Deep reading 丨 I did not intentionally "lying down". What do you value after the post -00s?

Author:Sanxiang Metropolis Daily Time:2022.07.03

This year, the employment pressure of college graduates is not small, and they have to face new challenges -the first batch of college graduates "post -00" just entered or will soon enter the workplace, which has quickly brought the "after -00 'rectification workplace" network. Hot spots. In this issue of "Deep Reading on the 16th", focusing on the current status of employment and entrepreneurship of graduates from Hunan universities, promoting the innovative demonstration experience of schools and schools, and helping the first batch of "post -00s" of the first batch of universities to successfully change their identity.


Prepare in advance, successfully find your favorite work

"It's about to come to the probation period, I look forward to it!" On June 28, Zhang Huiyi, a graduate of the Hunan Institute of Foreign Economics, told reporters that she had employed an employment internship at a cultural media Co., Ltd. in Hunan in March this year. The post was an editing assistant.

During the internship, Zhang Huiyi learned a lot of editing skills and editing thinking, and determined the employment direction.

As early as April 2021, Zhang Huiyi, who had graduated one year after graduation, began to prepare for employment and started the internship road. The first interview was completed online. "It was a little tension at that time, and the advantages of the advantages did not introduce it. After the interview, I didn't wait stupidly, and started Haitou." Zhang Huiyi checked the mailbox almost every day. In early May 2021, She got an internship opportunity -variety show.

Zhang Huiyi told reporters that he attaches great importance to his internship. In addition to improving his ability, he is also a kind of exploration and research on his favorite positions and units.

The reporter found in the interview that there were many "post -00s" job seekers who did full homework like Zhang Huiyi in advance. At the same time, through an internship, you can directly complete the "back tone" of employment units.

During the internship, Zhang Huiyi was mainly responsible for the uploading of the program material. She could also use her own to cut videos. She learned a lot of editing techniques and editing thinking with the teacher, which also made her even more determined her employment direction. Zhang Huiyi, who prepared in advance, steadily moved towards his employment goals.

Beginning in March this year, when she graduated, she put all the focus into the job search, the employment goal was clear, and the resume was also very targeted. After interviewing three companies. Due to rich internship experience, she was ready to find her favorite work. "Although a bit tired, there are many young people in the company, and I like the atmosphere here very much. At present, I am an editing assistant. "

"I hope that in the later editing industry, it has developed in -depth and became a editing big man." Zhang Huiyi told reporters that hard work in his favorite position is more motivated, and hope that dreams can be realized as soon as possible.

Not limited to "decent", go home to find a bigger stage

"Moving interests, majors, and occupations is my ideal high -quality employment." Yao Le in 2018 told Sanxiang Metropolis Daily that during the college entrance examination, he chose the journalism major according to his hobbies. During college, he studied various professional courses, firmly used the theoretical foundation, and used the opportunity of campus channels, workshops and other opportunities to participate in practice. He often filmed VLOG and recorded in the daily life. Among the job search army, Yao Le, who is interested in the original power, has got the offer of his favorite unit. He does not care about the position and salary of the first employment. What is more optimistic is the future growth space.

During an interview, the reporter found that, like Yao Le, most of the "post -00s" graduates' job search focuses more on hobbies, room for development, and more pragmatic.

"I used to want to go out to see the world, and now I feel that I will go to the stage of my hometown." Luo Chao (pseudonym) is a fresh graduate of 2022 applied chemistry at Central South University. He told reporters that not only did he determine to return to his hometown to build his hometown, but many students in the class were planning to go back to his hometown to find employment and entrepreneurship.

Compared with more people in previous years, more people choose first -tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. This year, many college graduates in our province are no longer limited to the conventional "decent" and "big factories" and other glorious conditions, and their employment has become a new fashion. Peng Mengdi, the Department of Chinese Department of Hengyang Normal University, is one of them. Compared with going to Beishangguang, she and her classmates are more inclined to turn the ability to learn from "Little Fortunately" and realize their own value on the stage of her hometown. With the implementation of rural revitalization strategies, "hometown" has become a new option for employment selection. The rejuvenation of rural rejuvenation has made college students seeing the vast rural stage. Wang Hui (pseudonym), a fresh graduate of Hunan University of Technology and Industry, told reporters that she received 4 good offers during this year's spring recruitment. After comprehensive consideration, she signed a contract with an e -commerce company in the province. It will get better and better, and it is important to find a work. "

On June 25, the "strong provincial capital to the future" hosted by the Changsha Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in 2022 Hunan (Changsha) college graduates in the summer supply and demand meeting was held in Changsha Talent Market. Correspondent Kangjia Photo Confession

Policy Support

For preparation and subsidies, governments at all levels of provinces and cities help employment

In February of this year, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission will introduce the "List of Entrepreneurship and Employment Policy Policies for Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship and Employment of Hunan Province" with the Eighth Department of the Provincial Department of Education, including encouraging college graduates to start their own businesses, encourage enterprises to absorb college graduates, encourage social support college graduates Three parts of innovation and entrepreneurship. For 51 poverty alleviation counties and the employment of grass -roots units in Lengshuijiang City in the province, the fresh graduates of Hunan colleges and units in Lengshuijiang City implement tuition compensation. Doctoral students are 10,000 yuan per person per year, 8,000 yuan per person per year, 5,000 yuan per person per year. The college students each year 3,500 yuan. Compensation for three consecutive years.

On May 31, the Provincial Human Resources and Social Affairs Department, the Provincial Department of Finance, and the Provincial Taxation Bureau jointly issued the "Sixteen Measures for the Employment of Skills and Employment of Skills in the Job" to encourage employers to absorb employment policies such as college graduates and other groups. Small and medium -sized enterprises who recruit college graduates and sign for more than 1 year of labor contracts will give one -time employment subsidies in accordance with the standard of 1,000 yuan per person. The meta -standard distribution of one -time expansion subsidy. In the same month, the General Office of the Provincial People's Government issued the "Implementation Plan for Implementing the" Fourteenth Five -Year Plan "Employment Promotion Plan" to clearly expand the scale of employment of college graduates recruitment of state -owned enterprises.

At the same time, in order to encourage college graduates to start their own businesses, 30%of entrepreneurial carriers such as incubators invested and developed by the government are provided to college graduates for free, and rent subsidies are given to college graduates from incubator entrepreneurship. After graduating, college students who have entrepreneurship can pay the "five insurances and one gold" in accordance with regulations. Eligible college graduates can start their own businesses. They can apply for up to 200,000 yuan of entrepreneurial guarantee loans. The maximum amount of partnership entrepreneurs is 1.1 million yuan.

All cities and states have also introduced policies. Changsha launched 20 policies to promote employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates, raising more than 150,000 employment positions. Zhuzhou issued the "30 Measures on Optimizing the Talent Policy System to Promote the High -quality Development of the City", and a doctoral work can apply for a subsidy of 100,000 yuan for one year. Xiangtan issued the "Several Measures on Promoting the Graduate Graduates of the Universities (Trial)", which attracted college graduates to stay in Tan Laitan to employment and entrepreneurship. Loudi released 36 "New Deal of Talent" to lead the phoenix into the nest; Luzhou took out 353 preparations and exempt the test directly.

The school leadership becomes a "recommendation officer" point -to -point point to implement students' graduation where they graduate

In addition to policy efforts, colleges and universities also focus on making articles on "extended work". Many colleges and universities in Hunan have taken multiple measures to excavate job resources, do everything possible to build recruitment channels, do practical employment guidance services, and promote college graduates to have their careers and choose good jobs. In order to implement the whereabouts of graduates, the person in charge of the college transformed into a "matchmaker" and visited the enterprise to expand.

From April 26th to 27th, Deng Wei, secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan University, and Duan Xianzhong, the principal, led the team to visit the Fifth Bureau of China Construction and Zhonglian Heavy Division to deepen school -enterprise cooperation, supply and demand docking. In early June, the leadership team of Hunan Vocational and Technical College of Hunan went to battle. "Activate high -quality alumni resources and promote employment of graduates." Since the beginning of this year, the school has held 38 job fairs for fresh graduates, providing a total of 1,5302 employment positions.

There are many universities in charge of "matching and bridge" for graduates. On June 28th and 29th, Hu Kangping, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yiyang Vocational and Technical College, and Huang Weimin, the dean, became "employment recommender" and went to Hunan Huitong New Materials Co., Ltd., Hunan Edio Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Enterprises, digging dives to expand job resources.

At present, 2380 of the 3133 graduates of the school have implemented graduation where they have registered with college graduates to register with the online signing platform.

As of April 24, according to statistics from the National 24365 platform, 35 college leaders in Hunan have taken the lead in visiting 100 companies, so they have added more than 5,000 new employment and internship positions.


Personalized expression, resume must be "targeted"

"The employer mainly depends on the comprehensive quality, internship experience, and qualification certificate." On July 1, Qiu Zhijun, a member of the senior economist and a member of the Hunan Provincial Vocational Guidance Expert Group, said in an interview with the Sanxiang Metropolitan Daily that some may be right. There are special requirements in some aspects, "such as the majors of learning, whether they are well -written, whether they are well -written, whether they are members of the Communist Party of China, members of the Communist Youth League, etc." Resume is important. So, how to write the resume during the job search process?

"Resume must be targeted and highlights its own advantages. The important point is to avoid a resume to fight the world. Different units and different positions must write different excellent points. Writing. "Qiu Zhijun said that the resume should be clear for the job search, and do not talk about it. As the "stalls" of the interview, it is reflected in the most intuitive way of correlation with the applicant during the internship process, and then fills in the cognitive qualifications of your job search position. For example, what ability this position needs to have, and your learning and internship experience proves that you just have it. This is reflected in the resume and let the employer understand you in advance.

The reporter found in the interview that compared with the satisfactory display of themselves, graduates after 00 pay more attention to the "personalized expression" in resumes and interviews. More vivid. For example, in the resume, the glory of the king's glory game is in the resume, and I have been in love with several times.

In fact, adding some lively elements to the resume, as long as the conditions are too strong and meet the needs of the job, this lively and personality masters the degree, and employers are generally acceptable. Especially in the face of some companies that are very young, these personalized expressions will start a positive role in job hunting, especially the Internet industry, and they also prefer bold innovation and dare to express their opinions and attitudes.

It is worth noting that the personality and characteristics of excessive highlighting work will be decentralized, and the attention of the recruiter is likely to miss the advantages of the candidate's professionalism with the post.

Interview online, you must pay attention to these aspects

"Interviews with online interviews and offline interviews. For the graduates, they are influenced by various aspects, and there are currently many online interviews. For online interviews, you need to pay attention to the preparation of the environment and the preparation of equipment." Qiu Zhijun reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded that the interview was reminded. The location should be simple and quiet. Do not choose an open environment, such as student bedrooms or outdoor. The video device must also be debugged in advance, it is best to simulate it first.

"Pay special attention to dressing, don't think that just half -body appearance is very casual, upper body suit, lower body pajamas. You know, many times the interviewer may propose a 'classmate at the end, can you ask you to stand up or walk around or walk around A few steps. At this time, the casual wear will cause the interview to fail. "Qiu Zhijun suggested that the video interview also needs to pay attention to the interview with the interviewer.

It is worth noting that the higher the level of structured, the time limit is basically limited during the interview. Candidates should pay attention to grasp the time and fully display the advantages and strengths in a limited time.

The offline interview is the same as the online interview. In particular, the candidate's understanding of the unit, as well as the relationship between their own situation and the development trend of the enterprise.

In mid -June, Furong District, Changsha City held a series of job fairs for graduates of college graduates, providing more than 5,000 jobs for college graduates. Correspondence

Clarify the job search goals and establish the correct view of employment

How do college graduates position themselves during job job employment?

"For college graduates this year, there is good news. The State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council requires all central enterprises to recruit summer recruitment. This is the first time that it is proposed." Qiu Zhijun said that in the past year, there were only spring and autumn seasons. Times. At the same time, the government has also opened many civil servants' positions, and graduates can also strive.

Qiu Zhijun believes that job hunting employment is a good thing, but it cannot be used as an excuse for evading reality. As a professional instructor, Qiu Zhijun suggested that everyone "employment first before choosing a job", find a job first, and then gradually choose the position to create basic conditions for daily life.

If you really want to study, you will focus on preparing for the exam and take a good postgraduate entrance examination. If you are not satisfied with your salary and position and refuse to employment, there is no great advantage in competing with the next graduate without any work experience. As a job seeker, if you do n’t have special professional skills or specialties, you can consider which job talent is the most short -short, which is also conducive to future development. For job seekers, we must establish a correct concept of employment, and there is no distinction between the positions of the positions.

The self -driving force of learning is the "hardware" of practitioners

"As a recruitment company, we value students' theoretical knowledge of digital circuits, analog circuits, and DSP, and the experience of electronic competition, project internship experience, and even independent practice during school." Resource recruitment supervisor said that the core electronics are the integrated circuit industry and chip design company, so it has higher requirements for technical personnel. The company recruits chip design talents, with application scheme development and software supplemented.

In 2021, the company carried out 14 school recruitment activities and successfully recruited 17 fresh graduates of 2022, which is currently 14th.The "hardware" of practitioners doing technology research and development is important.So, what is the "hardware" in the application?The company's human resources recruitment supervisor said that for fresh graduates, there are fewer practice, so during the interview process, more of the job seekers' theoretical results and a certain competition experience, and focus on self -driving force.During the interview, many technical enterprises recruiting in charge said that fresh graduates have no work experience, and technical post recruitment is more optimistic about basic skills and learning ability.

All media reporter Huang Juan Yang Sihan Wang Zhifang

Intern Deng Hu Jiang Youhong Ou Zixuan Huang Jingjing Rosni

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