Shanghai amplification move!Such people can settle directly ...

Author:Gansu daily Time:2022.06.30

In June this year, Shanghai has introduced two major measures to attract talents. Prior to June 7, Shanghai announced that the top 50 college graduates in the world can settle directly.

Fresh graduates of colleges and universities in Shanghai

Can be settled directly

On the evening of June 28, the news that "the graduate of fresh graduates in Shanghai universities did not need to be settled directly" attracted the attention of a number of college graduates.

The reporter's review found that the news came from the relevant documents of the "Notice on Doing a Notice on Doing a Notice on Doing a Notice of Employment in Shanghai in 2022" issued by the four departments of the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission on that day.

This document known as the "New Deal of the Freshman in Shanghai in 2022" pointed out in the application for household registration scores that in the Shanghai research institutes and fresh graduates of colleges and universities, in line with the non -Shanghai students of ordinary college graduates in the current year The basic conditions stipulated by the Shanghai Employment Application Application of the Municipal Household Registration Measures can be settled.

The reporter's consultation from relevant industry learned that the meaning of this article is that the graduates of the Shanghai Institute and colleges and universities this year can be settled directly and no longer need to participate in the score.

Compared with last year's scoring methods, the reporter noticed that in Shanghai's research institutes and fresh graduates of colleges and universities, they were not settled directly. There were only "World -Class University Construction Universities" fresh graduates and "world -class discipline construction universities". Fresh graduates of the Construction Discipline can settle in Shanghai directly.

Not only that, Shanghai also relaxed the threshold for settlement of talents in key areas this year. Freshly undergraduates in the "double first -class" universities in Shanghai, who work in five new cities and north -south regions, can also be settled directly. At the end of last year, the fresh graduate students from ordinary universities in Shanghai could settle in five new cities and other areas.

It is worth mentioning that the fresh graduate who is not satisfied with the direct settlement, the threshold for applying for Shanghai household registration this year has also been relaxed. Although the standard score is still 72 points, the employer can score 7 points, which is more than 5 points last year. It is expected that it is expected More qualified graduates will be released in Shanghai.

The "Notice" pointed out that the introduction of non -Shanghai student graduates who are urgently needed in the development of Shanghai's economic and social development are important measures to accelerate the construction of high -level talents and highlands, and to cultivate, introduce, and make good use of talents. Universities and employers should start from accelerating the implementation of talents to lead the development strategy and planting Shanghai talent advantages. We will conscientiously do a good job of employment in Shanghai students' graduates to enter Shanghai, and create a good environment for attracting outstanding talents, especially high -level university graduates to enter Shanghai. Essence

The top 50 college graduates in the world ranking

Can be settled directly

The settlement of fresh graduates of Shanghai universities has been the second time in Shanghai since June!

On June 7, the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau issued the "Notice on Assisting Special Support Measures for the Implementation of Talent Support for the Implementation of Talent". For those who graduated from the top 50 colleges and universities in the world, they cancel the base insurance payment base and the time for payment. If you come to work in Shanghai, you can settle directly. If you graduate from the world ranking 51-100, you can apply for a full-time work and pay the social security for 6 months.

Compared with Shanghai's previous settlement policies for international students, this time it is aimed at returning to the country in the top 50 colleges and universities in the world. The requirements for social security payment bases have been canceled. Earlier, Shanghai's most relaxed settlement conditions for international students were to pay for the social security base of international students for 6 months.

According to the notice, the key enterprise talents of Shanghai resumption of work and the students of foreign countries (borders) are included in the settlement of the "Green Channel". The key enterprises of the resumption of work and re -production shall be given priority after the referral of the people and social departments of various districts shall be reported according to the actual situation.

Shanghai has also increased support for overseas students' innovation and entrepreneurship. Promote the "Pujiang Talent Plan" without meeting and paperless declaration, appropriately extend the application time, and tilt to front -line personnel, corporate innovation entrepreneurs, and young talents. Encourage more overseas, but reached a clear intention to employ an employment intention or reach an entrepreneurial park with Shanghai Students in Shanghai. Support enterprises for overseas students to enjoy entrepreneurial support policies such as the social insurance premium subsidy of the first -term entrepreneurial organization of Shanghai, the first -time subsidy for entrepreneurship, and the entrepreneurial guarantee loan and discounting discounts. Organize and implement activities such as "Gu · Corresponding to Shanghai" Global Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition to display the latest results of overseas students, and build overseas talent exchanges and project docking platforms. The winners will have the opportunity to directly selected the "Pujiang Talent Plan" and receive 300,000-500,000 yuan in funding support.

Source: Securities Times

Editor in charge: Yu Shuai

Supervisor: Mu so strong

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