The Alumni Branch of the School of Computer and Software Engineering of Xihua University was established

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.06.27

On June 25, the School of Computer and Software Engineering of Xihua University held a meeting of the Alumni Branch. Yu Xiaoqi, party secretary of the school, Liu Xiaobing, vice president, Wang Zhengshu, deputy president of the school -level cadres and vice presidents of alumni associations, former vice president Zhu Jinshu and some leaders of some functional departments, all leaders and teachers of the college, and a total of 25 in various industries. The alumni representative participated in the establishment conference offline, and about 120 alumni participated in the conference online through the Tencent Conference. The establishment of the Alumni Branch was chaired by Li Xin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Computer and Software Engineering.

Yu Xiaoqi gave a welcome speech, extended the most sincere greetings to the guests and alumni who came to the conference, expressed heartfelt thanks to the teachers and students who worked hard for the conference, and introduced the achievements of school construction and development in recent years. It will be able to make full use of the advantages of the platform, effectively play the role of bridges and bonds, and help the development of alma mater and alumni cause, and say that the alma mater will always be a strong backing for the development and progress of the majority of alumni causes. Look.

Subsequently, Du Yajun, the secretary of the School of Computer and Software Engineering, introduced the processing process of the Alumni Association. He introduced the significance of the establishment of the Alumni Association, the nature of the alumni association, the work done during the preparation period, and the next step of work.

Yang Fan, the deputy leader of the preparatory group, read the "Articles of Association of the Alumni Branch of the School of Computer and Software Engineering of Xihua University".

After Liu Xiaobing read out the "Notice on the Establishment of the Establishment of the Alumni Branch of the School of Computer and Software Engineering and the First Council of the Council", Wang Zhengshu, a school -level cadre and executive vice chairman of the Alumni Association, awarded the flag of the branch.

Su Fanghong, president of the Alumni Branch of the School of Computer and Software of Xihua University, spoke. He stated that he would not be able to hold heavy trusts, and carefully perform his duties in accordance with the charter of the alumni association, and use the alumni association as a platform to expand multi -directional exchanges and promote common development.

In addition, the alumni also took the little white dragon to visit the campus and participated in the relevant alumni activities organized by the college to narrate the same window friendship and seek common development plans.

The establishment of the conference this time has set up a platform for the emotional exchange between alumni and alma mater, and further brings together the wisdom and enthusiasm of Xihua students, and takes a solid step for the common development of alma mater and alumni. (Correspondent: Sheng Xiaolan at Xihua University)

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