Focusing on the first middle school entrance examination after the "double reduction", how should teachers teach in the future?How should students learn?

Author:China Education News Time:2022.06.29

At 4 pm on June 27th,

With the end of the ringtone of the geography and biological subjects, the ringtone sounds,

More than 50,000 candidates in Dalian, Liaoning

The journey of the entrance examination officially came to an end.

Image source: Published in Dalian

In the past few days,

The entrance examinations in many places across the country have been successfully held.

Because the epidemic prevention and control needs,

The Shanghai High School Entrance Examination will be extended until July 11th to 12th.

Picture source: Weibo@图片 图片 图片

The middle school entrance examination is the same as the college entrance examination,

It is the "key big test" of the students,

Affects the future life trend of students,

The reform of the entrance examination has attracted much attention from parents and teachers.

Picture source: Weibo@图片 图片 图片

Focus on the first middle school entrance examination after "double reduction",

What are the changes in propositions and selection guidance?

Effects geometry on schools and candidates in the compulsory education stage?

How should teachers teach in the future?

How should students learn?

China Education News reporter conducted an interview with this,

Let's take a look with Zhongjiaojun

Propositional orientation tends to "reduce" -

Strange questions, less inspections, more flexible

Establishing a good ecology of education and promoting the overall development of students and healthy growth are the overall requirements of "double reduction". By making good use of the "command stick" of the middle school entrance examination, it will help deepen the reform of compulsory education and teaching, strengthen the role of school education, and allow students to learn to better return to campus, which is of great significance to consolidate the results of the "double reduction".

Based on the propositions of the high school entrance examinations in previous years, there are outstanding problems such as exceeding the propositions of exceeding the standard, unreasonable difficulty in test papers, and too much memory test questions. It not only increases the academic burden of candidates, but also it is difficult to reflect the distinction. To this end, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Doing a Foreign Propositions for the 2022 High School Entrance Examinations", emphasizing the active promotion of provincial unified propositions, and strictly based on curriculum standard propositions and scientific and reasonable setting of test papers. It is strictly forbidden to take high school curriculum content, subject competition test questions and off -campus training content as the test content.

Photo source: official website of the Ministry of Education

The close contact with the textbook and focusing on returning to the classroom is the prominent highlight of the propositions of the middle school entrance examinations this year. Focusing on core literacy, strengthening basic knowledge and key capabilities, resolutely eliminating strange problems, preventing excessive propositions and random expansion, and reducing the scope of examination content.

The language propositions of the Beijing high school entrance examination emphasize the implementation of the teaching materials content. The reading questions of ancient poetry use the textbook selection directly, and the inspection content points to the classroom teaching. Language knowledge requirements and analysis of the language requirements required by the textbooks directly become the test content of the test paper.

The mathematics test questions in the middle school entrance examination in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province are based on curriculum standards and textbooks. They mainly examine the contents of "numbers and algebra", "graphics and geometry", "statistics and probability". The proposition returns to the textbook, based on basic knowledge, and focuses on the key examination of the general law of mathematical knowledge.

The physical test paper of the middle school entrance examination in Weihai City, Shandong Province focuses on the examination of basic knowledge, and comprehensively examines physical concepts, scientific thinking, scientific inquiry, scientific attitude and responsibility. Related content involved.

Avoiding the "Sea Tactics" by innovating the question type is another prominent highlight of the propositions of high school entrance examinations this year. According to the characteristics of different disciplines, the structure of the test papers is reasonably set up, and the flexible examination method is adopted to reduce memory questions, and strive to avoid simple scores of simply brushing training.

"Pay attention to the creation of real situations, allow students to solve real chemical problems, and diagnose and develop students' creative thinking in evaluation and reflection." Zhong Li, president of the Chemical Teaching and Research Committee of the Guangzhou Education Society The water and carbon dioxide discharged by the human body are presented with a molecular model diagram. The situation is unfamiliar with the times. It examines that students use the combination of macro micro -thinking ways to solve the level of problems.

Dang Ruichao, a historical teacher of the 41st Middle School in Luoyang City, Henan, said that the historical test questions of Henan Provincial High School Entrance Examination selected new materials and created new situations, relying on the basic knowledge of students, and pay more attention to examining students to obtain information, analysis, explanation, generalization, etc. The ability and quality of thinking to solve historical problems.

The guidance of bidding and burden reduction is reflected in the middle school entrance examination propositions this year. According to Chai Qinglin, Dean of the Qingdao Institute of Education and Science, this year's middle school entrance examination proposition is clearly reflected as "two increases and two decreases", that is, reducing mechanical memory test questions, reducing model -based test questions, increasing the flexibility of examination methods, increasing comprehensive, openness, openness, opening up Sexuality, applied, and exploring test questions are conducive to liberating students from "dead memories" and "Shushan Titling Sea".

Daily teaching "changes" -

Teachers need to teach students to learn

Under the guidance of "double reduction", students are required to know both and why they must be able to understand and use them for basic discipline knowledge. How can teachers and students respond to the profound changes in the "command stick" of the high school entrance examination to avoid "tactics of the sea" and achieve efficient preparation for exams?

"The title is not to do much, but to think about it." Yang Yan, teacher Yang Yan, teacher of Anyang Fifth Middle School in Anyang City, Henan Province, said, "Under the 'double reduction', students must say goodbye to the past 'Manchuria irrigation' '" desperately brush'. "

Let students "get out of the sea", teachers must first "enter the sea." Kuang Hao, a mathematics teacher at Luyang Middle School in Hefei City, said that the design of the work must be made in layered operations, so that different types of students must be obtained.

The proposition orientation of the middle school entrance examination under the "double reduction" is to let teachers teach and learn. The key to implementation is to create an efficient classroom and guide students to change from passive learning to active learning.

How to make classroom teaching more targeted? Teachers of Jinan Fourteen Middle School developed the "academic qualifications" before the class, with "pre -diagnosis" as the orientation to determine the teaching goals and teaching points of the classroom; The situation, scientific teaching, accurate breakthrough. How to make students the main body of classrooms? When Luyang Middle School was evaluated by the mathematical examination papers, he assigned the difficulties to the mathematical learning group in advance. The team leader organized the group to discuss, study the solution, explore the optimal solution, allocate it to the group, write the problem solving process, and form a fixed manuscript. Let students show their problems and explain the problem of problem solving. The teacher puts forward general issues for this question to help students build a problem -solving method system.

Teachers are "good teaching" in front of them to realize the transformation of students from "learning" to "meeting". In the view of Lu Haifeng, director of the 55th Middle School of Luoyang City, the proposition of the high school entrance examination pays more attention to examining students' ability to analyze and solve problems in the specific situation. This requires teachers to "activate" classroom teaching, focus on guiding students' ability to take the initiative, and improve their ability to analyze and solve problems.

The concept of educating people must "turn" -

From "breeding" to educating people to cultivate core literacy

"The first middle school entrance examination after the" double reduction "was much smaller than the parents in the past. Many tutoring agencies have stopped handling, and children have a lot of self -study and questioning time in school." A parent who accompanied the examination in Qingdao Qiyuan School told Reporter, "The test questions are becoming more and more flexible, and they are even more flexible and more capable. If the child brushes the questions and memorizes the questions as before, it is difficult to deal with the exam. You still have to solid the basic skills in the school."

As an evaluation mechanism that effectively leads the teaching reform, how should the propositions of the middle school entrance examination further guide the school to focus on the improvement of education quality and focus on the development of the core literacy of students? Yang Ronghong, the president of Jinan Fourteen Middle School, believes that the high school entrance examination under the "double reduction" must first be strictly based on the proposition of curriculum standards and change the "tutoring of the examination" as "studying the examination" and "teaching by learning". Secondly, we must strengthen the basic and contextuality of the exam content. It is necessary to examine both the basic knowledge of students, but also to examine the emotional attitude and value of the students when facing the real problem situation. Secondly, we must innovate proposition forms. Based on the typical nature of fundamentals, generality, and situations, focusing on the application of social development and daily life, it ultimately serves students' innovative development.

Evaluate the "command stick" with a comprehensive quality evaluation, so that students can effectively cultivate students' good behavior and develop personalities. In terms of promoting the comprehensive development of students, the evaluation mechanism under the "double reduction" is also making breakthroughs.

Improve the evaluation mechanism of sports entrance examinations and guide students to perform physical exercise. The Guangzhou Sports Entrance Examination is divided into two parts. The first type of projects are long -distance running and swimming two selections. The second type of projects are 8 categories of jumping, shooting, and balls. 70 points. Henan has also included sports examinations into the comprehensive quality assessment this year, and the total scores of the recruitment are included in the score of 70 points. Yunnan Province will usher in the first candidates who have been scored to 100 in the sports middle school entrance examination in 2023.

Promote the income of art subjects into the middle school entrance examination and effectively improve students' artistic literacy. At present, Jiangsu, Hunan, Yunnan, Henan, Liaoning, Shandong and other provinces have incorporated art subjects into the high school entrance examination. At the same time, there are many cities in Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jilin and other provinces. The score ranges from 10 to 40.

"Reading the number of reads of 1.5 million words per academic year", "Deepening Volunteer Services" ... Yantai City, Shandong Province this year proposed to include "housework", "reading", "volunteer service" into the middle school entrance examination, and listed as a necessary condition for comprehensive quality evaluation to be evaluated by A grade A. Essence Starting from 2023, the scores of the evaluation results of the evaluation results are planned to be included in the total scores of the junior high school level test.

Picture source: China Education News June 20, 2022 Edition 03

Based on the comprehensive development of students,

The first entrance examination under the "double reduction" took a big step forward.


The evaluation and selection mechanism of the entrance examination will be further optimized.

Promote students' comprehensive development of healthy growth.

Source of this article | China Education News June 28, 2022 Edition 01

Author of this article | Control: China Education Daily reporter Wang Yang Cai wrote: China Education News reporter Gao Yizhe Zhang Lijun Sun Jun Wei Haizheng Fang Mengyu Liu Dun Shi Jiansong Shiwang Ying correspondent Lu Peng

Cover Source | Wang Qinghe Photo

Editor in charge | Wang Jiashi

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