Create a teaching and research team that can fight hard battles

Author:Luliang Daily Time:2022.06.30

□ Ren Yingbin

There are more than 100 schools in Fenyang City, showing the characteristics of many clothing points, many classifications, and large urban and rural education gaps. Even if many teaching and research support has been done in recent years, teachers lack professional leadership, low level of teaching and research informatization, and insufficient response to new curriculum reform.

Facing the real issue, the Fenyang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government are guided by the "promoting high -quality development of education and resolutely implementing the 32 action plan for the people's satisfaction education" as the guidance. The primary task of the research center. The Municipal Education Bureau and the Municipal Teaching Research Center have fully discussed the construction and training of the teaching and researchers, and unanimously determined to build a high -quality teaching and research team from three aspects in practice.

First, establish a training mechanism for the literacy and ability improvement of teaching and research staff. The Fenyang Teaching Research Center is a deputy department -level unit that was collected by the school and the teaching and research office in the reform of the county -level public institution in 2021. At the beginning of the establishment of the Fenyang Teaching Research Center, due to the influence of the reform of the reform of public institutions, it was difficult to face the average age of 50.4 years, and the number of full -time teaching and researchers was inadequate. Even if some disciplines have full -time teaching and researchers, they have long lacked education theory learning and teaching practice research, and there are very few teaching and researchers who can truly lead and serve. Therefore, the work system of practical teaching and researchers is introduced to cultivate professional teams that learn, research, lead, service, and management.

Theoretical learning system. Establish a foreign aid blood transfusion learning system, and organize teaching and researchers to participate in the "National Primary and Middle School Teaching and Research Leadership" special training camp. Through a series of activities such as one -themed theme, monthly mentor, monthly book, one -month summary, weekly lectures, every weekly tasks, every week, 10 compulsory lessons, simulation teaching and research, etc. Leading ability; adhere to the centralized learning system. Every Monday, all teaching and researchers conduct educational theoretical learning. Every Friday will take turns to give a special lecture. The rest of the time will be selected for at least one day for discipline learning and discussion. Each of the above learning results is included in the daily business assessment of teaching and researchers, and linked to the year -end performance evaluation.

Practical research system. Establish a common physical system for teaching and researchers and teachers. Establish a scientific research workshop for various studies, and divide all teachers into different workshops according to the area. The owner of the square is held by the discipline and research staff. Each workshop each discipline is held by a training activity of not less than twice. At the same time, the school system of teaching and research officers is implemented, and all teaching and researchers enter the school every Wednesday to conduct discipline teaching research. Performance.

Secondly, establish a support mechanism for teaching and researcher training. Education is in teachers, and teachers grow up to teaching and research. But in reality, some teachers will feel that teaching and research has little relationship with themselves, as long as the teaching tasks are completed, even if they are due to their due diligence. Returning to the source is the inadequate professional support system for teaching and researchers for a long time, resulting in insufficient pertinence and effectiveness of teaching and researchers' work, and lack of attractiveness and creativity. In order to make up for this short board, we work in two aspects:

The first is the on -site "revision". In the past two years, we have been supported by the expert team of the Shanxi Academy of Education. Through the theme research and training activities organized by the teaching and researchers throughout the process, they conducted a professional site "revised research". Teaching and researchers found the direction of curriculum reform, and led to improving the enthusiasm of teachers to participate in teaching and research and improving the level of teaching and research staff.

The second is to collect intellectual education. A few days ago, the Ministry of Education issued a newly revised compulsory education curriculum plan and curriculum standards, which clearly required the teaching and research institutions to undertake teachers' training and teaching research tasks. It is difficult to complete the task of implementing the task only by teaching and researchers. To this end, the Municipal Teaching Research Center has formed a professional and part -time county -level discipline expert team, including provincial and city -level tender teaching experts, discipline leaders, and backbone teachers. Teachers and researchers serve as the subject of the disciplines and team members together to collect intellectual education and research, leading all teachers to "internalize internalization+peer -to -standard practice", and effectively connect the needs of teaching and research on the needs of teachers and teaching and researchers simultaneously.

Third, use the network platform to establish a teaching and research guarantee mechanism. Online teaching and research is an inevitable product of education informatization. Over the years, teaching and researchers have done a lot of work using WeChat groups and QQ groups, but the lack of big data -based network platforms is difficult to break the limitation of time and space for teaching and researchers. Since 2008, we have held a joint teaching and research activity in sub -regions every year, and have achieved certain results, but it has also consumed a lot of human and material resources and financial resources. There are still awareness and behavior of teaching and research workers who are tired of responding and lacking to build a new state of teaching and research.

In order to change this reality, the Municipal Teaching Research Center has built a "Fenyang Teacher Professional Development Platform".The platform provides technical support to teaching and research through the three major advantages of hybrid training platforms, multi -character management space, and flexible tool engines, thereby achieving research and training, learning, and data.At present, 3,827 teachers have registered on the platform, including all primary and secondary schools in the city.The use of the platform puts forward new challenges to the informatization literacy of teaching and researchers. In order to adapt to the teaching and researchers as soon as possible, the Municipal Teaching Research Center organizes the informatization professional team to track and guide the teaching and researchers, focusing on the on -site online and offline mixed teaching and research in the teaching and research staffGuide to escort the growth of teachers and researchers.At the same time, teachers and researchers use the platform to organize teachers to conduct online special research and training. The platform automatically counts the duration and quality of the teacher's personal participation in the teacher's year -end credit assessment management, providing data support for the uniform management of teachers and researchers, so thatThe routine work of teaching and researchers is more efficient and convenient.(The author is the director of the Fenyang City Teaching Research Center in Shanxi Province)

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