There are 15,000 high school admission to Leshan City to make up for these conditions.

Author:Leshan Daily Time:2022.06.29

A few days ago, in 2022, the new enrollment of Leshan High School was held. The reporter learned from the meeting that this year, there were a total of 29 ordinary high school admission in the city, with a general high school enrollment plan of 15,334, and 3 high school reduction enrollment plans. The actual admission was 15,000, and the number of admission accounted for 49.1%.

As last year, the scores of each test subject of the high school entrance examination are still presented in the form of five levels of A, B, C, D, and E. The difference is that since 2022, in order to facilitate the better self -evaluation of candidates, Leshan will announce the score range of the grade level, high school admission results and grade levels at the same time.

At the admission site of the middle school entrance examination, the results are implemented in accordance with the principles of "the same level and the proportion of each level". It is reported that compared with previous years, the overall increase in the middle school entrance examination scores this year has increased, with an average score of about 60 to 70 points.

A total of 29 high school admission in the city, of which, the provincial -level demonstration ordinary High School Leshan No. 1 Middle School planned to admit 1200 people, and the actual admission was 1204; the five Tongqiao Middle School planned to admit 550 people, and the actual admission was 554; , Actual admission of 850 people; 900 people planned for the first middle school, and 903 people were actually admitted.

According to the time arrangement, from June 25th to July 4th, ordinary high school schools in Leshan completed the issuance of admission notices and organizing new students. From July 4th to July 11th, the re -recording work was completed. The reciprocity needs to meet the following conditions: the number of plans to perform the plan is performed, there is a number of free quotas for the school, the score line of the school must be enrolled in the school, and it must be admitted by other ordinary high schools in the city (including the people's office).

Journalist tension

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