One center and four fusion!High -tech education is constantly refreshing high -quality development transcripts

Author:Jinan Newspaper Education Time:2022.07.01

When it comes to Jinan High -tech Zone, people have been linked to keywords such as high -rise buildings and high -tech, but in recent years, a "new star" has gradually flickered in people's vision. It is "high -tech education". Nowadays, High -tech Education has become an important basis for more and more people to choose high -tech and settle in high -tech. The high -tech zone has continuously enhanced its development strength and helps Jinan's leadership in the provincial capital. High -tech education plays an important role in it.

The Party Working Committee of the Jinan High -tech Zone has always put the development of education in an important position. Under the leadership of the Party Committee of the Development and Guarantee Department of the High -tech Zone, in 2022, the Education Party Committee of the Jinan High -tech Zone Education Party Committee forcibly wrote a good part of the party building "Rong" articles, around the "one center, four, four, four The integration of "solidly carried out party building work, that is, a goal is not shaken to promote the high -quality development of education with party building; do a good job of integrating the innovation of party building work and the reform of the institutional mechanism; The integration of the construction of teachers and morals; organizational life improvement and the integration of the quality of education and teaching.

The leadership of the party building, demonstration of party members, the hard work and sweat, wisdom and innovation of high -tech educational people lays the foundation for the realization of the "four highland construction", and also provide "high -tech experience" for the development of education, helping the city's soft power improvement. From backward to leapfrog development, to the city's "leading navigation", high -tech education has practiced "education satisfactory education" with practical actions, constantly transforming party building energy into educational development momentum, and the fighting spirit has moved towards the next new journey.

Party building leads the opening of a new pattern of education

High -quality development presents hard core data

"To do the party building work is productivity, stronger is the combat effectiveness, and the details are cohesion." On June 16th, at the graduation ceremony of the 2022 junior high school graduate graduation ceremony of the Kochin Road School in Jinan High -tech Zone, Liu Zongquan, secretary of the party branch and principal of the school, delivered a speech. Said in a emotion. In daily work, as a 27 -year -old party member, Liu Zongquan has always stood on the front line of education management.

In recent years, the High -tech Zone Koihang Road School has established the party building brand of "party flag lead, tasteful life from here". After taking the lead and hard work of the party members and cadres represented by Liu Zongquan, it has driven the trend of "rushing to catch up" by teachers in the school and keeping the school at a high level of development.

High -tech educators have always determined that the goal of "party building leads to promote high -quality education" is not shaken. School party building work is a microcosm of high -tech party building leading to promote high -quality development of education. In recent years, the potential of schools and teachers in high -tech districts has continued to stimulate, innovating and continuously upgraded the "three self -education" high -quality teaching and academic models of teachers and students. A large number of well -known schools such as Haichuan Middle School in Jinan High -tech Zone, the First Experimental School of Jinan High -tech Zone, Jinan High -tech Zone Golden Valley School, and Jinan High -tech Zone Yaojin Wall Middle School came into being, making high -tech education forming a peak and a situation.

A series of data vividly shows the keyword "high quality": the overall level of regional education has entered the forefront of the city, and the level of junior high school academic level has been promoted from the end of the city to the forefront of the city, and has been far ahead. In the past 5 years, schools and teachers individuals Won more than 700 awards at all levels, of which 61 national or ministerial awards and 198 provincial awards are won; the sense of education in the Jinan High -tech Zone is significantly enhanced. 46%increase to 100%...

The masses "voting with feet" are the best recognition of the development of high -tech education. Mr. Li, 38, is one of the talents introduced by a state -owned enterprise in a high -tech zone. Speaking of choosing to settle in the high -tech zone, he feels a lot. "At first I was hesitant because of the problem of children going to school. But after in -depth understanding, I saw the vigorous development of high -tech education in recent years, and finally decided to choose High -tech." Next year, Mr. Li's son is about to enter the high -tech zone Yajuyuan Primary School. After studying, this also made him look forward to the future of the child. Because there are many examples of education settled in high -tech, it can be seen from the admission data of elementary school in the past 6 years. In 2016, the number of students in the first grade of primary school was 2431, which has been improved for many years. By 2021, it exceeded 6,000, reaching 6,421.

The reform of the system and mechanism breaks the "old yellow calendar"

Help education running out "acceleration"

Today's high -tech education that is impossible to carry it is not "born with golden keys", but high -tech educated people step by step, with sweat and hard work. The reform of the educational system and mechanism of the country.

This reform realized the separation of "management and evaluation" and rationalized the relationship between the government and the school; it broke the preparation of the "tight hoop" and formed a flexible employment mechanism that could go up and down, and could enter. After the reform, the promotion of the teacher's level was promoted to implement the integration system, which cracked the trouble of the teacher's title review. At the same time, the relatively independent performance system of cadres and teachers has been established to resolve the contradictions of dry groups. The reform of physical mechanism has stimulated the vitality of school running, and effectively promoted the characteristics of school education and teaching characteristic and high -quality development.

Gao Yiming, Secretary of the Education Party Committee of Jinan High -tech Zone and Deputy Minister of the Development and Guarantee Department of the High -tech Zone, is well versed in the essence of the integration of the reform of party building work and the reform of the system and mechanism. The reform of innovation mechanisms has become the first "killer" for the development of high -tech education. The district specializes in the introduction of "green channels" for talent introduction, introduce and cultivate high -level teaching backbones and educational management talents; continuously selects outstanding graduates from colleges and universities, reform selection models, and improve the quality of selection. Under this mechanism, the high -tech zone has successfully introduced 6 President Qilu, 3 special teachers, and more than 30 prefecture -level backbone teachers within 5 years. Among the "double first -class" college graduates among the teachers in the job, the proportion of college graduates of universities accounted for 30%. Innovative teacher training model, through the theme education forum activities such as principal forums, famous teachers forums, class teacher forums, expert training, special seminars, teaching site meetings, etc., combined online and offline, etc. Teachers provide the training menu selected on demand to form a new state of "three self -education" training of "self -training, self -study, and conscious growth".

The booming state of high -tech education is not happening overnight. In 2016, as the only high school in the high -tech zone, there were not many students who were admitted to undergraduate high schools at that time, and it was difficult to attract outstanding junior high school graduates. That year, Gao Yiming came to the High -tech Zone Experimental Middle School as the principal. He introduced the teaching model of "Three Self -Education" and "Guidance Classroom", starting from changing the school's temperament and updating the educational concepts to make the old school rejuvenating. "Many people say that the high -tech zone experimental middle school is difficult to break through. Our Communist Party members just do not believe in evil!" Under the first priority of Gao Yiming, the school's admission to undergraduate students has improved year by year, making the school a well -deserved "education leader in the region."

Refine the "one school, one product" party building brand

Based on campus to build the main position of student development

Education will eventually return to campus. Entering the campus of the Golden Valley School of Jinan High -tech Zone, almost everywhere is the "position" of party building. This school in September 2017 has become the only "one school, one product" party building demonstration school in Jinan primary and secondary schools in the high -tech zone.

Early in the morning, Sun Fengqin, the party branch secretary and principal of the Jinan High -tech Zone Golden Valley School, stood at the school gate and smiled to meet every student. "Our school running philosophy is 'Following each one and laid the foundation for happiness', we are committed to creating an educational platform for teachers and students, sharing home and school, and co -construction of various parties." Sun Fengqin introduced that the school party branch of the school is widely implemented. "Locomment" allows teachers and students to grow in the "happy culture" atmosphere. The school not only created red positions such as "Centennial Red Walls of the Party Construction" and the red cultural corner of the class, so that each wall will "speak"; but also builds courses such as "patriotic education" and "patriotic me" to carry out festive courses and theme team Day For other practical activities, fully show the work system of party building and team building and team building. Since the establishment of the party building brand of "Party Banner Leading Ecological Golden Valley", the high -tech zone Golden Valley School's education and teaching results have made rapid progress, and the results of the middle school entrance examination for three consecutive years are excellent.

"Children's spiritual education cannot be lost. With the correct thinking, we can grow into the material of the country that can be used." In the process of the integration of party building brands in the high -tech zone with the integration of campus culture construction , Continue to strengthen the leading role of party building, promote the in -depth integration of party building and education and teaching, activate the "cells" of party building party building, grasp the foundation, create brands, promote improvement, and strive to build a red position to lead students to "red heart to the party", accelerate the development of high -tech zone education development development. Essence

In 2021, the Jinan High -tech Zone Experimental Middle School and Jinan High -tech Zone Hanyu Elementary School were shortlisted for the city's party building brand cultivation school list. The school's various tasks were carried out around party building brands to generate unique campus cultural styles. Atmosphere.

A party member is a banner

"Education Iron Army" lays the foundation of talent

Education is a person's career, and it is inseparable from people's officers to start a business. High -tech education integrates the construction of party members Pioneer Pei Shu and the construction of teachers' morality and morality, promoting teachers to form a grand enthusiasm.

In March of this year, a sudden new epidemic was pressed for offline teaching. "Where is the epidemic, where the Communist Party members are fighting!" On this battlefield that invisible smoke, a well -known Communist Party member of the high -tech zone education system chose to stand up and charge in front of it, while effectively guarantee the quality of online teaching, While actively fulfilling the social responsibility of educating people, it shows the spiritual style of Communist Party members' "especially fighting, especially suffering, and dedication."

Born in 1966, joined the party in 1997, and in the sinking community volunteers at the Education Office of the Ministry of Development and Insurance of the High -tech Zone, Jiang Hanming, member of the Education Party Committee and Director of the Education and Sports Office of the High -tech Zone is the longest, oldest, and longest party. Essence "I am a party member, I want to go to the front line!" Facing the needs of the epidemic prevention and control, Jiang Hanming chose "the epidemic" without hesitation, just like when he was young, he took the hard core of "who he gave me".

Wait at any time, and you will rush to where you need it; every time you "get out", you must go to the place closest to the "virus" and face face to face with positive patients ... Liu Shuai, head of the Ministry of Education and Sports Office of the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Ministry of Development and Security. During the 21st party age, during the prevention and control of the epidemic, he served as the ninth group leader of the Chaoyang Working Group of Suncun District. Challenge, but he never retreated. "As an educator, especially the old party members of the educator, all I can do is go all out." Liu Shuai said. Facing the emergency and dangerous tasks such as the prevention and control of the epidemic and the re -study, the education system of the high -tech zone showed the responsibility of the party members. The leadership team of the Education and Sports Office takes the lead to make an example, eats and lives in the unit, and adheres to the front line of prevention and control of the campus epidemic; forms 6 outbreaks to prevent and control volunteer groups, enter the community, enter the enterprise, and conduct voluntary services; 3 educators actively please ask for help , Go to the front -line isolation point; other staff members of the teaching office are on duty at the job 24 hours, coordinating and coordinating the prevention and control of the campus epidemic, ensuring that online teaching cannot be dropped; Online classroom, care for 24 hours online, and interpret the teacher with practical actions.

Over the years, under the leadership of party members and teachers, the entire region's education system has caused a storm of "learning from advanced educators". Party members strictly demand themselves. Ordinary teachers are aligned with party members to form a strong learning atmosphere. They are high -quality equilibrium for high -quality education in high -tech zones. Lay the foundation of talent with sustainable development.

The foundation of Wisdom of Wisdom

Innovation leads the quality of education to a new level

Under the stimulation of the reform of the institutional mechanism, the high -tech educators adhere to the power of believing in believe, uphold the work concept of "attitude first, professional second", and harvest with sweat, and move forward with hard work, creating a miracle one after another. "The lasting development of education is not enough to rely on diligence and hard work, but also requires scientific concepts to lead. Therefore, high -tech education has always persisted in pursuing ideas for innovation and teaching paradigm." Gao Yiming said.

High -tech education implements the integration of improvement of life improvement and the quality improvement of education and teaching, and use collective wisdom to make the development of education high continuously. In terms of brand creation and educational research, high -tech education has achieved remarkable results. The construction of the moral education brand has achieved new results. Three schools including Dongcheng Yijia Middle School, Jinan High -tech Zone were selected as the third primary and secondary school moral education brand in Jinan City; new progress has been made in home and school. "School Demonstration School", two parents were awarded the title of "smart parents" at the provincial level; new breakthroughs in labor education, Kim Gu Deyi Elementary School was rated "the first batch of labor education demonstration schools in primary and secondary schools in Jinan City", and nine excellent labor education courses Won the first, second prizes and excellent prizes; education informatization ushered in a new era. Jinan High -tech Zone and 6 schools in the jurisdiction became Jinan City's first batch of "new teaching and learning models based on teaching reform and integration of information technology" School; Teacher team emerged. In the 2022 city -level high -quality courses, the first prize award -winning of teachers in the high -tech zone reached 50%, far exceeding the city's first prize award -winning ratio. In the basic skills competition of the Shandong Provincial Fine Arts Teacher, 6 teachers in the high -tech zone art team played to win 5 provincial first prizes in one fell swoop; educational reform experience won national promotion, high -tech zone "from" education management "to" education governance "" Reform cases were selected as typical cases of basic education reform in Shandong Province. "Teaching High -quality Development and Exploration" won the municipal education and teaching reform special awards.

Li Jiye, a member of the Education Party Committee of the High -tech Zone and the director of the Teaching and Research Office of the Teaching and Sports Office of the High -tech Zone Development and Security Department, introduced that over the years, high -tech education has adhered to scientific research leadership, accurate teaching and research on demand, innovative exploration of the teaching and research model of the area, and implementing the three -level lesson preparation system in the area. , Adhering to the refined and scientific teaching and research of daily teaching and research, and expanding the depth and breadth of teaching and research; the construction of the school's high -efficiency teaching model has formed a characteristic group of disciplines and courses.

In order to adapt to the new situation of the high -quality development of talents in the new era, and cultivate innovative talents, on June 25, the high -tech zone innovative talent training base officially "settled" the Jinan High -tech Zone Experimental Middle School and Haichuan High School to build a road of high school and college talents training. , Help students' subject literacy training.

"High -tech Education Spirit" is condensed in the impressive results. "Believe in the power of belief, we work together; the power of belief in the belief, the light of high -tech light ..." The powerful vows of the powerful "Song of High -tech Education" and "High -tech Teacher Oath" condensed into a regional educational feelings, Make each educator of High -tech strengthen his original intention and add strength to high -tech education.

Facing the new journey of future development, High -tech Education will firmly grasp the main line of party building and lead this main line, implement world -class standards into the entire field and all aspects of education, and build themselves into helping the entire region. "The golden signboard and beautiful business cards have made new achievements for the improvement of urban soft power. (Reporter Li Peng Correspondent Wang Lei Zhu Shijuan)

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