Quanzhou introduced 20 measures!Promote the employment of college graduates

Author:Quanzhou Evening News Time:2022.07.05

This year, the employment situation of college graduates is complicated and severe. Recently, the coordination team of the employment work leaders of the Graduate Graduate of Quanzhou City to do a good job in the employment and entrepreneurship of graduates of ordinary colleges and universities, "Notice on the Employment and Entrepreneurship of Graduate Graduates of General College" (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice"), from Provide 4 measures to provide sufficient employment positions and living security, vigorously support innovation and entrepreneurship, provide employment service guarantee, and compact work responsibility for work, and make up 20 measures to make full promotion of college graduates to be more full and high -quality employment. 01 Multi -measures provide sufficient employment positions. According to the "Notice", Quanzhou encourages employment at the grassroots level, coordinates the implementation of grass -roots service projects, and releases the municipal "three branches and one support" plan to recruit 100 posts and 30 service community plans. Improve the regular growth mechanism of living subsidies for grass -roots service project personnel. Since 2022, the "three branches and one support" college graduate living subsidy issuance standards and social insurance payment bases shall be determined by the average salary of employment personnel in the full -caliber urban unit in Fujian Province in the previous year. (2022 is 4324 yuan/month). In terms of the channels of the owner, Quanzhou has adjusted and optimized the policies of credit investment, stabilizing jobs, and social insurance subsidies, implemented tax reduction and exemption policies, and each move of an annual college graduate for each move, signed a labor contract for more than one year, and participated in unemployment. The one -time expansion subsidy of 1,500 yuan is given to insurance, and it supports enterprises to attract more college graduates to employment. Dynamically reserve more than 50,000 high -quality employment positions. Encourage college graduates to participate in the army, enroll in school, unblock the green channels of enlistment, increase the number of college graduates to join the army, and give each college graduates of each army awarded 25,000 yuan and 20,000 yuan, respectively Preferential policies such as employment and entrepreneurship provide preferential treatment for college students who joined the army. In terms of living security, Quanzhou City graduates of all -time college graduates and technical reserve technicians (technicians) graduates of fresh colleges and universities in full -time undergraduate and above shall be paid If the urban employee endowment insurance is more than three months and settled in Quanzhou, a disposable life subsidy is issued in accordance with the standard of 10,000 yuan per person; the individual pays the urban employee's endowment insurance for the subsidy. Essence For flexible employment for graduates from unobstructed university universities, it is not higher than the basic pension insurance premiums paid by themselves and 2/3 of basic medical insurance premiums. 02 Vigorously support the innovation and entrepreneurship "Notice" clearly, strengthen the cultivation of entrepreneurial subjects, conduct targeted training for college graduates, and enjoy entrepreneurial training subsidies of 2,000 yuan in accordance with regulations. Relying on the universities, vocational colleges, and crowdsourcing space, the construction of public welfare entrepreneurship colleges will provide no less than 50,000 college students' innovation and entrepreneurship training opportunities each year. If the number and quality of the training meet the corresponding standards, the 100,000 yuan award subsidy for each entrepreneurial college is given each year. In terms of entrepreneurial platforms, Quanzhou has accelerated the construction of a number of industrial complexes such as crowd -creation space, innovation workshop, new incubator and other industrial complexes, innovation complexes and entrepreneurial public service platforms to provide high -supporting and low -cost entrepreneurial environment for various types of talents. Among them, the entrepreneurial carrier of the government's investment and development should arrange a venue of not less than 30%to provide free entrepreneurial graduates. Continue to support the construction of a group of entrepreneurial incubation bases and give up of support funds of up to 300,000 yuan. In addition, Quanzhou City will also increase entrepreneurial guarantee loans, give discount support, and issue one -time entrepreneurial subsidies to qualified personnel, entrepreneurial employment subsidies, and entrepreneurial social security subsidies. Continue to select a group of outstanding entrepreneurial projects, and after the review, it will be given funding support of less than 50,000 yuan. For college graduates to establish an entrepreneurial body below the township (street) (including townships, towns, streets) in the city, and if they operate for more than 6 months (including 6 months), they can rent, water, electricity, gas and other expenses and graduates from colleges and universities. Appropriate subsidies are given in life. For entrepreneurial projects that have won the national entrepreneurial innovation contest gold, silver, bronze awards (or the top three awards) and developed for more than 6 months (including 6 months) in the spring, the recommended competent authorities will give the gold award of 300,000 yuan for the gold award of 300,000 yuan. , Silver Award 250,000 yuan, bronze award 200,000 yuan (the top three awards with the same aim above) entrepreneurial projects.

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Quanzhou Evening News New Media Center Source: Quanzhou Tong Client Reporter: Wu Zongbao Correspondent: Huang Peiru Editor: Chen Tianman Review: Jiang Xiaoyuan

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