearance of youth oil people in the new era

Dedication for youth for the West

Source: Xinjiang Daily Pomegranate Cloud

Edit: Chen Miao

- END -

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