Huazhong Normal University: 11 lines to expand more than 3,000 posts

Author:Hubei Provincial Department of Time:2022.06.28

"Spring recruitment encountered the epidemic and lost the postgraduate failure. It was extremely lost. Soon after the job search army was just put into the job search army, it was learned that the Hubei Supply and Marketing Cooperatives and other units provided multiple positions. The heart of Xiao Li, a fresh graduate of the Normal University, finally let go.

There are many students like Xiao Li at the Chinese Normal University. Many people have found their favorite job with the help of school. Faced with the adverse effects of the epidemic, the leadership team of the school combined "going out" and "please come in", pressed the service "acceleration key", pulled the "progress bar" work, and kept contact with nearly 100 households, footprints, footprints, footprints, footprints, footprints There are more than 3,000 posts in the north and south of the river.

Based on the regional distribution, industry distribution, and unit type distribution of graduates in the past 5 years, the school focuses on determining 11 visit lines such as the Yueqiong Line, Shanghai and Soviet lines, and Hunan and Jiangxi Line. Each school leader leads the team to form an operation team to visit the school, lead the functional departments and training units to visit key areas and key units, establish employment cooperation channels, and invite employers to recruit graduates in the school; Actively participate in the school's visit to enterprises and enterprises to expand employment, and formulate the action plan of the unit in combination with the actual situation, carry out visiting practice, and expand the internship base.

After the joint efforts of the leadership team of the school, the results of one item negotiated gradually landed: Qianjiang City provided 426 posts, 430 recruitment plans in Wuhan Economic Development Zone, 64 posts in Lingshui in Hainan ...

In the view of Hao Fanghua, president of Huazhong Normal University, the development of posts is only the first step. "In fundamental perspective, the coordinated development of talent supply and demand is the consistent goal of universities and enterprises. Focusing on the long -term, improve the employment mechanism, adjust and optimize the professional structure of the subject, so that talent training is more suitable for social needs. "

"The school will further deepen the special actions of visiting the enterprise and expand work, in -depth understanding of the diverse needs of employers, and try to introduce employment information and recommend employment positions to graduates, help them solve the practical problems of career development, life roads, and family happiness. Continuously enhance the sense of gain, happiness, and security of graduates. "Said Zhao Lingyun, secretary of the Party Committee of Huazhong Normal University.

Reporter Cheng Mo Correspondent Mao Jun Gang Zhang Yanyi

Source: China Education News

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