After the exam is over, do you want to know how many points can you go to the Normal University?

Author:Hebei Normal University Time:2022.06.10

The national college entrance examination in 2022 has come to an end

I wish every candidate to achieve the ideal results

Today, the little lion takes everyone to see

2021 Normal University. In the country

30 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities

The admission score line of enrollment majors (categories)

includes the highest, lowest scores and average points

[123 ] Parents and candidates for Guangda University and candidates for reference

A batch

Undergraduate general approval


General undergraduate approval

Period of the Undergraduate Entrance Examination


A batch of undergraduate categories

[ 123]




The first batch of undergraduates



The second batch of undergraduates


Undergrand ]


Undergraduate approval

Undergraduate single trick approval

Local special plan for undergraduate criticism

Undergraduate preparatory class


Paragraph b in advance

Public funding teacher


Undergraduate criticizing the national special plan in advance

] Undergraduate criticism in advanceSpecial

Bachelor's early criticism


Undergraduate approval



The first batch of undergraduates

Artist A section A


123] Heilongjiang

A batch of undergraduates (A)


Undergraduate general approval

[ 123]


Undergraduate (ordinary)


The first batch of A section A

Section A


Undergraduate batches [123 ]


A copy


Undergraduate approval [ 123]

Inner Mongolia

A batch of undergraduates

A batch of undergraduates in Ningxia

[ 123]

For more information, please see the enrollment information network of Hebei Normal University

Bao Jianfeng came out from the sharpening

Plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold

I wish students a gold list title!

In September, we look forward to meeting you

Source/Hebei Normal University Admissions Information Network

Capture/Gao Yuxuan Wang Mengfan Dong Yixiao

Review/Wang Ping Qin Wenjin

- END -

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 27th, play an important role in the national high -tech zone and self -made district to promote employment and entrepreneurship, increase the development of scientifi