just!Jiangxi announced this test schedule and refund matters

Author:Jiangxi Daily Time:2022.06.28

Announcement on adjusting 2022 National Accounting Professional and Technological Early and Senior Qualification Examinations Jiangxi Examination Area Examination Science and Related Matters

In accordance with the Ministry of Finance's "Notice on Adjusting the National Accounting Professional Technology Chial Early and Senior Qualification Examination Examination Science and Related Matters" (Cai Office Meeting [2022] No. 23), the 2022 National Accounting Professional Technology Early Advanced Qualification will be The announcement of the examination of the examination area of ​​the Jiangxi examination area is as follows:

1. Exam time

The National Accounting Professional and Technical Primary Qualification Examination (hereinafter referred to as the Primary Qualification Examination) was held from August 1st to August 7th. In minutes, the two subjects are continuously exams, and time cannot be mixed.

The 2022 National Accounting Professional and Technical Advanced Qualification Examination (hereinafter referred to as the Advanced Qualification Examination) was held on August 7, and the examination subjects were "Advanced Accounting Practice".

The specific arrangement is as follows:

2. Examination schedule

(1) Before July 15, 2022, the province's examination management agency announced the start and end date of the online printed online printing test.

(2) The results of the primary qualification examination are expected to be released on September 10, and the senior qualification examination results are expected to be released on September 30. Candidates can log in to the "National Accounting Evaluation Network" or "Jiangxi Provincial Accounting Comprehensive Management Service Platform" inquiry results.

3. Examination related requirements

(1) During the examination, candidates are requested to strictly abide by the relevant rules and regulations of the local new coronary pneumonia epidemic, and actively cooperate with the staff of the local examination management institutions to do a good job of prevention and control measures and testing.

(2) In order to ensure the health of yourself and others, and to take the exam smoothly, candidates are requested to do personal protection carefully. The first is to do a good job of health monitoring. Candidates should monitor daily temperature measurement and physical health 14 days in advance to ensure good physical condition during the exam. If there are abnormalities, please seek medical treatment in time, and report personal circumstances in a timely manner in accordance with the local epidemic prevention and control requirements. The second is to do a good job of self -protection. Candidates should prepare protective materials such as masks, paper towels, quick -drying disinfection agents, and wear masks during the examination.

(3) Candidates should take the integrity examination. If the disciplinary violations are violated during the examination period, the examination management institution will be in accordance with the "Provisions for the Disciplinary Examination of Professional and Technical Personnel Qualification Examinations" (the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs Order No. 31) The notice of documents such as professional and technical qualification examination examination rooms "(Hui Test [2019] No. 4), give the cancellation test results, record the examination of the test integrity file library, announce to the society, and record the loss of trust in Jiangxi Province The platform is dealt with seriously, and all the consequences of all the consequences are borne by the corresponding applicants.

Fourth, test refund matters

Affected by the epidemic of new crown pneumonia, the early 2022 and the advanced qualification examination were postponed. In view of the fact that some candidates could not take the exam due to changes in the test time, our province decided to refund the candidates who have registered but cannot take the early 2022 and the senior qualification examination.

(1) Application for refund.

Candidates who have signed up in Jiangxi Province to participate in the early 2022 and successful qualification examinations and successfully paid.

(2) Application time for refund.

Due to the urgent examination time, the coordination of the examination organizations such as the follow -up examination, the camera reservation and other examinations are complicated. The time of refund application is limited from 9:00 June 28, 2022 to 17:00 on July 7, 2022, and will not be accepted within the time limit.

(3) refund process.

1. Candidates who apply for refund to log in to the "Jiangxi Provincial Accounting Comprehensive Management Service Platform" (website: http://acc.jxf.gov.cn/) — Qualification Exam Management — Exam Registration — View Registration Records — Login Accounts - Successful Registration Successful Registration Query -refund -fill in and confirm the refund information -submission. (Because the mobile app side cannot achieve the refund operation, please apply for a refund on the computer.)

2. Candidates should fill in the relevant information in accordance with regulations and submit real and effective information. The main contents include: ① Refund for the refund; ② the refund amount; ③ payment code (as much as possible); ⑤ The account opening bank (specifically to the business outlet); ⑥ the account account account; ⑦ Candidate ID number and contact number. Candidates should carefully fill in and carefully verify the submitted refund information.

3. Due to the complicated refund procedures, the examination management agencies of the financial departments of each district and municipal examination areas have received applications for candidates' refunds in this test area. It is expected that all refund payment procedures will be completed before November 30, 2022.

(4) Other matters refund

1. Accounting professional and technical qualification examination is a national unified examination. Due to the restrictions on the allocation of local resources, candidates who cannot return to Jiangxi to participate in the 2022 primary (or advanced) qualification examination will implement a special policy for the application fee for the return examination. Turning.

2. Once the candidate submits an application for refund of the early (or senior) qualification examination for the early 2022, he will not be able to take the 2022 primary (or advanced) qualification examination. Please decide carefully.

3. Candidates should fill in and check carefully in accordance with the regulations, and submit the real and effective refund application information. If the refunds reported by the candidate is wrong, the refund is unsuccessful, the refund is not processed again, and the consequences cannot be taken this year. Candidates are borne by themselves.

4. Some banks do not send text messages for small transactions for bank cards. Candidates are requested to pay attention to the transaction details of bank cards.Attachment: Contact information

Jiangxi Provincial Department of Finance

June 27, 2022

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