Zibo City took the lead in launching multiple children's family obligations and "same schools" to study at the convenience measures in the province

Author:Luzhong.com Time:2022.06.30

Luzhong.com Zibo, June 30 (Reporter Xing Kaimeng Wang Xiaoyi Correspondent Zhang Xinming) On June 30, the reporter learned from the Municipal Education Bureau that in order to solve the "troubles" of inconvenience caused by the inconvenience brought by different schools and kindergartens, The Municipal Education Bureau introduced the "New Politics of Zibo Education", which was introduced to "Big Was and Kindergartens", which brought warmth to many children's families enrollment.

The reporter learned that the Municipal Education Bureau has launched a series of measures to enhance the children's children's entry and enter the park. Among them, the most concerned is to provide the convenience of studying in the school for multiple children -multi -child families have compulsory education segments and schools. If you need to study, the education administrative departments of all districts and counties must coordinate educational resources within the region to provide convenience for schools to study in the same family of children in the same family. If the children of many children have the needs of "the same park" at the same time, young children who enter the park can apply for the kindergarten of the big child to study at the same time.

In addition to the launch of multiple children's school policies, the Municipal Education Bureau also introduced a number of measures to improve the efficiency of education services and better promote education fairness.

Compulsory education enrollment can be "handled" and "online". Parents are no longer required to register offline registration, submit paper certification materials, etc. Through multi -sector data sharing, let the data run more, and enroll all the "One Netcom Office" to achieve "zero certification" and "zero legs".

Offline registration services should be "minimalist". For the people who need to register for offline registration, continue to provide offline registration services, and simplify the materials and optimize the process in accordance with the principle of "the materials are not necessary and the information is not necessary." Primary school enrollment comprehensive cleanup and cancellation of preschool education experience, family planning certificates, and more than normal admission age and other certification materials; prevent in vaccination certificates of inaction as pre -registration conditions for enrollment registration. Comprehensively clean up and cancel the time limit for the time limit of the proof of admission materials for the immigration children, and shall not be required to provide proof materials such as unmanned custody of household registration.

Collection information is "ruled". In order to better protect the privacy of parents and students, the Municipal Education Bureau requested simplifying the registration of enrollment and entering the park, online information registration, and only collecting basic information, family address and parental name, contact information and other necessary information. Parents' positions and income information are strictly prohibited. Basic information should be collected at one time when enrollment, and various APPs and small programs shall be used to collect relevant information at will.

Admissions of private schools must not be "tip". Emphasize the enrollment of the obligation section to adhere to the principle of citizenship, and the enrollment of private compulsory education schools is included in the unified management of approval. If the number of applicants exceeds the admissions plan, the computer randomly assignment is implemented to prevent any form of "tip" enrollment behavior.

There must be a "early amount" to publish the degree information. The Municipal Education Bureau requires kindergartens to publish degree information and enrollment consultation calls in advance through different media forms, unblocking communication channels, and providing offline information registration services. When the number of applicants for public parks exceeds the admissions plan, the computer random assignment is implemented. Recruit enrollment in the way that is close to the park.

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