Worked with labor to educate the beauty!China Mining University held a labor education seminar and the achievement exhibition of labor education and aesthetic education

Author:China University of Mining Time:2022.06.30

On the morning of June 29th, the "Labor Education and the United States" was held in the Labor Education Education Seminar and Labor Education and Aesthetic Aesthetic Aesthetic Aesthetic Aesthetic Campus Library of China Mining University in 2022. Vice President Cao Dexin and Deputy Secretary of the School Party Committee Cai Shihua attended the event. Cai Shihua presided over the seminar.

Seminar site

Vice President Cao Dexin made a concluding speech

Cai Shihua, deputy secretary of the school party committee, chaired the seminar

At the seminar, Sun Liang, deputy dean of the teaching of the School of Architecture and Design, Cheng Deqiang, deputy dean of the School of Information and Control Engineering, Liu Zhixin, Deputy Dean of the Teaching of the School of Resources and Earth Sciences, respectively. With the special reports of labor education curriculum organization and practice of labor education curriculum "" thinking and exploration of new engineering specialty labor education "," promotion of professional identity through labor education ". The person in charge of labor education and practice specialty courses on behalf of the School of Humanities and Art, Ma Ping, Teacher Shang Bin, Teacher of the School of Architecture and Design, and Peng Wei, general manager of the Industrial Corporation, respectively. Education curriculum teaching path exploration "" tree moral education, technical progress — "Labor Education Practice" "Labor Education Practice", "Capable Output -oriented Garden Greening Labor Education Course System Construction and Practice".

Sun Liangzuo, deputy dean of the School of Architecture and Design, report

Cheng Deqiang, deputy dean of the School of Information and Control Engineering, made a report

Liu Zhixin, deputy dean of the School of Resources and Earth Sciences, made a report

Ma Ping, a teacher of the School of Humanities and Art, report

Shang Bin, a teacher of the School of Architecture and Design, made a report

Peng Wei, general manager of operating industrial head office

Cao Dexin made a concluding speech. He said that the school attaches great importance to labor education, continuously innovates the research and practical exploration of labor education theory, incorporates labor education into the entire process of talent training, and solidly promotes the construction of colorful labor education courses. The speeches of the six comrades, from the two levels of college majors and curriculum construction, introduced their respective work in laborers teaching, strengthening labor education curriculum construction, integration of labor education and professional education, and the integration of aesthetic education. The significance of reference.

He pointed out that it is necessary to further explore and improve the labor education system with major mining characteristics. We must work hard to strengthen the combination, pay attention to the combination of labor education with national development strategy, professional education, combine classroom teaching and extracurricular activities, curriculum construction and teaching Method reforms combined with the combination of on -campus and off -campus resources. At the same time, we must work hard in terms of labor education theory, teachers' construction, and scientific teaching management, focusing on the effectiveness of labor education, so that labor education is integrated with moral education, intellectual education, sports, and aesthetic education. Qualified builders and successors laid a solid foundation.

Visit Labor Education and Aesthetic Achievement Exhibition

After the seminar, the participants visited the Labor Education and Aesthetic Achievement Exhibition.

Labor Education and Aesthetic Aesthetic Exhibition

Party and government Office, Party Committee Propaganda Department, Party Committee Student Work Department, School Youth League Committee, Academic Affairs Department, School Trade Union, Security Office, General Affairs Department, Operation Industrial Corporation, Aesthetic Education Center and other departments, deputy dean of college teaching More than a hundred people including the heads of the heads (supervisor), the person in charge of the professional, the director of the department, the teacher representative of the labor education and practice courses participated in the event.

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