Guangxi University Online Admissions Consultation Meeting will continue to conduct more than 200 colleges and universities to answer questions for candidates

Author:Guangxi Daily Time:2022.06.27

On June 26, Guangxi's online consultation meeting was held in 2022. Candidates and parents faced with colleges and universities in the "cloud". Teachers from more than 200 colleges across the country answered questions online.

This year's online enrollment consultation meeting, including Tsinghua University, Peking University and other "double first -class" universities and military colleges, a total of more than 200 colleges and universities gathered the clouds to answer the characteristics of universities and professional schools for candidates and parents in Guangxi. At the same time, the Autonomous Region Admissions Examination Institute also opened a live broadcast room, and authoritative answers to the enrollment policy of our district in 2022. At 8:30 in the morning, Ma Yan, director of the General Admissions Office of the Autonomous Region Admissions Examination Institute, sat in front of the camera on time, greeted the candidates and parents in the live broadcast room, and began to answer various questions from netizens one by one. "After filling in the early approval, do you need to lock in volunteers? After locking, does it affect the first batch of undergraduates?" "Is the national class and minority preparatory classes the same?" I consulted the questions encountered in various college entrance examination volunteers, and Ma Yan answered one by one.

Prior to this enrollment online consultation meeting, many universities in Guangxi successively released the admissions plan for 2022. In order to conform to the talent training required for the development of the new era, some universities in Guangxi this year have been added and adjusted in the number of enrollment majors and the number of plans.

The reporter learned from Guangxi University that there are 66 undergraduate enrollment in the university this year, of which 35 majors are enrolled and trained according to 15 major categories. According to the major of enrollment in large categories, students can be diverted to the majors contained in the major category according to their own hobbies at the end of the second grade. The majors of less than 25 people are stopped in principle. Students applying for the major must be diverted to other majors according to their volunteers. Peng Linxin, deputy director of the school's Academic Affairs Office, introduced that the school's total enrollment scale this year is the same as last year, but a new enrollment major is added: integrated circuit design and integrated system specialty. The major is opened in the need for the national needs of chip manufacturing. This year, it is planned to recruit 30 people, mainly for the science and engineering candidates.

During the consultation, some college admissions teachers found that candidates are prone to blindly pursue popular majors. Peng Linxin suggested that when filling in volunteers, candidates should not focus all volunteers on popular majors. Between majors and majors, they should also pay attention to pulling the gap to form a staircase and reduce the blindness of filling in volunteers. Regarding some parents and candidates who are struggling to fill in whether their volunteers are considering schooling or choosing a professional, Peng Linxin believes that candidates should comprehensively judge their future career planning. If the future plan is to continue to be studied undergraduate, it is recommended that these students do not blindly pursue popular majors. They should pay attention to the school's discipline construction.

On June 27th and 28th, every day from 08:30 to 11:30, 15:30 to 17:30, the online enrollment consultation meeting of the Guangxi University will continue to be broadcast. Candidates and parents can choose the right one according to their own needs. Consultation.

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