A "timely rain"!2022 Linyi Zhongzhao Consultation will open hotly

Author:Langya News Network Time:2022.07.05

2022 Linyi Zhongzhao Consultation will open hotly

Candidates, parents: It's really a "rainstand"

On the morning of July 4th, the two -day (July 4th, 5th) 2022 Linyi City Entrance Examination Admissions Consultation Conference kicked off at Wanda Plaza, Shanghai Road. The event was hosted by Linyi Daily Newspaper Group and co -organized by Linyi Luzhou Senior Middle School. The popularity was bursting and the scene was hot. More than 50 high schools, vocational colleges and study institutions answered questions about the candidates and parents of the middle school entrance examinations in Linyi.

Consultation meeting time: July 4th to 5th

Consultation place: The lobby on the first floor of Wanda Plaza, Shanghai Road

Reminder: This Zhongzhao Consultation will be a large -scale public welfare activity. It is free for all candidates and parents. Do not believe that Ren He will use the name of the name of consultation.

Candidates and parents: sweaty after the rain, but there is a spectrum in my heart!

On the morning of the 4th, Linyi City was drizzling and humid. Despite "Tiangong is not beautiful", it still failed to stop the steps of "asking the future" of candidates and parents.

The Zhongzhao Association was scheduled to officially start at 9 am. At less than 8 am, candidates and parents entered the scene one after another. Until the afternoon, the scene was crowded. More than 50 high schools, secondary vocational colleges and international education institutions from the province and the city gathered together to provide scientific and professional enrollment consulting services for candidates and parents of the middle school entrance examination.

"With reference to the admission situation in previous years, how much can I go to your school?" "How about the teacher's teacher?" "What should you pay attention to when you fill in the volunteer?" Turnds of candidates and parents consult the admissions personnel in front of their favorite school booths.

It is reported that this Zhongzhao Consultation Association has many types of schools, large scale, excellent environment, and authoritativeness. It aims to facilitate candidates and parents to understand the enrollment policies and school characteristics of various schools at all levels, and comprehensively display the high -quality education brand of Linyi. The booths of Linyi No. 1 Middle School, Linyi No. 1 Middle School, Linyi No. 1 Middle School, Linyi No. 2 Middle School, Linyi No. 3 Middle School, Linyi No. 4 Middle School, Linyi Foreign Language School and other schools were surrounded by candidates and parents. Vocational schools, international education institutions, and special experimental schools at the site of the China Recruitment Association have also attracted much attention from parents. In addition, many high school schools from other cities in the province also did not resign to come to Linyi Middle School for publicity.

Many candidates and parents said that when they came to the Zhongzhao Consultation Meeting, the entrance examination was finally not panicked, and there was a spectrum in my heart ...

Schools and entrance experts: Diversified from the high school entrance examination, choice is critical

In order to provide more professional and convenient services for candidates and parents, the organizer of this event also invited the heads of the school's recruitment office, the promotion planning experts, and the education experts to provide parents with the most detailed application information on the day. In interpretation of this year's enrollment policy and admission situation, and combined with this year's enrollment policy adjustment, according to the students' academic level, specialties hobbies, etc., I will answer questions and solve questions on the spot.

At the consultation meeting, schools have set up exhibition boards to fully present the school's school history, school strength, school conditions and enrollment plans. In addition to the exhibition board, the school participating in the Zhongzhao Consulting Association also prepared a booklet for introducing the advantages of the school and the enrollment rules for parents and students to read. The "one -stop" intimate service such as the WeChat scanning group free question, free gift information, and one -to -one professional answer attracted frequent praise from candidates and parents.

According to the "Notice of the Education Department of Shandong Province on Doing the Entry and Entry of ordinary primary and secondary schools and kindergarten enrollment in 2022" (Lujiao Jihan [2022] No. 23), "Continuous consolidation of the results of general high school enrollment governance, implementing territorial enrollment and citizen's co -recruitment . Public general high schools should enroll students in this county ... Private high schools with insufficient students can arrange enrollment plans by municipal education administrative departments in the area under their jurisdiction, but not allowed across the city to enroll "and other requirements. The Implementation Plan for General High School Admissions of Linyi City "made corresponding adjustments to the scope of enrollment, admission methods and volunteers in the city's ordinary high school this year. Faced with these changes, Professor Chen Bo, the heads of the enrollment office of each school and the invitation experts from the China Recruitment Association, shared the educational concepts and school selection skills at the scene to help more candidates' families choose education suitable for children to grow. "The diversified path of further studies brings more possibilities to candidates, so the choice has become the key." After listening to the interpretation of the experts, candidates and parents said with emotion: "Suddenly, the horizon was opened, and it was greatly inspired. I still have to participate in the event. "

Let the candidates choose the school they like, and let the school recruit high -quality students. In 2022, the series of activities of the Linyi City Entrance Examination Admissions Consultation Club is currently on the hot. Come and participate!

Linbao Mercy Reporter Yifang Jie

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