@Don't pay IQ taxes!Be careful about these scams after the college entrance examination

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.06.27

After the college entrance examination

After the exam, check the score, fill in volunteer and admission work

Some criminals also moved "crooked brains"

Reserved quota, changing results, guaranteeing prestigious schools ...

There are often some scams for candidates and parents after the college entrance examination

I teach you to identify the scam refuse to pay IQ tax ↓

Scam 1: Fraud SMS issued in the name of the admissions office

Case: Recently, some candidates received text messages from the name of the enrollment office of the general college of the Education Department of Hebei Province, saying that it was "exaggerated in the college entrance examination and suspected cheating." At the beginning of the SMS, the candidate's name was accurately written. At the end, candidates also asked candidates to make a call to confirm, and the candidates were required to pay some fees to help process the relevant videos.

Scam 2: Extra bonus -entrusted relationship guarantee

Case: Recently, the People's Court of Ruian City, Zhejiang Province disclosed a case of college entrance examination fraud. Lin listened to a friend who introduced Zhou to the place where he could get the place to protect Zhejiang University. Leaders need to give gifts 100,000 yuan "," donating 1.5 million yuan to the school in the name of a student can add extra points "and other names to deceive Lin's money for a total of more than 1.34 million yuan.

Scam three: internal quota low -point recording

Case: Recently, the Beijing Intermediate People's Court announced a case involving fraud. The defendant Liu lied that he had a "internal agreement" with many well -known universities. The way of this way helps the college entrance examination scores who fail to reach the corresponding college admission score line to enter the well -known college or foreign universities, and promise to handle the full refund of the full amount.

Scam 4: High -priced volunteer fill in guidance scams

① False propaganda of illegal elements has the so -called "internal information", which can "accurately locate colleges", etc.;

② Fake the so -called volunteer to fill in the identity of the experts and tutor candidates and parents;

③ Claims that "100 % insurance" and "not wasted in one point", but in fact, the universities or majors that can be admitted to the lower score can be encouraged.

alert! There are these scams involved in the exam

Bonus points

The criminals lied that they could help students handle special students such as art, sports, and small languages ​​to fraud.

Tip: According to the relevant policies, the candidates' high school school will organize the application for additional procedures.

Hacker to scam scam

The criminals claim that the invasion of the scroll system can increase the results of the college entrance examination to perform fraud.

Tip: Don't believe it!

Forge admission notice, deceive tuition fees

The criminals pretend to be a college enrollment officer to send a fake admission notice to the candidates, so that the candidates will enter the designated bank account and deceive the money.

Tip: The transfer account must be verified by multiple ways to verify the authenticity of the account number.

Decend the deposit or handling fee on the grounds of subsidy

Criminals obtain candidates' identity information through illegal channels, and counterfeit education departments, etc., to deceive the deposit or handling fee on the grounds that they are qualified for "scholarship" or "college entrance examination subsidy".

Tip: Take the initiative to contact the local education department or school for verification.

Low -point stall

The criminal claims to have a way to allow low -scoring students to jump to high -scoring schools for admission, and many candidates and parents are discovered to be deceived after trusting.

Tip: The file cannot be lifted before the submission line.

How do candidates prevent being deceived?

How do candidates prevent falling into the trap? What should I do if encountering enrollment fraud? Keep in mind ↓

1. Candidates do not click or call for suspected fraud text messages to avoid caught in a scam.

2. Keep personal information, do not tell others easily or publish on social media.

3. Encourage the difficulties of enrollment and verify it through regular channels.

4. Doubt about enrollment fraud can call anti -fraud 96110 to verify.

5. In case of enrollment fraud, report to the admissions agency and public security organs in a timely manner to safeguard legitimate rights and interests.

丨 This article sources CCTV News Comprehensive CCTV Weibo, Supreme People's Procuratorate Weibo, etc.

Supervision 丨 Tang Yi

Producer 丨 Zheng Hong and Zhang Qing

Planning 丨 Guan Meilu

Edit 丨 Feng Shuqi King Method

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