Candidates and parents after the entrance examinations and parents are promptly prompted after the exam! Time:2022.06.28

CCTV Harbin June 28 News (Reporter Ma Junwei) The entrance examination in 2022 has come to an end. On June 27, the Harbin Education Bureau issued a letter to the city's junior high school graduate candidates and parents, reminding candidates to make a plan to make a good job of life after the exam. Parents must perform their education and supervision duties of the guardian, and take the children's holidays seriously. Home Education Management.

Strengthen the awareness of epidemic prevention and control

Follow the epidemic dynamic information. Do not travel to high -risk areas to travel, if there is a intersection with the activity trajectory with the positive infected person, or the history of residential residence in the area where there is a recent epidemic, please take the initiative to report it as required to cooperate with the relevant epidemic control measures.

Pay attention to personal protection. Adhere to scientific masks and maintain good hygiene habits. Enter public places with codes scanning temperature measurement and checking nucleic acid negative proof. Try not to go dense and air -circulating places.

Mix nucleic acid detection in accordance with regulations. Wait for the whole process to standardize the mask during the whole process, keep the safe distance of 2 meters, leave immediately after the sampling, do not stay at the sampling site.

Enhance the sense of safety precautions

Prevent drowning. The majority of students should resolutely achieve the "six no" in accordance with the requirements of the education department and school: not to swim without permission; do not swim with others without permission; swim without parental or teachers; Personal waters swim; they do not swim in the waters that are not familiar. Parents should strengthen their children's safety education, earnestly take responsibility for guardianship, educate their children to cherish life, stay away from water sources, and prevent accidental drowning incidents.

Pay attention to home and traffic safety. Pay attention to the correct operation of fire, electricity, and gas, especially pay attention to the safety of gas in the home. Students must consciously abide by traffic regulations, do not go through the road, do not cross the fence, do not ride in violation of regulations, do not read books or play mobile phones while walking, and do not play on the road. When parents want to educate their children to ride a bicycle on the road, they should drive in non -motorized lanes or right -handed lanes, do not drive back, and ride on the center of the road or motorway. Parents should control the electric vehicles and motor vehicles at their homes, educate and stop children under 16 years of age to drive electric vehicles, and resolutely prohibit children who have not obtained a motor vehicle driver's license to drive motor vehicles.

Pay attention to diet safety. Pay attention to the summer diet, do not buy "three non -" foods, do not eat expired, spoiled, and unknown foods, and do not eat in catering restaurants with poor hygiene conditions to ensure "safety on the tip of the tongue."

Pay attention to psychological adjustment after the exam

Maintain rational and peaceful mentality. Candidates should treat the entrance examination correctly, no matter how they have to accept themselves, the results of the entrance examination are not the only criteria for measuring success or not. Parents should also treat their children's test results rationally and calmly, do not complain about their children, strengthen communication with their children, pay attention to children's thoughts and emotional changes, and encourage children to face it objectively regardless of whether the grades are ideal. Guide.

Reasonable work, health and leisure. After the exam, parents should guide their children to make a gradual relaxation plan. After the test does not mean the end of the study, do not lose the habit of learning after the student exams. You must use the holiday to enrich yourself. For example, you can read and interested literary works, expand your knowledge, and prepare for the upcoming new semester.

Beware of telecommunications network fraud

Parents should educate their children, pay attention to their private personal information such as their admission tickets, ID cards, etc., do not publish them at will to prevent information leakage and fall into the hands of scammers.

Strictly prevent various types of non -official information, and even fraud information, including unofficial scores, illegal training information, illegal online game recharge, and online ordering online. Harbin City will release the results of candidates in mid -July and start voluntary reporting and admission work. Candidates and parents are requested to pay close attention to the official information release platform of the Harbin Municipal Entrance Examination. Essence

Any strange information, telephone, network links, etc. do not easily believe or click, and information related to exams and advanced studies need to be confirmed.

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