The Voice of Human Resources and Social Affairs#人 人 The Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issues notifications to deploy to do a good job of the release of urban and rural job -level jobs in colleges and universities

Author:Beijing people Time:2022.06.27

A few days ago, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs jointly issued the "Notice on Doing a Better Graduate Graduate Urban -Rural Grassroots Employment Position Release Work" to promote the in -depth implementation of the Party Central Committee and the State Council's decision -making and deployment of the employment work of college graduates. Deep excavation potential and coordinated advancement, multi -channel, multi -form, multi -field collection and release of a group of grass -roots positions suitable for employment of college graduates.

The "Notice" clarifies the four key tasks: First, open the road of grass -roots employment, combine rural revitalization, grass -roots governance, and industrial development, and use various funds and policy channels to actively develop various grass -roots employment positions. Get together and dynamically release the vacancies of employees such as local grassroots institutions, enterprises and other employees. Implement the grass -roots service projects and standardize the development of public welfare positions. The second is to standardize the job recruitment process, organize the recruitment work in an orderly manner in accordance with the principle of "openness, fairness, and justice", and to arrange the recruitment time reasonably. Recruitment positions are published publicly to the society, focusing on recruitment of graduates in 2022 and previous non -employed graduates. The third is to implement relevant support policies, and those who go to grass -roots employment, enterprises to absorb employment, independent entrepreneurship and flexible employment, and participate in grass -roots service projects shall be implemented in accordance with regulations to fully release the effectiveness of incentive guidance. The fourth is to strengthen the protection of tracking services. For graduates who go to the grassroots and entrepreneurship of urban and rural areas, the service guarantees such as archives transfer, social security payment, and labor rights protection are done, and the channels for subsequent growth and development can be unblocked. Employment services such as employment guidance, job recommendation, and entrepreneurial guidance are implemented for unlimited graduates.

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