35+14!Guangyuan's public selection (test adjustment) and selection of civil servants, register now

Author:Guangyuan Daily Time:2022.07.04

On July 4, the Organization Department of the Guangyuan Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a public officer announcement (testing) of the municipal agencies in 2022, and plans to select 35 civil servants. Public selection (testing) positions include township -level leadership positions and first -level chiefs, as well as positions (or other levels) positions (or other levels).

The scope of registration is that the counties (districts) and below (units) in the cities that meet the requirements of the selection (testing) have been registered for civil servants (including reference to the civil servant law management authority < -unit & staff registration) and Refer to the civil servant law management organs

In addition to meeting the specific registration requirements of the selection (testing), personnel must also have a number of conditions, such as: have more than 2 years of grass -roots work experience; There are no basic competence and below.

This time, the registration website is registered. The registration website is the Guangyuan Personnel Examination Network (http://gypta.e21cn.com/), and the registration time is from July 4, 2022 to 18:00 from July 13th.

In addition, on the same day, the Organization Department of the Guangyuan Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China also issued an announcement of public officers in 2022, which stated that 14 civil servants were selected. Public selection positions are township -level leadership positions.


Announcement of the Organization Department of the CPC Guangyuan Municipal Party Committee on the public selection (testing) civil servant of the municipal agency in 2022

The Organization Department of the Guangyuan Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on the announcement of public servants in 2022 public officers selection and transfer of civil servants

(Click on the picture to zoom in)

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Source: Guangyuan Group Industry Network

Editor: Luo Jing School Division: Roger Duty Editorial Committee: Liu Kan

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