The comprehensive reform of the Yunnan Provincial College Entrance Examination will be fully launched from 2025 to implement the "3+1+2" model

Author:Kunming Daily Time:2022.06.28

Liu Xuliang Drawing

On June 27, the "Implementation Plan for the Comprehensive Reform of the Admissions for Examinations of General College in Yunnan Province" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Plan") was reviewed and approved by the Provincial People's Government Executive Meeting and the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. The people's government released to the outside world. This marks the comprehensive launch of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination in Yunnan Province.

The reform began to implement the first -year senior high school students enrolled this fall. Three years later, these students took the new college entrance examination. Through reforms, in 2025, the enrollment model of ordinary higher education examinations, comprehensive evaluation, and multiple admission of classification examinations, comprehensive evaluations, and diversified admission, and established an ordinary college examination and enrollment system for general colleges and universities with fairness, comprehensive development, scientific selection, and strong supervision.

On the same day, Yunnan Province held the interpretation of the implementation of the comprehensive reform of ordinary colleges and universities in Kunming City, and introduced the background and process, main content and main characteristics of the "Implementation Plan" in detail.

8 provinces and regions simultaneously launched the fifth batch of comprehensive reform of college entrance examinations

In accordance with the steps of pilot, step -by -step implementation, and orderly advancement, since 2014, there have been four batches of 21 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in the country to conduct comprehensive reform of college entrance examinations. Among them, the first and second batch were launched in 2014 and 2017; the third batch of 8 provinces and cities including Hubei and Chongqing launched in 2018, and the first batch of students in 2021 have participated in the new college entrance examination; the fourth batch of Guangxi and Guizhou Waiting for 7 provinces and regions to launch in 2021, the first batch of students in 2024 will participate in the new college entrance examination.

This year, the fifth batch of comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination was launched. 8 provincial and regions were launched simultaneously, namely Yunnan, Sichuan, Shaanxi, Qinghai, Ningxia, Henan, Shanxi and Inner Mongolia. The fifth batch is consistent with the third and fourth batch of new college entrance examination models. According to the unified deployment of the Ministry of Education, the plan was released on June 27 to start the reform.

As one of the eight provincial and autonomous regions of the fifth batch of comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have always attached great importance to the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination. The Editorial Office, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Finance, the Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department and other departments. The Provincial Department of Education organized a team of experts in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Guizhou and other places, conducted special investigations, listened to all aspects of opinions and suggestions, entrusted third -party to conduct decision -making consulting research, and repeatedly compared the examination models and ways of division.

In December 2021, the Ministry of Education organized an expert group to investigate and guide the basic conditions of the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination in Yunnan Province. According to the suggestions made by experts, further modification and improvement of the plan. Yunnan Province fully draws on the successful experience of the first four batches of reform places, strictly fulfills the legal procedures such as public participation, expert demonstration, risk assessment, and legitimacy review, and has formulated the "Implementation Plan".

The "Implementation Plan" adheres to the direction of reform, pays attention to systematic design, reflects educating people, and adheres to scientific selection. According to the "Implementation Plan", the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination of Yunnan Province mainly includes 4 tasks, namely to improve the general high school academic level examination system, improve the comprehensive quality evaluation system of ordinary high school students, deepen the reform of the examination enrollment reform of ordinary colleges, and improve the classification examinations of higher vocational colleges. Recruitment.

Student comprehensive quality evaluation file as an important reference

From the first -year first -year students who enrolled in the fall of 2022, the general high school academic level exams are divided into qualified examinations and selective exams. The qualification test includes 14 subjects in Chinese, math, foreign, ideological and political, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, information technology, general technology, music, art, sports and health, as well as physics, chemistry, biology, biology Experimental test testing, the scores of the qualification examination are important basis for the graduation of ordinary high school students, the identification of the same academic ability of high school, and the classification examination enrollment of higher vocational colleges; selective examinations include ideological politics, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, biology The six subjects are divided into the preferred subjects and re -selected subjects. The selective test scores are included in the total scores of enrollment enrollment in ordinary colleges and universities, that is, the new college entrance examination results. In order to support the reform, Yunnan Province has formulated more detailed implementation methods for ordinary high school academic level examinations.

The comprehensive quality evaluation of ordinary high school students is objectively reflecting the comprehensive development of students' morality, intellectual, physical and labor, and the content includes five aspects: ideological and morality, academic level, physical and mental health, artistic literacy, labor and social practice. The "Implementation Plan" requires ordinary high schools to set up a student comprehensive quality evaluation committee to guide students to objectively record their learning growth experience and form a comprehensive quality evaluation file for students.

12 combinations increase candidates' self -selection opportunities

The "Implementation Plan" deepen the reform of the examination enrollment reform of ordinary colleges and universities, which is usually said to implement the "3+1+2" new college entrance examination model. Since 2025, the admissions of the college entrance examinations of ordinary colleges and universities are based on national unified college entrance examination results and the results of ordinary high school academic level examinations.

The main contents of the reform include test subjects, performance composition and enrollment admission methods.

Examination subjects consisting of selective test subjects in the National Unified College Entrance Examination and General High School Vocational Level Examination. The national unified college entrance examination subjects are three doors of Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages ​​(English, Russian, Japanese, French, German, and Spanish). composition.

The selective examination subjects are 6 centers, history, geography, physics, chemistry, and biology. They are unified, unified examinations, and unified organizational papers by Yunnan Province. Candidates based on the requirements of the relevant majors of ordinary colleges and universities, and combined with their own specialties, they must choose 1 door as the preferred test subjects from the two subjects of physics and history, and then from ideological politics, geography, chemistry, biology, biology, biology, biology, biology Optional 2 doors in the 4 subjects are selected as a re -examination subject. Examination subjects can be referred to as "3+1+2" for short, "3" is Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages. "1" is the selection of 1 door in physics and history. Select 2 doors. The "3+1+2" college entrance examination subject setting model has been implemented. In theory, there are 12 combinations. Compared with the two subjects and combinations of literary and science divisions before the comprehensive reform of the college entrance examination, they increase the right to select students, promote the integration of liberal arts and science, and fully reflect the fully reflect The principles of people -oriented, learning what they are good, and examining their strengths are more in line with the laws of educational development and the rules of talent growth, providing more opportunities for students to grow, which is conducive to the diverse growth and development of students.

Candidates volunteer consisting of "college professional group"

Candidates' total enrollment scores of ordinary colleges and universities are 750 points. The full scores of Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages ​​are 150 points, with a total score of 450 points. Each subject of selective examination subjects is 100 points, of which the two -class subject score of the two primary subjects of physics and history is included in the college entrance examination results according to the original score. Ideological politics, chemistry, geography, and biology scores are included in the grade conversion score. SAT score. The level conversion scoring method will be announced separately.

Since 2025, in the admissions of ordinary colleges and universities, the admission is divided into two stages of the two stages of physics and historical categories, separate lines, and separate files in accordance with the two categories of physics and history. After the total results of the candidates were announced, they filled in the volunteer. Candidates volunteer consisting of the "college professional group" and implemented parallel volunteer files.

The "college professional group" refers to a combination of professional (professional category) with the same professional (professional category) of ordinary colleges and universities. One or more "professional groups" can be set up in a college. The test subjects have the same requirements.

Ordinary colleges and universities put forward the requirements for selective examination subjects according to the needs of school -run positioning and professional talent training, and announce them to the society in advance.

In terms of improving the recruitment of higher vocational colleges, from 2025, each spring adopts "cultural quality+vocational skills" vocational education college entrance examination evaluation methods, refer to the comprehensive quality evaluation of students, and facing ordinary high school graduates and secondary vocational graduates As well as the same academic personnel, the province organizes the enrollment of classification examinations for higher vocational colleges. As the main channel for enrollment of higher vocational colleges, the classification examination provides a variety of enrollment methods for various students to receive higher vocational education, and guide ordinary high schools and secondary vocational schools to provide students with diverse choices for students.

Triple guarantee guides students to choose a reasonable selection

The 2020 and 2021 ordinary high school students take the general high school academic level examination, and still implement the implementation plan and relevant regulations in accordance with the original general high school academic level examination.

In response to the second grade students who enrolled in the fall of 2022, the second grade of high school will face the selection of sciences. Yunnan Province will guide students to choose the science reasonably through institutional guarantees, technical guarantees and business security measures.

The Provincial Department of Education will introduce the "Guidance Opinions of Ordinary High School Selection Studies". Education administrative departments in various places will also conduct guidance for school selection work. The school will establish a guidance system for selection and class selection in combination with the actual situation. The classrooms and function rooms required for class are equipped with the teachers required for the corresponding courses to provide students with sufficient selective compulsory courses to meet students' selection of science. Through the construction of a unified ordinary high school comprehensive management service platform, the Provincial Department of Education provides technical guarantees such as career planning, selection of sciences, courses, intelligent classes, curriculum arrangements, and comprehensive quality evaluations to achieve seamless docking and data of the platform data and new college entrance examinations. Share, serve schools, students, parents.

At the same time, the hierarchical hierarchical training for schools, students and parents, gradually establish a professional career planning guidance team, offer student development guidance courses, and penetrate career planning in discipline teaching to help students improve their career planning ability and autonomy Development capabilities, rational selection of learning subjects and levels. Zhang Lia Chen Li reports

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