Panyu District in Guangzhou residents' health literacy knowledge contest won multiple "first prizes"

Author:Panyu Terrace Time:2022.07.06

On July 5th, the 2022 Guangzhou resident health literacy knowledge contest hosted by the Guangzhou Health and Health Commission ended in Guangzhou. The delegates from 11 districts in Guangzhou are competing in the same field. After the knowledge competition and scenario performances, the scene competition and fierce competition, the Panyu District team stood out in the end and won the excellent organization award and group first -class group with a maximum score of 95.6 points. Prize and scenario show first prize. This competition adopts the "offline+online" method to attract many citizens to watch.

The content of this competition includes two parts: knowledge contest and scenario show. Among them, the knowledge competition includes personal essential questions, team request questions, skill operation questions and risk questions, covering all aspects of health literacy knowledge. During the competition, the Panyu District team gained a full score in the knowledge competition. The scenario drama "Omikon Rong Jiu Jiu" showed the audience with a healthy mystery with a vivid and smooth performance, and was unanimously recognized by expert judges.

It is understood:

A total of 6 team members were sent to the districts in this competition. Participants covered the urban residents, rural residents, village doctors, community doctors, college students, etc. The composition of community doctors and a college student fully demonstrate the initiative and health literacy of residents in Panyu district residents to learn health knowledge. Through this competition, the health awareness of residents was strengthened, the health literacy of residents was improved, and the residents were guided to develop a healthy lifestyle.

It is reported that in recent years, the Panyu District Party Committee and the District Government attach great importance to improving the health literacy of residents, with the construction of a health promotion zone as the starting point, and adopting various measures to ensure the smooth development of health literacy. The Health Education Center of Panyu District played a leading role in technical leadership, actively acting in popularizing health knowledge and skills, cultivating health behavior and lifestyle, and helping the health quality level of residents in the jurisdiction to continue to improve.

Source: Panyu Rong Media Chen Xiao

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