From "can say" to "Miaoshi", where is the improvement of Chinese literacy?

Author:Guangming Daily client Time:2022.06.30

Two students read in a bookstore in Nanjing. Visual China/Guangming Picture

At the top of the teaching building of Xinghu School in Liangjiang New District, Chongqing, Wu Min, a Chinese teacher Wu Min, immersed the students in the Sunflower Garden. Xinhua News Agency

At the top of the teaching building of Xinghu School in Liangjiang New District, Chongqing, Wu Min, a Chinese teacher Wu Min, immersed the students in the Sunflower Garden. Xinhua News Agency

The Second Primary School of Construction Road, Tianshui City, Gansu held a "group reading" teaching seminar. Visual China/Guangming Picture


The text is carried out, and the words are full. Language is the carrier and foundation of culture. Language literacy is not only about the individual's outlook on life, values ​​and characteristic cultivation, and thinking, but also about the spiritual style of the nation and the country. In recent years, from the popularity of the college entrance examination to the Chinese Poetry Conference and other language TV programs such as "Chinese Poetry Conference", it can be seen that society's importance to language has continued to rise. In this way, the "Light Survey" launched a series of surveys of Chinese literacy for different groups. This issue focuses on the language use of primary and secondary school students. In the context of the newly revised "Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan and Curriculum Standard (2022 Edition)", which is about to implement this fall, the reporter of Guangming Daily, together with Xiamen University National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Education Teaching Materials Center, starts with 13 cities in seven major regions across the country. Investigation, through various interviews with primary and secondary students and parents, Chinese teachers, language scholars, etc., sort out the current status, characteristics and problems of the language use of primary and secondary school students, and put forward countermeasures for improving Chinese literacy.

The annual college entrance examination language is a comprehensive literacy entrance examination with a focus of the people. "Grand View Garden Test Talent", Go Terio "Ben's Wonderful Hands", "Learning to the present" ... The topic of the college entrance examination in 2022 has made many Chinese scholars and professional writers feel difficult to write.

my country is in an era when language is extremely rich in ecology. Electronic media that are always online, screen reading habits shared by the whole people, paperless and data, endless new expressions ... In such a social language environment, some people believe that "college students cannot write a good article from the word. The root cause is that there is no foundation. "Some people pointed out that" Internet users' narrowing language carnival is because Chinese can not learn the level "," Newly -employed young people will only take the exam and do not use it, lack of expression ability "...

So, in Chinese practical activities such as literacy and writing, reading and appreciation, expression and communication, sorting and exploration, how does Chinese primary and secondary students show the language literacy of primary and secondary school students? What are the characteristics and problems of their language use? How to better improve their language literacy in the future?

Half -worry is half used to network words, can say that you don't like to write, and write a written composition routine

The language use of primary and secondary school students includes listening, speaking, speaking, reading and writing, and literary activities in life and learning. The research and development shows that in recent years, the comprehensive language of this group has been greatly improved, but there are still some specific problems, such as increasing literacy, but the ability to write Chinese characters needs to be improved, the verbal expression is smooth, but the written expression is moderate. Use scenarios of online language.

Social language network. "Of course, I know on the Internet language, YYDS (Forever God), Boom Q (thank you), I often use it with classmates, but the teacher told that writing can not be used." Li Dandan, a sixth grade student in Zhangzhou, Fujian, said that the surrounding students generally believe that The use of network language is a kind of "fashionable", and everyone will intend to learn and imitate some network expressions.

Today, digital classrooms and multimedia teaching have become the norm of primary and secondary education. According to data from the Ministry of Education, the Internet access rate of compulsory education schools in my country has increased from 25%in 2012 to nearly 100%in 2021. The "Research Report on the Internet Usage of the United States in 2020" shows that 82.9%of primary and secondary school students have their own Internet equipment, of which more than 60%(65.0%) have mobile phones, followed by tablet computers (26.0%).

At present, electronic products and online contexts are no longer unfamiliar to primary and secondary students. "Groups to connect dragons, check homework, these are inseparable from mobile phones or tablets. It is almost impossible to make children completely contact the Internet at all. And watching videos and playing games have barrage and comments, children can easily be attracted." Beijing is easily attracted. "Beijing is easily attracted." Beijing is easily attracted. "Beijing Li Yuan, a student of Dongcheng District, said.

The investigation shows that many students in the fourth and fifth grades of elementary school have QQ numbers or WeChat, and some telephone watches also have chat and social functions. In the chat, primary and secondary school students are skilled in using bucket maps, face texts, emoji packages, etc. in the chat, and imitate the network expression of other children in online games. "Many classmates in our class are extremely scarce, and they will only use the network terms in the game, and say the same in class." Said Zhang Hua (a pseudonym) in Dalian, Liaoning Dalian.

Spoken expression is smooth and natural. "The child's verbal expression ability is particularly strong, and sometimes it is not enough to tell her to tell her. She is also widely involved in hunting and fast response. I feel that I have been surpassed by her." A third -year student in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Parents evaluate their daughters in this way. "Can't say children" is the common feelings of many parents in the survey. The young and middle school students in more than ten cities across the country interviewed this time, the youngest 6 years old, and the largest 16 years old, most of which are smooth and natural. Although it is a bit shy in the face of interviews, most of them can overcome the fear of communicating with strangers faster, accurately understand the problem and give a more informative answer. Some children's logical ideas and words of words in the expression have reached considerable levels.

Overall, primary and secondary school students with good language environment, school teaching conditions, and good family economic conditions are even more dare to speak. Primary school students also show "can speak and work hard". Each question can consider answering carefully. Although it is short, it can basically give a complete answer.

Insufficient writing training in Chinese characters. In the survey, in response to the question of "you think Chinese characters are difficult", primary and secondary school students across the country answered basically the same: "Chinese characters are not difficult, they just write themselves." They understand that you must write it slowly. There are more things to write, and it will fly up as soon as I write. "

For a long time, literacy writing is an important part of my country's basic education. At present, the level of literacy of children in primary schools and elementary schools has improved significantly regardless of quantity and quality. In contrast, the Chinese character writing ability of primary and secondary school students is a bit "lagging", and it is specifically manifested as not forgetting words, writing scribbled, etc. Compared with the intensity of writing exercises in elementary school, Ms. Zhou, the parents of the fourth grade of the fourth grade of Beijing Haidian District, said anxiously: "The words of my child are crooked. Write 3 times in school, how can you master it? "

Hao Yining, a Chinese teacher in Linfen City, Shanxi, pointed out that Chinese character cognition is not only the memory of glyphs, but also includes in -depth awareness of inter -frame structure, abstract thinking, cultural symbols, etc. This process of thinking is realized by hand -written strokes and strokes. of. Establishing a handwriting and meaningful handwriting and meaningful handwriting should also be the basic requirements for primary and secondary school students to learn Chinese characters.

Written composition routines have heavy imitation traces. "The difficulty of composition" is the most common feeling of researching middle school students and parents, but parents are so sincere on how to solve this problem. Ms. He, a junior high school student in Kashgar, Xinjiang, said: "I have reported a writing interest class to my children. The method of teaching teachers is very useful. Various test compositions have templates, and the scores are lifted up." It is not uncommon for recalled essays to improve composition points. Ms. Wang, a fourth -year student parent in Dongcheng District, Beijing, also said: "Some children in the class score high composition, but parents write the templates in advance for their backs." For this, many parents are full of concerns. "Compositions should not be. Back -to -back fan text. Ms. Sun, the parent of the junior high school students in Liaoning, also reported that the junior high school Chinese teacher taught many "routines" of many compositions, but the children were not imitated in place, but they were counterproductive: "After the junior high school, the son's composition had no soul, but he was elementary school in elementary school. The writing composition can feel true feelings. "

Reading volume continues to grow, but the selection standards keep keeping up. During the survey, each child has his own preferences and understanding of reading. Xu Ru, the third grade of Nanning in Guangxi, said: "I like Latin American literature very much. There is a kind of wild beauty. I also like Lao She and Lu Xun. In addition, I also like ancient poems."

"As long as children want to read books, we all try to satisfy, or buy or borrow. Now the conditions are good, there are libraries in schools, communities, and cities, as well as electronic readings, and the resources of books are not problems. Look, I think I still have to grasp the standard. "Xiaoying's mother who lives in Zhangzhou, Fujian hopes that the teacher can give the child more to read more guidance. Peng Yiling, a Chinese teacher in Nangxian Elementary School in Nanshan District, Guangdong, pointed out that reading is the best way to subtly carry out culture and aesthetic education. The development of reading habits is related to the family environment, teacher leadership, and personal preference. This habit is more like a lifestyle, giving children full reading experience is a very important part of Chinese education.

Why is it difficult and difficult for families, schools, society, and technology to intertwine the impact

Primary and secondary school students are in the critical period of language learning. The use of language use is not only related to the goals and methods of school classroom education, but also related to the style and habits of family education. Primary and secondary school students of different ages are involved in the in -depth degree of society, the Internet, and media. Also different.

The number of digital waves has brought changes in the language ecology. The development of digital technology provides unprecedented convenience for people to communicate, but it has also profoundly affected and changed the previous language and culture ecology. The "Research Report on the Internet Usage of the Nationwide in 2020" shows that my country's minor netizens reached 183 million, and the Internet penetration rate reached 94.9%; The Internet began to use the Internet, and this data was rising year by year.

The elementary and middle school students who have grown up in the digital age naturally immerse themselves in the world of online language, and are subtly affected by the expression of the Internet. Although the online language has considerable vitality and innovation, it produces many simple, image, and vivid online buzzwords, which enriches the form of Chinese language; The words of typo, some obscure and even vulgar expression, have a bad impact on social language life. Duan Haifeng, a doctor of linguistics from the Central University for Nationalities, said: "It is difficult for children in junior high school and elementary school to distinguish between the boundary between virtual space and real life, and of course it is difficult to choose a suitable language expression method according to the different scenes."

In addition, for primary and secondary school students who still need to master and consolidate the basic skills of writing, the screen reading habits of "seeing", "point", and "drawing" also directly affect their attention and practice time for writing. Chinese education experts unanimously emphasized that high -quality writing cannot be "read" alone, let alone "typing", and must be obtained through the years of "writing" practice. Score pressure gives birth to the "squeeze" of literacy cultivation. During the investigation, when asked whether "testing and literacy is a competitive relationship", almost all parents and Chinese teachers feedback were not a competitive relationship. They could support each other and promote each other. However, some Chinese teachers are helpless to express: "I want children to read more books, read more, and know the world more. However, the time of the children is limited. Mr. also said, "Children of us ordinary people have been rooted in first -tier cities, and our children still have to take this road. As long as the exam is still there, it is better to take the test, and the grades are the most important. "

Different teachers' understanding of Chinese literacy and the teaching methods adopted are also very different. Mr. Li, the leader of a junior third language teaching and research team in Yichang, Hubei, shared the examples around her: On the one hand, the new graduate teacher of the school divided all the knowledge into a small point to form a schedule, and the progressive teaching and consolidation. The test effect is very good. On the other hand, senior teachers with decades of teachings have been widely read and widened with their students, which has stimulated students' interest in Chinese, and the test results are not bad. In terms of educational concepts, new teachers believe that the test rankings of old teachers are not high enough, and old teachers believe that the training effect of new teachers is not solid enough. In fact, good Chinese literacy requires a long -term accumulation and precipitation, and it is difficult to measure it with existing examinations and examination methods.

Language practice class time affects the comprehensive training effect. The unified version of the Chinese textbooks are designed with a "comprehensive training" section after several units, the purpose is to promote the cultivation of language use and practical ability. In the language teaching of primary and secondary schools in various places, a small amount of language use training is generally dialed out of conventional teaching, but the elasticity of the practice class is very large, resulting in a large difference in schools.

According to the research, some schools fully combine the use of comprehensive training with the comprehensive training with the reading festival, the drama festival, and the recitation competition from the school level, and strive to practice the training concept of comprehensive language practice. However, more schools are responsible for coordinating each language teacher. Some teachers use the theme class meetings, interest groups, public accounts, short video display and other forms to transform the language use and language practice in textbooks into activities. The teachers are limited by the number of hours and teaching tasks. A semester focuses on a comprehensive training activity of language use, and others have learned themselves; there are some teachers who say it is difficult to coordinate and simply give up. A little score is compared to the proportion of scores of other knowledge. "

Reading difficulty to improve the basic learning space of compression words. The new curriculum standard emphasizes that the core literacy is based on the "language application ability of real scenes", and guides Chinese teaching to develop students' listening, speaking and writing ability from the actual needs of "solving problems". But how to reflect core literacy in actual teaching and exams? This is a task that is difficult to set up a key point, boundary and scope. When you don't pay attention, you will fall into a new routine that uses the "static" paper test to examine the "dynamic" Chinese literacy.

A Chinese -level teacher in Lanzhou, Gansu said that when the school teaching and research officer designed the test questions, for the "difficulty improvement" and "test level", a primary and high school test papers with a total score of 100 were 40 points. 40 points, less than 1/3 of the most basic words and phrases.

Family space -time is crowded in the quality of family education. The rapid urban construction brings a faster urban life. Most two -employee families have limited parent -child time and are not fixed. Family interactions that lack their children to read, communicate equally, and explore their learning. These children who have been accompanied by electronic products, facing the gamified life experience, interpersonal interaction of variety, searching for problems, and fragmented reading methods, it is easy to lose into a large amount of information world. The "Family Education Promotion Law" implemented on January 1 this year reminds that the whole society attaches importance to family education. But how can it be realized to make family education and school education complement each other, there is still a long way to go.

Comprehensive advice in building a foundation, accumulating precipitation, and planting humanistic literacy in home and school co -education

Language literacy is the basic, most common and most skillful basic ability. This comprehensive ability of internalization is inseparable from the years of reading and practice, and it is inseparable from the influence and cultivation of families, schools, and society, so it cannot be quickly achieved in a short time. The research team deeply felt that the use of language and Chinese literacy of the moral people had a profound influence, especially the core literacy in the process of updating education concepts, reorganization of knowledge, and irreplaceable value and role in the process of education.

Strengthen the popularization of language and text standards and basic training. The rich language ecology of the digital age is both resources and challenges. Under the conditions of Internet language innovation and dross coexistence, Chinese classrooms and family education should have keen cutting -edge consciousness and scientific standardized consciousness. On the one hand, strengthen the popularization and promotion of national general language specification standards, combine the application of language practice, explain the use of common standards such as punctuation symbols and regulating Chinese characters such as strokes; Guide students to learn not only to accurately use language and text in real interpersonal communication, but also learn to reasonably express their intentions in the virtual world, especially for non -standard expression or even vulgar and violent networks such as raw words, letters, etc. Language must have a critical attitude and ability. In addition, it is necessary to specially strengthen the training of basic Chinese ability such as students' literacy writing, grouping sentences, and reading expression. Qian Yongxiang, a professor of Chinese Department of Peking University, who has participated in the college entrance examination, has repeatedly emphasized: "Be sure to play the foundation of words and phrases." Lu Jianming, a professor at Peking University, also said that since ancient times, my country has the culture of "honoring the characters". In tradition, in the primary and secondary school stage, students should specially guide students to respect the language of the motherland, and develop the habit of standardizing the use of national language in the operation and composition from an early age.

Promote the comprehensive improvement of Chinese literacy in education policies, research, and practical in -depth integration. The "Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan and Curriculum Standard (2022 Edition)" just released this year launched the research and research in 2019. After 3 years of conducting the implementation status of compulsory education courses, related basic research and international comparative research Strong ideology, academicity, and reality. Next, it is particularly important to implement the concept of new curriculum standards and guide classroom practice. At present, primary and secondary schools across the country are interpreting and training related policy documents, but the results are different. Because the level of primary and secondary school students from various places is uneven, and the source of students in the face is very different, so teachers in various places should combine the actual situation of local teachers and students and local cultural characteristics to highlight targeted, regional, and characteristic. The new concept can play the greatest effect only with the specific teaching situation.

In addition, the research results of Chinese education should be passed on to the front -line teachers of primary and secondary schools in a timely manner. In this way, the three links of standards, textbooks, and examinations can form a joint force and truly act on front -line teaching practice. For example, the cultivation of Chinese static knowledge and dynamic abilities in teaching practice, and how to effectively assess and evaluate students' learning effects, etc., are inseparable from the in -depth collaboration of policy makers, Chinese researchers, and educational practitioners.

Cultivate children's good reading habits in the co -education of home schools. The significance and value of home -school collaboration have been valued by all sectors of society in recent years. In terms of Chinese subjects, home -school collaboration can play a more effective role. School Chinese reading can be in line with the daily reading of the family, advocating family members to consciously create a good reading atmosphere, and cultivate children's reading and writing habits from an early age. This is not only the educational obligations that parents should do, but also the best inheritance and promotion of the tradition of teaching and biography. Lu Jianming pointed out that the improvement of Chinese literacy and language ability is not relying on the theory of learning, and there are no shortcuts to go. The only way is to read more books, read books, and diligent in writing. recite. This is the beneficial experience of the ancients to cultivate children's Chinese literacy. Reading has played a vital role in continuously improving language ability and thinking ability, continuously improving cultural literacy and inheriting Chinese culture.

Li Wenhui, a Chinese language teacher in foreign language junior high school in Yichang City, Hubei tells the story of a student. The student loves writing. He expresses well in the class and outside of the classroom and is relaxed. In addition to composition writing, he will also create fairy tales and scripts. He also achieves good results in the essay competition. Li Wenhui said that the enthusiastic writing of this classmate is the role of the family environment: her father is a Chinese teacher who pays attention to cultivating children's love and reading and writing ability from an early age, and gives full creation freedom. Within the range of conditions, even if the child is going to see the stars in the middle of the night, it will drive to the nearest mountain to meet. In this family atmosphere, children's language literacy is not only the ability to use language, but also the ability to understand the world, express self, and achieve self.

(Members of the research team: Du Jingjing, Su Junchun, Lei Xiaoxue, Sun Haofeng, Luxia, Zhao Shuyuan, Zhang Xiaochun, Li An, Song Yuhua, Song Zhiyue)

(Reporter Chai Rujin)

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